Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Active Member
I just got done with this crop! some of it is already in a jar cut down 6 days ago, and the rest got cut today, the rest is getting cut in 3 days.



Well-Known Member
are you curring in paper ^^
whut do you do when as dry as you want it to be
how do you stop processin paper do you then go to jars bggies whut


Well-Known Member
God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)


Well-Known Member
yo hows tings bro

but i just took a look at dem after the olimpics basketball game
the hps light fools you sumtimes this look i noticed the overall colors were seting in on plant #1
so i looked under the scope i found all cloudy i was shocked i thought i had just finished wk 6 and it was 7
i counted back gave it a super long sink flush to get molasses and water till end which is very close

plant #2 is a little behind #1 a wk plus so to get wat an mol til end also

all is quiet this side of the pond
a kinda slow laid back day


Well-Known Member
All good mate cheers
im tryin some batshit this run, hows them molasses do for bro do they improve flavor?
same he mate just a nice chillin day!


Well-Known Member
i think so bro is a carb puts bulk on as well i dont like the smell
i use in place of food after flush when planed the last two weeks
i used to use it a lot for both fasses veg and flower but changed it for bud candy during those periods
and mol just for finish when food stops


Active Member
are you curring in paper ^^
whut do you do when as dry as you want it to be
how do you stop processin paper do you then go to jars bggies whut
Yeah it's 3 days drying upside down, then 3 days in the paper boxes, then the rest of the time it's around it's in the jars.


Well-Known Member
i did not know could sex plant without roots !



Well-Known Member
true true! bout to smoke some testers i had to put in the oven(im out of weed, wasnt gonna smoke, but me n my lady are on our bi-yearly break up)


Well-Known Member
i dont make no money

dont grow for $$ i grow for my head
keep from spending $$

homie dont play dat runnin out

i hope the home matters get sorted out soon bro
just marry her make her legal -prolly solve yo headachs


Well-Known Member
lol, after 5 1/2 years might as well. I only sold 3 oz off this harvest left me with couple. i have a bumper harvest come down in a week though.