just tried dmt


Well-Known Member
Thats not true.
You can have a break through every hour or so, it'll take a higher dose after the first few though.
thats amazing, and you have never felt any bad adverse effects from taking alot? i mean i felt fine after 30 minutes like nothing ever happened


Well-Known Member
You feel great after big doses.
Very rejuvenating.
It's the anti-hangover medication.

Really. The BEST pain killer you will ever find (full body sweep pain erase) and that is before you hit psychoactive doses. And a burst of energy thrown in as well.

And yes, morfin is right, multiple breakthroughs can be the norm once you've got a flow going. Of course, it is really easy to see a nice pile of crystal on the tray, split up, dosed out, and you think: WOW, that is a LOT of DMT.

And 6 hours later you are like: What the fuck, where did it all go?

Here, I'll save you the trouble morfin. I torched all up. And on pennies per dose, I do NOT care. I got the desired result, and another evap is waiting for the next day.