Just tried edibles

CONCLUSION 15-1 There are specific regulatory barriers, including the classification of cannabis as a Schedule I substance, that impede the advancement of cannabis and cannabinoid research.15

Investigators seeking to conduct research on cannabis or cannabinoids must navigate a series of review processes that may involve the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), institutional review boards, offices or departments in state government, state boards of medical examiners, the researcher's home institution, and potential funders. A brief overview of some of these review processes is discussed.
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I'm so sorry to hear that. Most doctors are currently constrained because they need a DEA license to prescribe scheduled narcotics and if you're a surgeon or anesthesiologist you really can't function without one.

Further medical practitioners work on an evidence based practice model which drives standard of care. If you deviate from that and have a negative outcome you may end up losing your ability to carry malpractice insurance, which renders you functionally unable to practice for a variety of reasons.

For someone who put in at least 8 years of college and 4-7 years of residency it is very difficult to risk that personal investment. It's very sad and I wish they'd at least allow for study of the drug without the insane rules and oversight they currently have in place but things move slowly at that level.

Essentially cannabis works very well for neuropathic pain but isn't as effective on somatic.
All that stuff i am aware of but its just ironic that a Dr had no problem writing me ridiculous amounts of opioids, xanax, muscle relaxers and even stronger opioids for "breakthrough" pain yet acted surprised that i ended up addicted. This dude threw out pain pill scripts like candy but when the DEA came sniffing around, he basically just cold turkeyed his whole list of pain patients. Coming off opioids and benzodiazepines simultaneously was hell. I found out later this doc had lost his license in 3 states for over prescribing. He used the 1 test i failed for pot literally 18 months before to justify cutting me off with no wean. I had a contract with him that stated that as long as i didnt fail for hard drugs he had to wean. Yea the system sucks but some doctors suck worse. I didnt go to him asking for pain pills, he practically insisted it was part of treatment and because i had a pending lawsuit against the insurance company of the girl that ran a stop sign to hit me head on, i was supposed to follow treatment to the letter. Well, i got hooked and the lawyer bamboozled my doped up ass and i got next to shit. The orthopedic i see has zero issues with weed. Not only because its legal now but because he dont have to write me shit now but a few muscle relaxers and some nsaids for BAD days. Alot of docs are in the pockets of big pharma. Crazy they ever had shit like marinol which does zip, but the whole chain (Dr., Pharmacist,Drug maker) make money and they CONTROL it. The weed doesnt make me pain free but it does as well for me as the pills did without the horrible side effects. Im glad this doc is open minded.
All that stuff i am aware of but its just ironic that a Dr had no problem writing me ridiculous amounts of opioids, xanax, muscle relaxers and even stronger opioids for "breakthrough" pain yet acted surprised that i ended up addicted. This dude threw out pain pill scripts like candy but when the DEA came sniffing around, he basically just cold turkeyed his whole list of pain patients. Coming off opioids and benzodiazepines simultaneously was hell. I found out later this doc had lost his license in 3 states for over prescribing. He used the 1 test i failed for pot literally 18 months before to justify cutting me off with no wean. I had a contract with him that stated that as long as i didnt fail for hard drugs he had to wean. Yea the system sucks but some doctors suck worse. I didnt go to him asking for pain pills, he practically insisted it was part of treatment and because i had a pending lawsuit against the insurance company of the girl that ran a stop sign to hit me head on, i was supposed to follow treatment to the letter. Well, i got hooked and the lawyer bamboozled my doped up ass and i got next to shit. The orthopedic i see has zero issues with weed. Not only because its legal now but because he dont have to write me shit now but a few muscle relaxers and some nsaids for BAD days. Alot of docs are in the pockets of big pharma. Crazy they ever had shit like marinol which does zip, but the whole chain (Dr., Pharmacist,Drug maker) make money and they CONTROL it. The weed doesnt make me pain free but it does as well for me as the pills did without the horrible side effects. Im glad this doc is open minded.
I'm sorry you ran across one of the horrid ones. While you have a good education and a level head some people don't so I was hoping a bit of an explanation might be of service to others as well. I apologize for coming off as condescending. It was not my intent. I'm aware of how often exactly that form of malpractice was visited upon innocents and it makes me sick.

