that is one wicked scar! wow! thanks for taking the picture for me. You are healing up wonderfully. i do know quite a bit about anatomy and actually have some drawings of kidneys i think you might like. The kidney is a fascinating organ. the operation must have been so intense, the doctors brillant. we are very lucky to have such wonderful health care in this county and very talented medical care professionals to perform such advanced life saving procedures.
i am bit of a scar freak. Im pretty banged up with a number of strange small scars but no surgerical scars mostly clutzy accident scars.
Im very happy for you recieving that ballast with switchable wattage. I also have/had 3 switchable ballasts.. lumiteck which has 350, 400, 600 and super lumen adjustables on them. THEY ROCK!
Im looking forward to seeing your new garden in action . GOOD LUCK! after all the shit storms for you this last couple months i have a real good feeling things are on an upswing for you and im really really happy for you !