Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Things are lookin up over here bro, new setup is cool nice an tidy an the youths are comin on good seems like you maybe got into 4th lol
Hope yous are well mate
i luv the fact of finding my old ballast to be a switch hitter a 400/250w ballast one day gonna be gettin a 400w eye hortilux bulb oh its the one on top

i want to rig a switch on my original ballast if you look close you will see the switch in pic at uper right
im thinkin on switchin each off seperatly or both on at my discretion wit y uvb hangin off to the side as always
my thinkin is they are not needed wit larger lights especially wit dese bulbs out now multys pectrums -mh -cmh- conversion bulbs
there is so much out here

but i stick wit my two seperate bulbs the best at whut they do

do you like this

or this

your choice


oh yeah looking sweet. i wish i had your set up kickin right now. I really like your light hood with double lights, very nice selection.
oh yeah and dont forget to clean your glass, lol. for me the time is mandatory wake and bake and then to get some gold teeth at da dantist broski.lol
fukn A purple swag is da jezoint for shizzle

ok doc you finally got even for the clean the bottles line hegh

an you prolly look snappy wit sum gold teefes dont be out in da frrzin cold
PB thanks for well wishes i was down after looking at them close dont remember which looked bad- i do remember say haw bad and old they looked

then i was happy when three poped up in two days back to back

but that has been it to early to count them out - yeah id say around 4th is trash day

we will see is my line

CG - not dat big unit is 21 inch square then i got reducers my systemwas on 4inch
one day to go to two four hunnerds then go to 6inch system

but i like your line up
id like to see sum pics

I an I

The shipping address is the same as the above address

Comments / More Information
pack it good
Ordering Instructions

Qty Name SKU Each Sub Total
1 HORTILUX SUPER HPS 400 ( Single ):HORTILUX SUPER HPS BULBS 1000 $61.99 $61.99
Sub Total $61.99
Shipping: Up to $100.00 $9.00
Tax Total $0.00
Grand Total $70.99
yo Doc my mail came today
nice move
much appreciated
an on time

by the way whut is it


casey jones bud.the hash is one piece romulan x black rose made from bud freash off the press last week.. the other piece is a mix of different stuff made from trim.

hereszzzz casey. she was a hit. everyone loved her i hope you do too! bongsmilie
:fire:casey jones harvest video and pix 027.jpg
wow i just dumped a few buds off the top

i did not know of the layers of hash another surprise

i luve surprises - thats a grand one -much thanks

i even like the xontainer

has a good seal to it

thanks again will be put to good use

yes i liked the cassey had a sample this afternoon
that is one beautiful plant and its loaded - icould smoke forever wit dat
now that i have learned of the hash im redy to dig down into the contaner
oh and i like the container it has a good seal to it

casey jones=Train Wreck x Sour Diesel x Thai

once again big up to you


yeah doc how long was veg time

the new seeds are lagging -only whut came up one on 27th an two on the 28th nothing since
maybe i was right i thought they looked old and dry wit tiny cracks

oh well ish happins im redy wit a new batch - three plants not enough to start wit
so i wnt picking through a batch i was going to give out -i think ill pass the rest on

and i pulled a
sour d,
bub x tahoe,
payote purpl,
dpd mental floss,
grandad purp,
and a fire tahoe

lookat whut i found

sup bro
shame on the seeds man you binned um or got a few days yet?
my male has just started shootin so im on collection duty thinkin im gunna hit the flowerin girls with the stuff i got now cos there day 21 today an any more i got after i can put to use else where..
things be good bro hope same for you

no i have not tossed them yet looking at wednesday
but faith is low and new seeds are a soakin tomorrow afternoon to be one day and tuesday to be two days
tuesday is the day of the dump if not showing even a bump in soil

yeah store pollen it up right it will last for a few

must be good and dry befor put away
in frezer frost free
wit da dry packs i cant spell or sum rice
i like to store in brown bag folded paper
then take out a few hours before use
i had a buddy once would store in usable sized packs
he thought takin it out putting it back was bad for it
I dont

PB- dont be sorry sorry about seeds
when you doin things things gona happen to you
an all not gona be good will bring good and bad an
if you gona be doin things you must be prepared to get sum bad
its da world we live in bro face it more bad then good right

is even harder when you doin good then the bad side tryin to get even
by draggin you down so mabe better not to do nuttin that way no good an no bad a null entaty

you heard of murphies law -even old man murphy gets busyer on yo azz when doin good