just topped one!!


I made an account just to LOL @ this bulletin. so lol.. also they are right about the sap.. in younger plants it will sometimes form a little "amber" colored cap...but I dont need to tell you that.. homeboy probably should have used better terminology than "blood"

whats his face.. that youtube video was the worst thing i have ever seen and your plants/op look like bigfoots grundle.. lol@ your video again

happy.. just shut ur yap and find something better to do than argue over the internet... girlfriend,friends,school,job, bike riding perhaps?... something.. also quite brownnosing these old farts with shitty plants..

smokinskins ur funny as shit and I think we should be friends


Dr. Indica

Active Member
i get it. this is so bullshit you guys are trying to string me along until i accept your bleeders when your shit doesnt exist as i thought from the beginning. nothing is wrong with second opinions. you see from that thread the inside is called the cambium and it dont bleed. :wall::wall::wall::wall:
I see more misinformation in that thread.......and now you are using it:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Debate it with Wikipedia.....the white stuff in the middle of the meristem that you see is NOT cambium.



New Member
Debate it with Wikipedia.....the white stuff in the middle of the meristem that you see is NOT cambium.

i THINK its the cambium layer but the actual stuff is the pith. i fell like rambo when i go through to harvest but i never seen bleeders- my inside stems are just white stuff. happy face you choad what did i say about making up your own reality! dont change my quotes!


Well-Known Member
man i promised my boy luda i would stay out and i promise this is my last post here.BUT HOW PATHETIC he has to create a new account to ave himself agree with himself ROFLMASwow dude wow new lows daily who do you think will fall for that? do you know how dumb you look now??? i really didnt think i could laugh at you anymore but thanks i need that before the Buckeyes kill penn state today GO BUCKS

p.s. hey happyface ur the coolest guy i kno.can we make love i always practice safe TXT bwahahahahahahahahah


Well-Known Member
riu taught me everything i kno u kno its a good website to LEARN from you should try AND YES I WAS A COMPLETE NOOB do you think that bothers me? lil wayne is the shit cleveland browns(ill wait till next year) OSU buckeyes best college team.

here ill even help you TRY to dawg me out.








really dont care what ya think ROOK ive learned from all this.and whatever i learn i have no problem sharing.unlike ur nerdy uphelpfull self DONE SMOKE UR A MORON ITS BEEN PROVIN I REALLY HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY HERE


.BUT HOW PATHETIC he has to create a new account to ave himself agree with himself ROFLMASwow dude wow new lows daily who do you think will fall for that? do you know how dumb you look now??? i really didnt think i could laugh at you anymore but thanks i need that before the Buckeyes kill penn state today GO BUCKS

p.s. hey happyface ur the coolest guy i kno.can we make love i always practice safe TXT bwahahahahahahahahah
Wow your a bigger tool than I thought and I thought you were a huge one already.. He doesnt need to create fake accounts to make you look foolish for insisting that plants bleed instead of correcting the terminology, explaining why it happens and moving on.. seriously.. its sat and you have obviously been on the comp all day arguing..

GO FOR A WALK! :finger:

also.. i showed that youtube vid to my buddies.. they also loled there asses off..

Troll Pwnidge


Well-Known Member
i got repped three times and got 2 new friends outa this thread. but sure U WON .u looked like a COMPLETE idiot not knowing shit and now tryig to act like you won something thank you for all this.

this nerd keeps PMin i dont know why he wants me to come back and bust him out. he created dudebro JUST TO HAVE SOMEONE AGREE WITH HIM.(he got the idea wen i said he should be embarresed and create a new name)noticew DUDEBRO only has 2 post aint that strange.

smoke you really are a kid arent you.


Well-Known Member
smoke ur a COMPLETE LOSER so take ur 7000$ grows and ur kodak cameras and just SUT UP cause noone likes you or cares what you have to say.


Well-Known Member
i love to know what im saying is getting to you though.i said u had no friends so you create a name and make a friend with URSELF BWAHAHAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
hahaha who ever just repped me saying

514 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received ThreadDateComment
just topped one!! 11-07-2009 04:33 PMHell yeah, smokeskins is a WANNABE!!

tell me who you are i will be happy to rep you back

ey smoke make it 4 repps


New Member
smoke ur a COMPLETE LOSER so take ur 7000$ grows and ur kodak cameras and just SUT UP cause noone likes you or cares what you have to say.
you trying to tell me you couldnt grow 10 weeds at 2 zips apease? thats not even that much about enough to last till next grows up. im a wanna be what- its plant breeder not plant bleeder