Essentially your experience speaks to how vulnerable a patient is when choosing a doctor while in the midst of a difficult problem. I hope you sued him for malpractice but often they get away with it because their patients are so vulnerable because of their pain and physical/psychological limitations from their illness it takes everything they have to keep body and soul together much less fight an ingrained, institutional problem.

That's why I think repeating experiences like yours has value and I wish you well on this path. It is a tough one. You have my respect for your grit and determination to find your own way.
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Home made cannabutter. Hallucinating hash capsules. Home made tincture. Home made Mariwafers. This is a process that came from a Dr from Hawaii decades ago. Ive got a buddy that would buy all I make of them. Mariwafers are an alcohol based method. Ive taken 200mg of Marinol, and it didnt even bother my stomach. I didnt get one thing from Marinol. 10-x 20mg gel caps. A friends cousin had them, who had passed from breast cancer.
All of it fucks with my stomach really bad. Really bad diarrhea, and stomach cramps for 2 days. None of it worth it to me.

That is rare indeed. Out of a couple of hundred people that I know have tried the Hallucinating Hash capsule recipe only one had issues like that. We tried changing every part of the recipe. Base oils, Lecithin types. Leaving it out. We finally reached the conclusion it was the 11-hydroxy-THC alone as even distillate would trigger an adverse reaction with her digestive system. Smoking Herb or Hash she was fine. Strangest thing I've seen.
That is rare indeed. Out of a couple of hundred people that I know have tried the Hallucinating Hash capsule recipe only one had issues like that. We tried changing every part of the recipe. Base oils, Lecithin types. Leaving it out. We finally reached the conclusion it was the 11-hydroxy-THC alone as even distillate would trigger an adverse reaction with her digestive system. Smoking Herb or Hash she was fine. Strangest thing I've seen.

Yep. I can smoke all day long. But any kind of edible just kills my stomach and not t be graphic. Explosive diarrhea. Ive been smoking for 57 years, and started trying eating it as far back as 1974.
If you are referring to Kratom, i have tried it. They sell kratom leaf dried in bags, in capsules and tinctures. Its true that it acts on the mu and kappa opioid receptors similar to ,well opioids. However, the downsides are that it takes quite a bit in a tea to help (5-6 grams +/-) but the pisser is that i did get withdrawal symptoms when i stopped using it. Not as bad as the 8 hydro 10's and 2 methadone 10's the pill pushing Harvard educated smack dealer had me on but bad enough. I have alot of stomach issues too and i get really sick in withdrawal. Im sure the pharma version will be more concentrated but im not sure if thats a good thing for me. After he discharged me for failing a drug test for weed( 1 time in 3 years) i went to an orthopedic surgeon who proceeded to fill my back with shots directly to my spinal cord. Totally ruined my back. The ortho did recommend smoking pot as that has become legal in Virginia since i saw the other Dr. Turns out , certain strains are a godsend. Thats why im strain searching. Im thinking of making me up a batch of RSO to use for medicine. I love weed anyway and finding out that my favorite plant truly has life changing healing abilities is pretty awesome. We shall have to swap some recipes and recommendations. I am certain that you know more about which strains are better for medicine than i do.

