Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

YES agreeed
we always seem to have money for wars
but no money for poors or sicks
hardly helped at catrina and sandy victims
whut a country we dont run the world anymore
we used to be the rich kids and the big bullys on the block
no longer true

we need to stay home and take care of home cause we are slipping
YES agreeed
we always seem to have money for wars
but no money for poors or sicks
hardly helped at catrina and sandy victims
whut a country we dont run the world anymore
we used to be the rich kids and the big bullys on the block
no longer true

we need to stay home and take care of home cause we are slipping
Yes and our backyard is very messy right now! You are completely right about our country having its head up our asses! Just really upsets me that our men and women are going to get pulled from their families for some bullshit over Syria.
I say if they want to kill themselves, good. Doing the world a favor.

Not bad for an iffy seed huh dweez? My next set of breeding is going to use a male for sure.

I've got 9 chem 91 reg seeds going right now but no sign of sex yet. Going to cross it back to itself and keep more pollen for future projects. How long is pollen good for?
gona be a good run for ya bro

i luv reproducin and spredin da luv

i found 1 seed in dat last KK bud as i ground i up to finish it off
was quite a surprise gotta check my notes back to see if i dusted it or not
dats all dis post is - notes i can refeer back to - for reffrence i used to tag beginning as Notes
no more

back to KK i busted sum of bud up wit fimgers insted of grinder to samplei
ts full aromas - luved it
head - luved it
tast - OK
luongevety - fantastico
overall - A-

my kninda bud i cant wait to try yo suggestion which was Kosher Cotton Candy
you fuk only gave me two _ joke joke - relax we had one fight no mas popa

life is good
not ready for da oda side
is why i fell sorry for our military kids
suffering for decisions made by money politics greed an power

my word is bond oders i cant say nutin or posts start to diappear ha ha haaaa
bro be good to yoself
cant be waitin on oders
aint gona happen

yep yep
stay true

peace out
not at all bro
a no sho fo shure

afta da time we speakin on
it aint gona shoe

sum likle Post office creep is rejoicin jumpin up an down
da creeps and da devil run dis world not my creator he has input but not in controll
da dark side runs down here
hurts me to admit
cause im totally on da oda side

un deliverable pkges get put on da side - if layin to long peeps get interested in it
not gona see it again

i sugg to go to Post office ask if any pkgs showed at old addy for me

but seeing as whut its content is i can understand not wanting to do it
if it was me id put on my game face and it would be a done deal
one less possability

to each his or her own
dis is amerca god damit

stay up

choose yo side
dont have to be da winner
just support yo side

yo my dude

fuk you

you dont owe me shit
its da game da way game is played
da rules to da game
you dont have to play
but if you choose to
it will be by da rules

one of da rules of da game




you roger dat

you conqer

no need to be grateful bruh
you owed me nada
nice sign of respect but
truff of da matter
not needed
but not needed
betwix us
for dis

when you sit down to play is
always a possability - dat you could acquire losses
and not win all of dem - but you still play

totally aware not in disney land

peace out
Out here when it rains in the summer means serious Humidity issues after the rain. It was so damn sticky last night. Although you are use to the humidity living where you live. Me and humidity dont get along due to my allergies! Have a bless day D, today our Giants will defeat them Cowgurls!!!! Go G-Men!

yes bro used to humidity not in luv wit it
i have heard sum say like heat like cold like dry
i have never heard it said i like humidity

just take it like medicine

im wit dat go giants

and a blessed day back at you and luved ones - is a very fine day here today
oh well i might post sum pics tomarrow
now that they are comeing

most plants have lower leaf damage and i removed a couple
a couple plants had sum burnt young leaf tips - and can see damage in adult leafs now as leafs mature
but all on road to trcovery

and i dont mind showing now would be a shame if i called myself a gardener
im not a gardener only a grower to support a big habbit

but i do luv to see da gardeners work
Hi Dweezee. how are things ? can you please post a few pictures of your bubbas for me, lets say round 6 weeks flower so I can compare mine to yours . I never grew a plant like her before. Shes really strange flower as short and stubby like that. Im used to longer taller flowers. She appears to looks finished but shes only at 6 weeks. very slow growing . Having her up next to my Jack Herer is such a stange thing because they are COMPLETELY opposite in every way. its so weird. take care and enjoy the turn of seasons.
yo how you be ma

will post it we had sum bad times
i was high on ph and low on magnesium for a while
all fixed up now but suffered sum damage and growth slowed down
da bub was one of da few dat sufferd top burns on new leaftips and bottom damage most just bot damage

bottom line it still looks hurtin but will be fine in end
is wk 5 of growth in 12/12 for 1 week now - no signs yet

bubb does not do long colas just kinda door knob buds
all along branches smaller towards bottom
wit a sweet floral fruity incence aroma

peace an luv