i got bored today the wife in school after her second masters deg
i transplanted the clones today larry and wifi is 2.2 weeks old
the sour d is 1.5 weeks old
but they both got transplanted to their med sized pots
another trans at around flower time
i know everyone knows how to transplant from red cup
i first slit the red cups down both sides including the bottom corner
for this i use long sharp scissors an try not to disturb the soil
i lay the cup on its side in my hand fold top of cup all the way back open like a book
i then switch hands dumping the cup load (not quite a ball) into the other hand oliminating the cup
i place the hand ful into my pre pepared hole and start replacing soil around it
shake the pot to make sure all air pokets get filled wit soil (never pack it in,tamp or press the soil
water and done
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