I was going to test it for them but got a little shaky about it and didn't try it. They gave me 5mg of it in a small plastic container used for lab scales. It wasn't much more than a piece of thread. Anyhow, since then I've done some reading on it and I'm not sure about it.
I was going to test it for them but got a little shaky about it and didn't try it. They gave me 5mg of it in a small plastic container used for lab scales. It wasn't much more than a piece of thread. Anyhow, since then I've done some reading on it and I'm not sure about it.
All i can do is share my own experiences. I was trying my best to stay away from opioids/opiates and the guys at the headshop gave me a bag of it. It actually does have the effect and it sure made my dopesick a bit better. But after only a week I was clearly starting to withdraw from the Kratom. Maybe its just cause i had such an opioid tolerance. Anyhow, it wasnt for me. Pot has never done me wrong. Once i found a dr that understands and hes happy to not have to give me prescription narcotics, i I have been much better. Now that im growing again I have been thinking more and more about edibles/tinctures and such. Im gettin too old to smoke all the time and as youve pointed out its not great for blood pressure or the lungs although i will say that since i went organic my weed is way smoother to smoke. But i believe my body would be better served making up a batch of RSO or some cannabutter something or other. As soon as i harvest these afghan kush plants im gonna make a tincture. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.
All i can do is share my own experiences. I was trying my best to stay away from opioids/opiates and the guys at the headshop gave me a bag of it. It actually does have the effect and it sure made my dopesick a bit better. But after only a week I was clearly starting to withdraw from the Kratom. Maybe its just cause i had such an opioid tolerance. Anyhow, it wasnt for me. Pot has never done me wrong. Once i found a dr that understands and hes happy to not have to give me prescription narcotics, i I have been much better. Now that im growing again I have been thinking more and more about edibles/tinctures and such. Im gettin too old to smoke all the time and as youve pointed out its not great for blood pressure or the lungs although i will say that since i went organic my weed is way smoother to smoke. But i believe my body would be better served making up a batch of RSO or some cannabutter something or other. As soon as i harvest these afghan kush plants im gonna make a tincture. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.

This is the truth 100%. I think it was 2 days ago, maybe 3, I infused 1 oz of Super Limon Haze (tested at 22%) into 1 cup of MCT. I took a teaspoon full and my joints are still about half numb. Still a little stoned. Last night I ate a cookie and 2 more today. I usually eat 1 or 2 an hour.

I like to decarb small batches of bud at a time for infusions on the stovetop. The bud used was from 3 years ago and was put in the freezer just a little too damp to burn (mistake 3 years ago). It took about 2 hours to decarb after it reached temperature because of all the water. This is the first time I've seen both steam bubbles and CO2 bubbles at the same time.

I just noticed I didn't give the method. I've been putting raw bud into the oil in a pint jar. The jar heated in a pan of meneral oil to the "Soft Candy" mark on Ms DWW's candy thermometer. When the bubbles stop it's decarbed and infused. If you do in the meneral oil just remember the oil is HOTTER THAN BOILING WATER.
Hey Dances, whats your favorite oil to use in making your edibles. I like the taste of unsalted butter but i know its terrible for my BP and my LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio isnt so great. I know you've used alot of different stuff. I am trying to get into making some more stable edibles too so they save and dont go bad. Ive lost a fair amount of uneaten pudding cause half a bowl destroyed me and i never seem to feel like finishing it in time. This is a different ballgame coming at it as medicine at a consistent (more or less) doseage. Im gonna make the tincture but i would like to either do candy or cookies.
BTW, im open for suggestions from the rest of yall too. How bout you C2G? I take lessons from knowitall's too .
Hey Dances, whats your favorite oil to use in making your edibles. I like the taste of unsalted butter but i know its terrible for my BP and my LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio isnt so great. I know you've used alot of different stuff. I am trying to get into making some more stable edibles too so they save and dont go bad. Ive lost a fair amount of uneaten pudding cause half a bowl destroyed me and i never seem to feel like finishing it in time. This is a different ballgame coming at it as medicine at a consistent (more or less) doseage. Im gonna make the tincture but i would like to either do candy or cookies.
BTW, im open for suggestions from the rest of yall too. How bout you C2G? I take lessons from knowitall's too .
There should be recipes out there using alcohol tinctures vs oil extractions.
There should be recipes out there using alcohol tinctures vs oil extractions.
Oh i know theres recipes out there but then i get no advice from a friend . I was just fishing for a good tried and true one. Guess ill have to read up. BTW, i just found a book at the thrift shop for .50 cents called ,"the soul of soil" tells all about the science in making healthy organic soil. God, who ever thought id be reading this. I gotta wait for next harvest for the tincture but i think i can squeeze some cookies or candy outta what i have without stressing my supply.
Hey Dances, whats your favorite oil to use in making your edibles. I like the taste of unsalted butter but i know its terrible for my BP and my LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio isnt so great. I know you've used alot of different stuff. I am trying to get into making some more stable edibles too so they save and dont go bad. Ive lost a fair amount of uneaten pudding cause half a bowl destroyed me and i never seem to feel like finishing it in time. This is a different ballgame coming at it as medicine at a consistent (more or less) doseage. Im gonna make the tincture but i would like to either do candy or cookies.
BTW, im open for suggestions from the rest of yall too. How bout you C2G? I take lessons from knowitall's too .

