Just tried edibles

Sheeit, man, talk about a rigorous course. After awhile, i got used to these freshmen/sophomores, saying
"i'm gettin' my EE degree." Next semester, I'd be, "how's that EE course going?"
"I changed my major to ME (mech engineering)". Then a semester or so later, "I changed again to CE (Civil).'
I knew some EE guys, super brainy, super smart. Yup, college back then had some tough majors, I would
hope nothing's changed.

I need to make sure Weeds here doesn't think i'm pickin' on him. I kind of read that wrong, and went off on my little
tangent, pet peeve about people who think they know more than experts, especially with the advent of the www. And Weeds
here, is absolutely correct in saying that research is not allowed on cannabis due to ... well, racisim, i suppose, because why
else is it so stigmatized in USA that research on the substance isn't even allowed? Weeds is dead right. Israel huh? Hmm. :)
Oh god , i know it. I went in thinking it was going to be like hard high school. The first year was gen ed so nothing too shocking but when i hit actual engineering school it was like what the fk have i got myself into. Electronics 1 and 2 and applied physics , those classes sifted out the posers for sure. The classes got waay smaller after that. When our physics professor started laying out the theories and formulas showing time slows down the closer you get to a gravity well, like a third of the class got up and switched classes. LoL . My stuff was hard and a few times i about switched but then id see those CE students walking around surveying the campus in the heat and cold and i really didnt want to spend my time trapsing through swamps and shit holding a glorified stick. Always did wanna play around with the theodolite tool though. They looked cool.
Yes, she is doing good, thanks for asking. I actually made a tincture, made with 190 grain alcohol. Just waiting on it to “ripen”!
I just researched making a tincture for my dying father in law but he died first. I cant find 190 proof as they quit selling it here. I wonder if 160 is enough. I would still make some. I wonder if i decarb a gram of wax could i just dissolve it in a shot of 151 or something and use a med syringe or dropper?
theodolite, i hadda goog it. Anyhow, did u get your EE BS? Fart smeller u r, if u did.
Time slows down by the gravity well. Well, sure it does. LMFAO
Took me 5 years cause i worked through the summers but yeah i graduated. No honors and i didnt walk but i squeeked by. Wanna know what speeds time up? OG Kush. and its EET BS.
I just researched making a tincture for my dying father in law but he died first. I cant find 190 proof as they quit selling it here. I wonder if 160 is enough. I would still make some. I wonder if i decarb a gram of wax could i just dissolve it in a shot of 151 or something and use a med syringe or dropper?
160 should work just fine. I ordered a dozen brown tincture bottles with droppers (2oz size) for @$12 on amazon. I’ve just got it steeping in a mason jar for now; after 4 weeks, I’ll strain it, add honey and bottle it.
Sounds like a good plan. Theres alot of times where smoking just isnt an option and it'd be nice to be able to do a couple sublingual drops and get some relief. I figure id better stick with indicas for me. Sativa dominants make my heart beat too hard. The wax is ice cream cake crumble. I hate smoking wax. I cough till i bout choke. A 2oz bottle for a gram sounds like a good start.
I just researched making a tincture for my dying father in law but he died first. I cant find 190 proof as they quit selling it here. I wonder if 160 is enough. I would still make some. I wonder if i decarb a gram of wax could i just dissolve it in a shot of 151 or something and use a med syringe or dropper?
Using wax is what I'd wonder about. Never heard of making tincture from wax.
Oh god , i know it. I went in thinking it was going to be like hard high school. The first year was gen ed so nothing too shocking but when i hit actual engineering school it was like what the fk have i got myself into. Electronics 1 and 2 and applied physics , those classes sifted out the posers for sure. The classes got waay smaller after that. When our physics professor started laying out the theories and formulas showing time slows down the closer you get to a gravity well, like a third of the class got up and switched classes. LoL . My stuff was hard and a few times i about switched but then id see those CE students walking around surveying the campus in the heat and cold and i really didnt want to spend my time trapsing through swamps and shit holding a glorified stick. Always did wanna play around with the theodolite tool though. They looked cool.
My son skated through his undergrad in Electrical Engineering. He went to Stanford for his MS and PHD and again skated through. Once he started working he started to slow his smoking roll. He was finally seeing a hit in his active memory.

