Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


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3 diesel ryders - soaked yesterday
dis is my new germ system i narrated it before full description
this is day number two in the cd case by day 4 or 5 ill be planting a young plant
not putting a seed in the dirt a going by blind faith it is gona happen -i dont believe in magic either

my system whut i put into dirt im not biting my teeth saying is it gona show
or how long do i wait for seedling to show
is ther any magic words i can say
i been good why dont it show
i cant take the mystery

nune of dis bull
i plant a little plant look back into my files full breakdown
i luve to experiment but sum things - be sure first
this is guwd word up factual even - im not a great gardener
i challenge the frontier wit nutin to lose
an i have hopes to make tomorrow less cumbersum for the masses

an i have hopes of givin sum oppertunities they did not have available pre me

my goals an asperations clear to sum
foggy to many

you do you
im good at doin me

been burnt before
lost sum rounds
but winning the fight


I an I


Well-Known Member
istart out wit cd case soaked lay it on its side first day overnight
second i pour off excess water and stand up on end -so tap can grow down
my first attempt i left on its side tap grew in a circle

luve dis way not to clear in description anyone need info

i guess sum like the suspence of putting below soil
or in a rockwool cube

well i dont

an im a experimentor i find whuts best for me

not a great gardener
just know me
an im good at doing me

you do you an i do me
an we bofe be happy

stay true to you

cause im gona stay true to me


Well-Known Member
bro Bill You all stay hydrated in dat fkn kitchen

an get yo electrolites in is found in gator aid and v8

a nice dose potassium wont hurt

stay up bro


Well-Known Member
when i was a young man i was superman
i did it all and i mean ALL

now my list of problems include hep C
an i try to do all i can to extend my stay here - not to speed up my demise
sum things we have controll over sum we dont

stay up
stay healthy
stay here


Well-Known Member
any cut back you make where you doin less an less is good

to be down to 6 /day an stay there forever
whuts up wit dat

if you lived in old nwk brick city projects
an the vator aint workin you gotta wlk down 13 flights to get out
cant just go down to say level 5 and stay there
if building is on fire you gotta get all the way out

an if you smoke cigs yo buildin is on fire an you gotta get out
all yo friends smoke you gona smoke

if none of them smoke chances soner that you will stop


Well-Known Member
i have been in places in my past following whut i thought had controll over me
till i realized i issue the controller or make it meaning list i had the power
and i did not need the little man behind the curtain to call the shots for me


Well-Known Member
any cut back you make where you doin less an less is good

to be down to 6 /day an stay there forever
whuts up wit dat

if you lived in old nwk brick city projects
an the vator aint workin you gotta wlk down 13 flights to get out
cant just go down to say level 5 and stay there
if building is on fire you gotta get all the way out

an if you smoke cigs yo buildin is on fire an you gotta get out
all yo friends smoke you gona smoke

if none of them smoke chances soner that you will stop
I lived in the Alabama Projects in Paterson, fucking hated it cause I got my ass kicked a lot but it did make me grow up fast and strong!!!


Well-Known Member
you hate it cause it is bad an because it has controll over you

I think im more powerful then a 3.5" cancer stick. i quit before i can quit again. got post it notes saying no smoking over the house. good thing is i know nobody in my area so i'm not around cig smokers 24/7 like i used to. Mosty days i go til' bout 6o clock with no cigs.


Well-Known Member
fm- nutin dere to miss-dose whut 8 stories nwk proj was 13 an unluky number to start wit

was destined to fail to many peeps on top of each other

when garbage is on florr in front of sumbodys apt that they did not drop thy kick in front of sumbody else instad of pick up
if it was on or two per floor might have gotten picked up

peeps used to throw garbage out window in hall keep from going to creepy basement garbage room

yep they blew the newark ones up to after they failed

T - thats agood step but you gotta keep steppin bro


Well-Known Member
Gday all
sending good Karma
an hope all is having a fine day
we are all here living -luving-growing
but by his grace
the grace of our creator
whoever that might be to you

an the people said Amen


I an I