Favorite Oil??? It all depends on what I'm doing with it. One thing may call for oil and another for alcohol.

In general, I like an infused coconut oil. I don't go for the strongest oil unless that's what I need and that's usually not for me. My preference for c-oil is medium strength and to dose more often. The recipe is 1 cup oil, and 1/2 oz NOT decarbed bud. The oil and bud both go into a pint jar and it's heated to 242 f in a pan of mineral oil until the c-oil in the jar stops bubbling, about 30 to 40 minutes. I'll post pictures and instructions if anyone wants to see them. This decarbs and infuses all in one operation.

Almost all c-coil recipes start out with this oil. Some recipes are exactly the same. Here's a really good example. FORIA, a high dollar personal lube (the real one only in Calif and Colorado, otherwise CBD). It's a spray lube $87.00 an oz. It's the same EXACT recipe for Ms DWW's sleep oil. It uses MCT instead of coconut oil. The same c-oil I use in pain oil with 1 tablespoon of DMSO. The pain oil is the only one I make that's not edible. That's because of the DMSO.

When I make edibles each serving is based on one teaspoon of this c-oil.

(RSO, anything to do with alcohol, or really strong stuff gets done in the lab which I very fortunate to have. I don't have everything I'd like to but you have to stay with the boundaries of the law. )

This method of decarbing came from someone else that, if I remember right, freezes fresh bud and then decarbs wet bud. I tried this and it did work and gave good oil. It took about 2 hours to dry the water out of it so be patient. The difference of what you see this way is 2 different kinds of bubbles boiling out at the same time. The larger water bubbles will stop first. When the smaller CO2 bubbles stop it's done.
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Favorite Oil??? It all depends on what I'm doing with it. One thing may call for oil and another for alcohol.

In general, I like an infused coconut oil. I don't go for the strongest oil unless that's what I need and that's usually not for me. My preference for c-oil is medium strength and to dose more often. The recipe is 1 cup oil, and 1/2 oz NOT decarbed bud. The oil and bud both go into a pint jar and it's heated to 242 f in a pan of mineral oil until the c-oil in the jar stops bubbling, about 30 to 40 minutes. I'll post pictures and instructions if anyone wants to see them. This decarbs and infuses all in one operation.

Almost all c-coil recipes start out with this oil. Some recipes are exactly the same. Here's a really good example. FORIA, a high dollar personal lube (the real one only in Calif and Colorado, otherwise CBD). It's a spray lube $87.00 an oz. It's the same EXACT recipe for Ms DWW's sleep oil. It uses MCT instead of coconut oil. The same c-oil I use in pain oil with 1 tablespoon of DMSO. The pain oil is the only one I make that's not edible. That's because of the DMSO.

When I make edibles each serving is based on one teaspoon of this c-oil.