He was much smarter than I and didn't put his smoking on hiatus. I remember his telling me about how wrong I was about my stance on pot. I, without his mental horsepower had to stop smoking, during my Nursing undergrad, by Med school it was just a distant memory. I took a smoking hiatus until I finished my career.

That was when I finally broke out the few seeds that had been rolling around in my underwear drawer and unbelievably I got 4 to pop and here I am today. What a long, strange trip it's been. Are you still working?
I just researched making a tincture for my dying father in law but he died first. I cant find 190 proof as they quit selling it here. I wonder if 160 is enough. I would still make some. I wonder if i decarb a gram of wax could i just dissolve it in a shot of 151 or something and use a med syringe or dropper?
Sorry about your father in law. You can dissolve some wax or other form of concentrate in 160. If you have base privileges you might be able to find the 190 proof Everclear there. That's where I find it anyway. I keep mine in an amber colored bottle with a dropper and use drops for buccal mucosa absorption. Alcohol based tinctures usually have a quicker onset than a typical fat based edible because of it's different absorptive path bypassing gastric absorption and hepatic first pass. Mode of administration matters!

Using wax is what I'd wonder about. Never heard of making tincture from wax.
Oh you can use wax for edibles. You just have to decarb it first. At least i decarbed mine. It bubbles and melts but works great. I just had to put the piece of foil i decarbed it on in the butter and dissolve it all off. I figure the alcohol should achieve the same effect. I have taken a quarter bag of decarbed brickweed years ago and put it in a 5th of Crown Royal. A couple shots was like a narcotic effect. I have a buddy who gets crumble and shatter from Cali and i swap him some fresh flower occasionally. I have a pen type vaporizer that comes in handy on road trips back to NC where the buds are just too loud and risky to smoke driving there.
My son skated through his undergrad in Electrical Engineering. He went to Stanford for his MS and PHD and again skated through. Once he started working he started to slow his smoking roll. He was finally seeing a hit in his active memory.

He was much smarter than I and didn't put his smoking on hiatus. I remember his telling me about how wrong I was about my stance on pot. I, without his mental horsepower had to stop smoking, during my Nursing undergrad, by Med school it was just a distant memory. I took a smoking hiatus until I finished my career.

That was when I finally broke out the few seeds that had been rolling around in my underwear drawer and unbelievably I got 4 to pop and here I am today. What a long, strange trip it's been. Are you still working?
I got my Associates from Wake Tech in Raleigh, then my BS from NC State. I, like you, found that i had to curtail my smoking and drinking after year 1. I turned into THAT guy that grew and sold weed and shrooms to pay bills but i seldom partied except holidays. I still dont get high before working and doing important tasks. I look at getting high as a treat for a good days work. I had to give up my career a couple years ago after a high school girl hit me head on and I almost died. 2 months in and out of the hospital ive had quite a few surgeries and procedures since. Crushed vertebrae, and alot of other stuff like PTSD and addiction to opioids that Doctors rather have me on than the pot that actually helped
The only thing I get out of edibles is severe gastric disturbances, and a stomachache for 2 days. Gives me really bad explosive diarrhea.
Sounds like you are one of those people lacking whatever enzymes or whatever to break it down. What kind of edibles have you tried? And id be willing to bet that the tincture buccol/sublingual method would work. I get straight fubar when i make my own cannabutter edibles but mixed results from gummies and space cake from dispensaries.
addiction to opioids that Doctors rather have me on than the pot that actually helped

