wbw Karma havin sum probs wit da new releases 3 cut and pasts by him
new kush lines in trouble
I am sorry to say i have to pull back the whole Kush drop.
You all know i dont relase without testing, i did a test myself no problems there, and there is a few online test going on differnt strains from the new release.
White OG V2.0 seems oke (differnty male)
Biker Kush
Ghost rider
Beelze bubba (just got a herm report in this morning.)
Mahayana (got a herm repot in few days ago.)
i sended them out and the shit storm started, I have put all my last cash in this, and this may be the end of karma genetics seed company, i am proberly not going to be able to pay the next coming months bill's. This release was going to be the start of things.
I am a bit flabbergasted as i didn't expect any of this, never got a herm in the parrents, I got a other male ready i am going to try, but not shure if i can make it back in the game. and got enouf money to do this.
only a few packs went out the door,
I can get them sorted if they have a problem, they can e-mail me at
karmagenetics@live.nl in the future.
To be more clear.
I tested all myself not one herm found, got other testers not having any herms aswell, I got one tester growing mahayana he got 3 females he says they all hermed between week 2 and 4 .
Got one Beelze Bubba testers 6 females 3 herms.
Got another biker kush tester, no herms found he almost finishd. (Leaf)
Got 2 ghostrider og tester still going no herms found also. (leaf) (Ghostnugz)
got another mahayana tester going 7 females half flower no herms found. (meltingpot)
Got another Mahayna tester going Sticky he on here, he at the flower time when they show, as they seem to show them self between week 2 and 4 flower.
They in there that is already proven for me now. they aint proper clean, like you expect from me, so i have to pull them.
altho the good ones are very f*cking damm good. My test grow was damm nice, i got me a fucking great biker kush keeper. and the ghost did very well also.
OH yeah White OG V2.0 is clean. (triple kush male)
it got to be in the Lucifer OG dad.
well i know Kushes and Chem's and diesels always have a risk, no matter how you breed them there is always a change,
People that grow them know this aswell, but its all in the numbers i gues.
And proberly also the way they are grown and feeded makes a differnce.
I got to do some thinking and make some choices.