(RSO, anything to do with alcohol, or really strong stuff gets done in the lab which I very fortunate to have. I don't have everything I'd like to but you have to stay with the boundaries of the law. )

This method of decarbing came from someone else that, if I remember right, freezes fresh bud and then decarbs wet bud. I tried this and it did work and gave good oil. It took about 2 hours to dry the water out of it so be patient. The difference of what you see this way is 2 different kinds of bubbles boiling out at the same time. The larger water bubbles will stop first. When the smaller CO2 bubbles stop it's done.
Hey thanks. Im getting more and more interested in edibles and I can use good recipes that can also make a less unhealthy product than butter lol. I know i could just youtube/google it but I appreciate you taking the time to share. Im also pre-diabetic, so i am trying to cut out sugars and carbs where possible. I agree with dosing smaller more frequently. It is not a comfortable experience for me when i over do edibles. My heart races, i get headaches and even nausea. So i dont want it too strong either. Its only good medicine if the results make me feel better. I cant wait to get to play around with the afghan kush im growing. The pudding i made from the 3bears og "trim" was an excellent anxiety and pain remedy. The older i get the more i enjoy my indicas. Hey thanks again!
Hey thanks. Im getting more and more interested in edibles and I can use good recipes that can also make a less unhealthy product than butter lol. I know i could just youtube/google it but I appreciate you taking the time to share. Im also pre-diabetic, so i am trying to cut out sugars and carbs where possible. I agree with dosing smaller more frequently. It is not a comfortable experience for me when i over do edibles. My heart races, i get headaches and even nausea. So i dont want it too strong either. Its only good medicine if the results make me feel better. I cant wait to get to play around with the afghan kush im growing. The pudding i made from the 3bears og "trim" was an excellent anxiety and pain remedy. The older i get the more i enjoy my indicas. Hey thanks again!

Got that on sugar. The "fatal peanut butter cookie recipe calls for 1 cup of brown sugar and 1 cup of white sugar. I leave the white sugar out and compensate for the lack of sweetness with flavors. 1 tablespoon of vanella, a teaspoon of each orange and rum extracts. Also I use non-GMO organic whole wheat flower. My chickens WILL NOT eat GMO corm. Even Mexico is phasing out yellow corn from the US. If even chickens won't eat GMO what else is there to say about it.

Here's something to think about when trying to knock out the sweets. When you make your edibles it's usually good to try to maintain a known strength. If each of your edibles have a teaspoon of oil you can just spread a spoonful on a piece of toast, put it in your coffee, put it on your baked potatoes. What you want is to get it into your system. Sometimes I take just a spoonful of MCT but c-oil gets spread on something. I believe that it was @DoubleAtotheRON that said something about lowering A1C with pot. I'd like to know a little more about that. I', growing Diet Durban this year for my daughter this year. 7% THC-7%THCV.

Anything sativa raises my BP, and I need to be very careful about that. I don't know about other strains, but my choice is Critical Mass or Big Bud. Smoking anything will raise BP. The carbon monoxide does that. Top that off with strong sativa and that's when it really becomes risky. At best, at least for me, it will take about an hour and a half to start my BP down if it's high. I've been keeping it down by "doctoring" my arthritis as soon as I'm up and around. For me it's much easier to keep the BP down than to lower it.

BTW, I haven't been squeezing the last of the oil out of the leafs. I've been blinding it down to a paste and adding an equal amount of peanut butter. It's better than you might think and it saves about 20% of your oil. Just spread it on crackers.
I talk a lot about peanut butter and use a lot of it. I make my own rather than have all the stuff the food companies put in. Wish I had a good source for organic peanuts but the best peanuts by far that I've found for PB is Great Value Cocktail Peanuts from Walmart. Just put them in the blinder and take them out when they look right to you.
Oh i know theres recipes out there but then i get no advice from a friend . I was just fishing for a good tried and true one. Guess ill have to read up. BTW, i just found a book at the thrift shop for .50 cents called ,"the soul of soil" tells all about the science in making healthy organic soil. God, who ever thought id be reading this. I gotta wait for next harvest for the tincture but i think i can squeeze some cookies or candy outta what i have without stressing my supply.

