Just transplanted.

Good afternoon everyone. I am completely new to this site, so forgive me for any mistakes I might make.

I recently transplanted 9 plants that I started from seed into 9 different 5 gallon pots and stuck them outside for the first time in their lives. They have been vegging under a t5 for about a month to a month and a half, and I am curious to know if the switch from artificial light to real sunlight will be a problem? They were in my garage which is poorly insulated, so they recieved the bitter cold and hot days, and when some direct sun started to hit them, they looked sad so I moved them into some shade. They were a tad root bound, so theyre lanky more than bushy. I can't help but worry, so will everything be okay? Will they flower early? Any info will be much appreciated. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, some people gradually introduce indoor plants to sunlight, I just put them straight outside. If yours are showing stress from too much sun, then you know what to do. obviously keep em well watered.
you really think? i was thinking about doing it gradually, however life doesn't always shoot straight. so here i am. and what are the signs of stress? the leaves were droopy, so thats why i said they looked sad. they do that whenever theyre miserable i think haha. so i moved them to the shade.


Well-Known Member
You call em sad, I say they are not happy when they are droopy. You're doin the right thing, they'll adjust.


New Member
Youll be ok. I dont listen to the adjust plants to sun.

Seems like a rather stupid technique...

My plants have been through some stuff. Only time they ever looked sad was when i didnt water for 5 days in 110F heat index.