Just Want a Second Opinion


Well-Known Member
Ive been giving nutes to a autoflower that is 4-5 weeks out from being done. Just started this about 2 weeks ago, i gave a small concentration of big bloom and tiger bloom and it seemed to be perfectly ok for the following week and then i watered next with clear water and the next watering put a mix of 50/50 nute solution that i had made the two weeks before and plain purified water. So i just want to make sure my suspicions are correct when i think nute burn has hit my plant.



Well-Known Member
Nope. That isn't nute burn. Nute burn starts at the tips and progresses inward - it wouldn't leave the dots in the center of the leaf without having first completely destroying the leaf margins.


Well-Known Member
Nope. That isn't nute burn. Nute burn starts at the tips and progresses inward - it wouldn't leave the dots in the center of the leaf without having first completely destroying the leaf margins.
Alright, well if thats not it what could it be...


Well-Known Member
It could be a manganese deficiency or some other type of deficiency. Be careful of adding more of anything though as the deficiency could be due to lockout due to pH or high levels of an alternative micro or macro nutrient.


Well-Known Member
Should take 2 to 3 days but ya, back off the nutes. Flush one day, let sit for 2 days then re-evaluate.


Well-Known Member
New pictures... i ran some 6.0 pH water through yesterday with a run off reading starting below 5 but then reaching a run off of 6.0 pH so im hoping this will be the last of my worries but here are some more pics in case maybe there is another problem here.



Well-Known Member

I flushed once again yesterday with 6.0-6.5 water but these brown spots are still moving their way to the top most leaves... any ideas.. ?


Well-Known Member
150w hps
temps are steady around 80 degrees at the top but no heat stress is being shown.
Also the problem started on oldest growth first starting from the bottom to top so i doubt heat would be the problem because the change in temp from bottom to top is about 5 degrees.


Well-Known Member
I think i have stopped any future damage and i am now wondering where do i go from here?
The plant is 3-4 weeks away from the predicted harvest time given when the seed was ordered. So do i attempt to slowly start back up on some nutrients (Tigerbloom and Fox Farm Big Bloom)
Any advice?