Try checking out: wakeandbake.co (.co not .com.)
She has a lot of good recipes and also some really good info. She is a cannabis coach and I think she, and the rest of them, are pretty sharp. They do have KETO recipes and that sounds like what you are looking for. I don't have her cookbook but I may buy it. I've been following her for a couple years, now.
Got that on sugar. The "fatal peanut butter cookie recipe calls for 1 cup of brown sugar and 1 cup of white sugar. I leave the white sugar out and compensate for the lack of sweetness with flavors. 1 tablespoon of vanella, a teaspoon of each orange and rum extracts. Also I use non-GMO organic whole wheat flower. My chickens WILL NOT eat GMO corm. Even Mexico is phasing out yellow corn from the US. If even chickens won't eat GMO what else is there to say about it.

Here's something to think about when trying to knock out the sweets. When you make your edibles it's usually good to try to maintain a known strength. If each of your edibles have a teaspoon of oil you can just spread a spoonful on a piece of toast, put it in your coffee, put it on your baked potatoes. What you want is to get it into your system. Sometimes I take just a spoonful of MCT but c-oil gets spread on something. I believe that it was @DoubleAtotheRON that said something about lowering A1C with pot. I'd like to know a little more about that. I', growing Diet Durban this year for my daughter this year. 7% THC-7%THCV.

Anything sativa raises my BP, and I need to be very careful about that. I don't know about other strains, but my choice is Critical Mass or Big Bud. Smoking anything will raise BP. The carbon monoxide does that. Top that off with strong sativa and that's when it really becomes risky. At best, at least for me, it will take about an hour and a half to start my BP down if it's high. I've been keeping it down by "doctoring" my arthritis as soon as I'm up and around. For me it's much easier to keep the BP down than to lower it.

BTW, I haven't been squeezing the last of the oil out of the leafs. I've been blinding it down to a paste and adding an equal amount of peanut butter. It's better than you might think and it saves about 20% of your oil. Just spread it on crackers.
These are the things i was needing to know. Thanks so much. I also have to be careful with sativas. Im so happy i bought the Kush beans. The 3 bears is very strong smoking it, but when i ate it it was milder on my heart rate. The good GG plants are really too much for my older self. I woulda loved it at 25 but pushing 55 it races my heart, BP jumps and i get panic attacks if i eat just a tiny bit too much. The Banana Blaze is afghani kush and its listed at 16% thc. . They are doing very well and are already bigger than the 3bears and they just started preflowers and are stretching. They seem like a good strain to make edibles and tinctures. I really only smoke about a joint a day anymore. A toke or 2 and im good. So it is important to me also to measure my dosage. I weigh the weed anytime i make the cannabutter. 1 gram is a strong dose if i eat it at once. I cant measure my thc% but google says 1g should be around 10-15mg( pretty sure this GG is well over 20%, 3BOG 18-23%). Sure i could eat more to get really high but medicinally this is more than enough. Im planning on using an ounce and making up a tincture, then another ounce in coconut or another oil. You are right about that there should be more research into all this. Im better medicated with a little OGkush than i was with a percocet 10 and a xanax. Properly dosed, I can function with minimal pain and manageable anxiety. And no withdrawal. The Sackler family from Purdue pharma should have to pay for the funding of alternative treatments after the damage oxycontin caused. I can honestly say that cannabis has helped me more than all the pills and spinal injections. That and physical therapy. Oh and thanks for the recipe site too. I appreciate your help. Edibles are a much deeper science than i realized. Its good to have a navigator!
These are the things i was needing to know. Thanks so much. I also have to be careful with sativas. Im so happy i bought the Kush beans. The 3 bears is very strong smoking it, but when i ate it it was milder on my heart rate. The good GG plants are really too much for my older self. I woulda loved it at 25 but pushing 55 it races my heart, BP jumps and i get panic attacks if i eat just a tiny bit too much. The Banana Blaze is afghani kush and its listed at 16% thc. . They are doing very well and are already bigger than the 3bears and they just started preflowers and are stretching. They seem like a good strain to make edibles and tinctures. I really only smoke about a joint a day anymore. A toke or 2 and im good. So it is important to me also to measure my dosage. I weigh the weed anytime i make the cannabutter. 1 gram is a strong dose if i eat it at once. I cant measure my thc% but google says 1g should be around 10-15mg( pretty sure this GG is well over 20%, 3BOG 18-23%). Sure i could eat more to get really high but medicinally this is more than enough. Im planning on using an ounce and making up a tincture, then another ounce in coconut or another oil. You are right about that there should be more research into all this. Im better medicated with a little OGkush than i was with a percocet 10 and a xanax. Properly dosed, I can function with minimal pain and manageable anxiety. And no withdrawal. The Sackler family from Purdue pharma should have to pay for the funding of alternative treatments after the damage oxycontin caused. I can honestly say that cannabis has helped me more than all the pills and spinal injections. That and physical therapy. Oh and thanks for the recipe site too. I appreciate your help. Edibles are a much deeper science than i realized. Its good to have a navigator!