American Shaman Pharmaceutical is coming out with a pain killer from the Kraton tree. It's not an opioid but it enters the system through the opioid receptors. If I understand it right there will be two versions, one OTC and one RX. It's a eighter 7 hydroxy or 9 hydroxy. I think 7. It's a none addictive pain killer, they say, and it's supposed to get people off opioids. It should hit the market soon
American Shaman Pharmaceutical is coming out with a pain killer from the Kraton tree. It's not an opioid but it enters the system through the opioid receptors. If I understand it right there will be two versions, one OTC and one RX. It's a eighter 7 hydroxy or 9 hydroxy. I think 7. It's a none addictive pain killer, they say, and it's supposed to get people off opioids. It should hit the market soon
If you are referring to Kratom, i have tried it. They sell kratom leaf dried in bags, in capsules and tinctures. Its true that it acts on the mu and kappa opioid receptors similar to ,well opioids. However, the downsides are that it takes quite a bit in a tea to help (5-6 grams +/-) but the pisser is that i did get withdrawal symptoms when i stopped using it. Not as bad as the 8 hydro 10's and 2 methadone 10's the pill pushing Harvard educated smack dealer had me on but bad enough. I have alot of stomach issues too and i get really sick in withdrawal. Im sure the pharma version will be more concentrated but im not sure if thats a good thing for me. After he discharged me for failing a drug test for weed( 1 time in 3 years) i went to an orthopedic surgeon who proceeded to fill my back with shots directly to my spinal cord. Totally ruined my back. The ortho did recommend smoking pot as that has become legal in Virginia since i saw the other Dr. Turns out , certain strains are a godsend. Thats why im strain searching. Im thinking of making me up a batch of RSO to use for medicine. I love weed anyway and finding out that my favorite plant truly has life changing healing abilities is pretty awesome. We shall have to swap some recipes and recommendations. I am certain that you know more about which strains are better for medicine than i do.
Sounds like you are one of those people lacking whatever enzymes or whatever to break it down. What kind of edibles have you tried? And id be willing to bet that the tincture buccol/sublingual method would work. I get straight fubar when i make my own canna butter edibles but mixed results from gummies and space cake from dispensaries.

Home made cannabutter. Hallucinating hash capsules. Home made tincture. Home made Mariwafers. This is a process that came from a Dr from Hawaii decades ago. Ive got a buddy that would buy all I make of them. Mariwafers are an alcohol based method. Ive taken 200mg of Marinol, and it didnt even bother my stomach. I didnt get one thing from Marinol. 10-x 20mg gel caps. A friends cousin had them, who had passed from breast cancer.
All of it fucks with my stomach really bad. Really bad diarrhea, and stomach cramps for 2 days. None of it worth it to me.
I got my Associates from Wake Tech in Raleigh, then my BS from NC State. I, like you, found that i had to curtail my smoking and drinking after year 1. I turned into THAT guy that grew and sold weed and shrooms to pay bills but i seldom partied except holidays. I still dont get high before working and doing important tasks. I look at getting high as a treat for a good days work. I had to give up my career a couple years ago after a high school girl hit me head on and I almost died. 2 months in and out of the hospital ive had quite a few surgeries and procedures since. Crushed vertebrae, and alot of other stuff like PTSD and addiction to opioids that Doctors rather have me on than the pot that actually helped
I'm so sorry to hear that. Most doctors are currently constrained because they need a DEA license to prescribe scheduled narcotics and if you're a surgeon or anesthesiologist you really can't function without one.

Further medical practitioners work on an evidence based practice model which drives standard of care. If you deviate from that and have a negative outcome you may end up losing your ability to carry malpractice insurance, which renders you functionally unable to practice for a variety of reasons.

For someone who put in at least 8 years of college and 4-7 years of residency it is very difficult to risk that personal investment. It's very sad and I wish they'd at least allow for study of the drug without the insane rules and oversight they currently have in place but things move slowly at that level.

Essentially cannabis works very well for neuropathic pain but isn't as effective on somatic.