Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Active Member
last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosIMG-20120422-00152.jpgIMG-20120502-00180.jpgIMG-20120502-00178.jpgIMG-20120502-00179.jpgIMG-20120502-00177.jpgthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment


Active Member
last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment


Well-Known Member
Looking good, nice and green sop, you should start a thread. I will follow your grow.

Hope all is good brother D!!!



Well-Known Member
i know for whom i work - an im a soldier
but there are those that work for the other side

there is two energy forces here
good and bad - light and dark - yen an yang - god an devil

as you do his work there will be forces that work against you



Well-Known Member
why are lights on angle
an wow two 1k lights
an you use 15 gal pots
a very bold setup

i use two 250w lights
and sumtimes as small as 2 gal pots

dont have an answer for situation stunted and dark green plants
i hope someone else will give an answer for you

thanks man!
Lights are on an angle because im gonna try to see how the buds will do under that kind of intensity
i do use 15 gallon pots because I was planning on vegging a little longer, as you can see I've switched to 5 gallon grow bags (veg room)
Thanks man I checked them out and they seem to be working it out so I'm just gonna roll with them and see how it goes. A bit of new growth so it's probably gonna drop those weird looking leafs eventually , by that time it'll more than likely be healthy. So I'm just trying to be patient lol


Well-Known Member
this is one cripple azzed broke dick azzed site close to pityful
need a few big time sponsers maybe less police work
Yeah I saw that....funny how there are so many people on here and they dont have big time sponsors. Yes they do ban people quite often.

Hope you have a great weekend D, weather in Cali is untouchable right now.....Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!! LOL



Well-Known Member
So just wanted to show you the process for Feminised seeds. There have been a few posts that I have seen about making Colloidal Silver but not seen pics, so I have put a few together over the last few weeks as I prep up a DOG for some weird shexy action.

This is a previous pic from last year but will give you the idea of the set up.

Most importantly you need to make sure your 3 x 9v batteries are set up as in the pic and not just connected in a line, otherwise the charge will not be sufficient.

You can see the reaction starting. For the best results do this process overnight in a dark place (i put it inside a cardboard box). 24 hours later you get a solution that should contain enough ppms for you to work the magic. You can also make yellow silver by slowly applying heat to the water but this is not necessary imo.

You can end up with some scum on the silver rods, I just made sure I kept this out of the solution I was putting into the spray bottle.

Now comes the frustrating part. WAITING!!!!!!! The process takes around 10-14days for you to see the sex changing. I used a small clone as I don't see the point in reversing a huge mofo plant.

Basically before putting the plant in the 12/12 cab I soaked with the silver solution, then on a daily basis for a about a week I kept giving the plant a soaking.

Once pistils has started forming I laid back on the spray and for the last week have let it be. The sacs can be seen in the pics below.

Will update further as the process continues.


thou8ght u may be interested


Well-Known Member
1=fire bx was strong hit
not much on taste
hard to identafy smell and taste just strong

2=buda tah was very tastie
smelled great
a good strong hit
smell and taste strong fruity

3=pey perp was beautifulto look at
full hit
smell kinda bubba pine
not strong but overpowers others
(smell-to me also include after burn- i like to leave room i smoked in for about five minuets-and return sum smoke have a stay and discription to the after -with little to the before)

for overall id say #2
for looks #3
straight strenth #1

seeing as most times i settle in the middle im gona say #2


Well-Known Member
i just figured out whut i been doing
shootin myself in da foot
last week was lookin at AG to see which branch to hit
i noticed all looked small but was only two weeks in
said id wait another week week 3 is wednesday
so i thought id size up a good branch to hit
then i notice shriveled damaged lookin pistils
almost burnt lookin or pollenated lookin
i looked closer at others when it came to me
my folier spray was burnin em up
was to hot
gotta put a cut on it

just gladits early in the game for all
i think to be a small lost in the end
all four plants in for 0 to 2 1/2 weeks

the AG should be ready to dust close to 3 weeks
maybe at 4 wit no more folier LOL