It's really a little hard to manage BP with pot mainly because of the difference between sativa and indica, Smoking will almost always raise it. I don't think it's the pot, it's the carbon monoxide. Then comes the difference of high energy sativas or couchlock indicas. For me it seems that the more couchlock the lower the BP.

My pot is mainly for arthritis. I just had to fit it in for BP, too. That has called for a lot of changes. I probably have sativa that wil go to waste and am starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel my Critical Mass. This year I'm growing mostly hemp just for the CBD. I want to kind of balance out the sativa. I hope it works because I'm only growing one CM, and 2 Chocolope for myself. Got 3 Diet Durban for my daughter, and the 6 hemp plants.

What I'm thinking is that the THC stops arthritis pain by blocking the nerves and CBD helps keep the pain gone by reducing inflammation.

Oklahoma is a very hard place to grow compared to other places. We have extreme weather, winds, and a bug for everything. But, it you get past the problems here you can grow monster plants. Now we can keep what we grow without being limited to some amount that sounds like a lot the people that write laws but is only a drop in the bucket of what we need.
Critical mass is one of my wanna grow strains. Im a big skunk fan and i love afghani too. Ive got 2 afghan kush going right now. CM just seems like it should tick the boxes i like. What breeder do you use?
I just found this while going back looking for the peanutbutter cookie recipe. I don't know I got started with Critical Mass but it was probably the description on the ILGM site. It seems to do what needs to be done. It's really good for a simple sleep oil. Ms DWW, who never uses her screen name, "Weeds", and several of the women she sings with say it gives them a good nights sleep. It's good in pain rubs, or edibles for pain,

and it's also a very relaxing and enjoyable high.

I got into the RSO a couple hours ago and forgot everything. Anyhow, the CM plants get huge when grown outside, and they will break if not supported.
Just tried edibles.
I tried 'em from the dispo, ate the whole bar. Nothing.
Bought a bottle of canna soda. Nothing.
Bought some stuff called nectar drops, i think it may
have couch locked me for awhile, but not sure.

Interesting that the drops were supposedly tincture,
altho it says, "MCT OIL, Cannabis Oil, w/Terpenes, and natural flavor blend."
So, I dunno if it's tinc or edible, tho, recipe'd be tinc, yeah?
Got 3 more vials of that stuff. So i soaked a joint with it, didn't seem to do anything.
Yeah I got a medical grade tincture at dispensary and they make MCT oil and just cannabis extract nothing else. That's stuff you got shouldn't add flavor or terpenes unless there watering down like to sell more products. I make mine with 190 proof grain, dispensary don't. Try your stuff might need whole or half dropper full but put under tongue for just 60 seconds