Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

I no it's easy to say now but i had a feeling about him..you noticed I never spoke to him once or liked his shit...I got suspicious when who used to like every post even the negative stuff like he wernt reading just sucking arse......

Anyway hope your well bro an back to full health in no time...
i give almost everyone a chance
an if they are made of shit it will show

and opposite if they are made of good ingrediants - it will show

but thanks and i guess you were right

I an I
I wernt right bro i dint no i just had a feelin, most peeps that drop in are cool like um straight away him no, still could be wrong you never no...

the creeps have only emailed today?!? ill foward it you now lol......some fuckin dickheads them lot...
IMG_4719.jpgtop ballast came wit the all in one , an its a 400/250 w ballast i found out at opening is good to go - i like having the of on switch on the all in one - i might try to rig one on the kit coming in monday - the bottom one i had been running for over three years no problem in handelng a wire came aloose i stuck in wromg place wit no instructions and shorted it out - now goatt wait for replacment =to run both bulbs - only cmh is running now - one day to upgrade the hps to a 400w and keep the cmh as 250w
IMG_4721.jpgwhite bag and all in one cover to the left - with cool tube on the right -are remains from the hidious hook up
IMG_4723_1.jpgmy new start sum seeds looked so bad i put in two sum so bad i put in three wit hopes of getting one -the seeds are as old as i am and wer not stord well

how neat is ths verses the old madness -most clicking type sounds from a in line booster fan ( duct / sml fan in to pull air into duct then can fan outside on floor takes over - working fine


verses this
View attachment 2497388

your call ha ah ha ha
i know i havnt been around much D but i do try to drop in as often as i can.....just to much other crap to devote the time i want to here bad day today my SuzyQ's been missin since this morn lost in the swamps all i can figure dogs not use to this place yet got the whole neighborhood lookin for her.... anyways stay lifted brother the creep will pop up sooner r later r the popo's caught up to him to big imo greed will get you every time
i knew i was not alone but even when i knew others names i would never mention
now if they want to thats a diff story

an the other little parasite creep is just a user
always talkin about whut his friends gave him
like a liitle crack whore would suck a wet dirt mop for a hit
in dis case a seed will do anything for sseds lie decieve cheat who knows whut else

i wonder if those friends are saying the same about him
cause im not a gambeler but id put $$ on not

he is always palm up -waiting for someone to put into his hand
never palm down - puting into someone elses hand

ha ha
truth is light
light light the world
the new grozilla dont look this crude
where this icon has the long extension on the mogel socket
if you look at the like vidio at about marker 013 you can get a good view of the newr ones socket extension very likle
almost flat just a flat box - nutin like pic an im glad
well im not at liberty to say
but he goes under a pro football name
always has cat hairs sticking out of his buds who knows whut else
he faks friendship - only friends are his cats and dolla bill
a little greedy and greed will slay you - have seen it happen many times in my 63 year journey on this earh
it does matter whos real and whos a fuckin asshole. friends look out for eachother.
your set up looks realy awesome dweeze. very professional, you got everything you need to make some very high quality medz. i hope your feeling better. can i see your scar?
whut are you a scar freak doc
is that why they call you doc you doc cause you check ot everyones scars

her you go
for your viewing pleasure
my kidney transpant scar

IMG_4731.jpgIMG_4732.jpghope you like it -cant see well but scar curves around towards navel

IMG_4727.jpgim glad they changed thes backs to the mogel sockets in avy is original -an its hiddious
thanks doc when i opened the all in one light up to see if ballast could be used -i was plesently surprised
i found out it was a 250w/400w ballast was not told that was told it was a 250w perioud
so i plan to put a 4oow hps in that side an keep my 250w cmh bulb on the other side then ill be runnin at 650 instead of 500 multyspectrum watts
i want to try to put a switch on the ballast kit - i like the idea of being able to switch the all in one ballast off and on
i think id like to be able to use both or either one or the other as needed

I an I
that is one wicked scar! wow! thanks for taking the picture for me. You are healing up wonderfully. i do know quite a bit about anatomy and actually have some drawings of kidneys i think you might like. The kidney is a fascinating organ. the operation must have been so intense, the doctors brillant. we are very lucky to have such wonderful health care in this county and very talented medical care professionals to perform such advanced life saving procedures.
i am bit of a scar freak. Im pretty banged up with a number of strange small scars but no surgerical scars mostly clutzy accident scars.
Im very happy for you recieving that ballast with switchable wattage. I also have/had 3 switchable ballasts.. lumiteck which has 350, 400, 600 and super lumen adjustables on them. THEY ROCK!
Im looking forward to seeing your new garden in action . GOOD LUCK! after all the shit storms for you this last couple months i have a real good feeling things are on an upswing for you and im really really happy for you !
cool vid. i love the drama in rap and how the rappers come together and collaborate.. there are some new YouNG rappers with
fresh new vibez and groovez that real cool.im cant stop buying cds these days. very refreshing...Wiz , kendrick lamar, asap Rocky.:joint::leaf: