Just want easy to make vape liquid

There are plenty of other posts, threads and tutorials on how to make ISO. Also visit the skumpharm research site and you will get more info than you want.

You keep asking about the pens and whatnot but you keep getting answers. My battery is a Sigelei Zmax and I love it. Tanks - anything works. Aero tank mini dual coil is a good one. My opinion, skip anything that is designed to look like a cigarette.

Bottom line, vaping this stuff isn't much different than nicotine so go to a vape store and get what you want. There are tons of products out there. We all have made our own choices on what we like.

On RIU, you have to decide who you think is sane and honest. You will never find consensus.

My recommendation would be to make some ISO, heat it on a coffee warmer to decarb, decide what you want to use (PG, PEG, EJ MIx) and give it a go.

No one is being a hater. It seems like you are just overthinking this and/or not reading all the info on the forum. It is true that no one wants to rewrite what is already posted, stickyied, etc.
Ok well thanks for all that and more questions if ok. To decarb do you mean to evap the ISO with heat to decarb? Also I don't know a tank from an atomizer. The tanks that come with the nic pens that come empty have wicks inside them. Not sure what they do? Where is the heat and well are the ones that you or others that think work ones where you solution actually contacts the heating element(s), coils, etc.. How in the heck do you know what a cartrige is in the first place since some are the battery and heat sorce etc... And how do you suggest I "decide" what to use "PG, PEG (400)? EJ Mix etc? And if I do decide and mix em up is the 50/50% by weight ratio a correct one with PG, or the others. And yes there are many a post that are from people that just make it up. So sorry but my product is to expensive to waste when someone should be able to say buy this, use this, do this and whala.. So again I guess the only thing left to answer is what nic pens, with or without wicks? ones that won't work if known? and knowing alot about ISO and keeping it cold what is the best way with top bud to wash for good goo.. Thanks...
I was like you about a month ago.....I had no clue about vapeing and e-cigs.Maybe you could go to the local vape shop or head shop and just ask them,they can show you and tell you exactly what's what.I know it's hard to understand without physically being here/there.
I'll try to answer a few questions....An e-cig ATOMIZER is a component that uses a heating element wrapped around a wick that soaks your choice of liquid.When heated it vapes your liquid.Some atomizer are only for liquid ,others can do liquid,wax,oil.Tanks are the same way only you can't see the wicks.
Google it all :-) But quickly:
1.) Dry your bud bone dry
2.) Freeze it and your ISO for a couple days
3.) Pour ISO over weed, mix for about a minute
4.) Strain liquid quickly and filter it (I use a couple coffee filters)
5.) Put it into a pyrex dish with a fan until it dries completely
6.) Scrape it out with some sort of razor blade and put in a small metal or glass measuring cup/shot glass, etc, place on a coffee warmer and it will melt quickly
7.) If you want a true measurement (volume is fine in my opinion, 1 ml of oil is roughly 1 g), suck it into a syringe to see how much and squirt it back into the dish
8.) Add your PG, PEG, EJ Mix etc, mix/stir well. Ratios are the same for all of them. 1:1 is fine though I prefer to go 1 part oil mixed with 2-3 parts of the others stuff.

Last time on Vape Equipment. There are Vape Stores everywhere - go to one! All systems basically use an electric heating element to heat the juice to a point where the good stuff gets released but it doesn't burn. The PG, PEG, etc turn into water vapor at those less than fire temps, giving us the puff we exhale. What I would call a catridge is generally small cylinder attached to a small battery that makes it about the size of a cig. The inside of that cartridge is filled with cotton or some other wicking filament. I have never used one of these but don't imagine it would work well. A tank is a tank. Loose liquid in it. Inside of them is an atomizer that you can't see in pics. A few you can and look like a wick but generally the cotton is embedded in a metal thingee that screws into the tank where it attached to the battery. Atomizers cost about $2-3 to replace and last about a week if using Hash Oil Vape juice regularly. Get a setup like that from your local Vape Store. They will show you how to use it.

If I was buying my weed, I am honestly not sure I would be so into Vape Juice. I don't think it is the most efficient. But once I started growing, weed is plentiful and cheap as can be :-)
Google it all :-) But quickly:
1.) Dry your bud bone dry
2.) Freeze it and your ISO for a couple days
3.) Pour ISO over weed, mix for about a minute
4.) Strain liquid quickly and filter it (I use a couple coffee filters)
5.) Put it into a pyrex dish with a fan until it dries completely
6.) Scrape it out with some sort of razor blade and put in a small metal or glass measuring cup/shot glass, etc, place on a coffee warmer and it will melt quickly
7.) If you want a true measurement (volume is fine in my opinion, 1 ml of oil is roughly 1 g), suck it into a syringe to see how much and squirt it back into the dish
8.) Add your PG, PEG, EJ Mix etc, mix/stir well. Ratios are the same for all of them. 1:1 is fine though I prefer to go 1 part oil mixed with 2-3 parts of the others stuff.

Last time on Vape Equipment. There are Vape Stores everywhere - go to one! All systems basically use an electric heating element to heat the juice to a point where the good stuff gets released but it doesn't burn. The PG, PEG, etc turn into water vapor at those less than fire temps, giving us the puff we exhale. What I would call a catridge is generally small cylinder attached to a small battery that makes it about the size of a cig. The inside of that cartridge is filled with cotton or some other wicking filament. I have never used one of these but don't imagine it would work well. A tank is a tank. Loose liquid in it. Inside of them is an atomizer that you can't see in pics. A few you can and look like a wick but generally the cotton is embedded in a metal thingee that screws into the tank where it attached to the battery. Atomizers cost about $2-3 to replace and last about a week if using Hash Oil Vape juice regularly. Get a setup like that from your local Vape Store. They will show you how to use it.

If I was buying my weed, I am honestly not sure I would be so into Vape Juice. I don't think it is the most efficient. But once I started growing, weed is plentiful and cheap as can be :-)
Ok all that is great. Thanks. Sort of know how to make the ISO already but the heating on coffee hot plate is for mixing purposes only or is that a must to decarb? Will decarb occur with the pens heating? Also you say will go through an "atomizer" every week so does that mean there is not a product out there that works for longer or what? I have read that oil, honey, hash, etc., will not work in the tanks that have wicks in them also. Which if any pens that are worth the money would you say would work and why, with my ISO/Peg400? PG? BlaBlaBla. No real good answers from any of the stores in this area fyi. Can't hardly find a person in them that knows much except how to sell you the high dollor pens. They hardly know what the things actually do. So will my solution stay good in the pen until it is consumed? Where do you even buy PG or Peg400? I don't buy weed fyi.. Mine is pure pure all mine.. And to much of it to care really if I mess it up but I hate to waste time or product. With so many people seemingly using legal weed pens, seems like there must be ones that last more than a week without something being replaced or is that wrong. Anyway thanks for the advice...

Ps. Lots of posts about temps and battery power, some express them in ohms others in battery volts. How important is this when using oil made in this way? Are there pens that just won't do it.
Are you fucking kidding?????......

Have you not read a goddamn thing.....A signing ape could easily make some e-juice with all this instruction.

Melt the fucking iso in some peg and do it!!!!

AMAZON!..AMAZON!..AMAZON!......said it before ,ill say it again........AMAZON is where you can get everything.
As the atomizers age, the hit becomes harder. You can use longer, but why bother when they are so cheap? I do change mine out more than others.

Any variable watt battery will work. You can get a fairly cheap e-cig go battery and it will work fine. Those generally only go up to about 4-5W. I posted the model that I use that goes up to about 13W. It runs about $100 I believe. I tend to vape my juice at around 9.5W. I don't mess with the volts.

Some atomizers have an ohm attached to them. I don't understand the science. I was told that the lower ohm produce heavier vapor but have not found that. My preference are the higher ones (2.2 or 2.5) but it really doesn't matter.

Solution stays fine. Even if you have separation, it still works!

Amazon is your friend for whatever you want to use PG, PEG, etc.

The coffee burner. It is doing two things. First is melting. Second is purging out the final drabs of the ISO. Since I use safe to consume ethanol, that purge aspect is less important. But yes, the batteries have enough heat to activate the oil.

Time to just do it man!
Are you fucking kidding?????......

Have you not read a goddamn thing.....A signing ape could easily make some e-juice with all this instruction.

Melt the fucking iso in some peg and do it!!!!

AMAZON!..AMAZON!..AMAZON!......said it before ,ill say it again........AMAZON is where you can get everything.
WEll great but I read read read that everything is not so easy. Here is a small example from the site I w as told to check out. Try and decipher this shit..:
Why are you guys decarbing the absolute oil before adding it to your pens? Shouldn’t the heat from the coil be enough to decarb, like any other vaporizer?
Posted by JojoAZMed on October 22, 2014 at 11:48 AM
What many people don’t realize is the consistency of your extract is based off the amount of intact thc-a vs decarboxylated thc. The more thc-a you convert into thc the more liquidy and oil like your extract will be at room temperature. In order to make oil that has a liquid enough constancy to be ran through e-tanks(were talking about e-liquid tanks not a bho atmomizer/cartomizer). You can use vg or pg as a solvent and dissolve your non-decarbed bho into it but decarbing the extract is the only way you will get full dose oil running through your tank
If it is so easy then 1, tell me the pen to fill and use and where to buy it. 2, tell me the solution and rate to dilute with that will work and not taste like piss from the inside of a snake skin. 3, why if it is so damn easy are there always some statements that the methods and pens you were thinking would work won't actually and then all the bs might be cleared up. Not one method is explained without some detractors saying no this is the right way. From heating it to when to not to what solvents to use to what pg to use to what pens to use and they all have statements saying no that pen won't work, that pen leaks use this one, then others saying that about this one too. So Call me an ape or anything you like but this seems to be read a couple of posts and trust in fate and just try it. And when it doesn't work you can just go cry. Because it actually seems there is no good pen that will take anything except maybe some concocktion made from a dispensery. I don't get it. Can try to do it but with all the bs and or non bs don't want to waste my time jacking off. Try and read that crap above from SkunkPharmResearch site. Have not even heard of that "thc-a" crap and I have read everything I can find. See just to many bs ways and to many saying all the ways don't work for one reason or another. Leaks, breaks, not enough heat, separates, tastes like shit, and on and on and on. Not one consistant will work way.. Fine...
As the atomizers age, the hit becomes harder. You can use longer, but why bother when they are so cheap? I do change mine out more than others.

Any variable watt battery will work. You can get a fairly cheap e-cig go battery and it will work fine. Those generally only go up to about 4-5W. I posted the model that I use that goes up to about 13W. It runs about $100 I believe. I tend to vape my juice at around 9.5W. I don't mess with the volts.

Some atomizers have an ohm attached to them. I don't understand the science. I was told that the lower ohm produce heavier vapor but have not found that. My preference are the higher ones (2.2 or 2.5) but it really doesn't matter.

Solution stays fine. Even if you have separation, it still works!

Amazon is your friend for whatever you want to use PG, PEG, etc.

The coffee burner. It is doing two things. First is melting. Second is purging out the final drabs of the ISO. Since I use safe to consume ethanol, that purge aspect is less important. But yes, the batteries have enough heat to activate the oil.

Time to just do it man!
Yeah well I over think When I am about to make something that in the end could be valued at over $600 bucks and end up with unworkable things. 1OZ. of Cindy99 or AKxSkunk. street value here $400. Pen. at least $40 or so. PEG400 or PG. cost unknown and or shipping, ordering, finding. Time money product(s) all to make something that seems won't work according to many. And of course according to some will. Also if your Oil, tank filler etc, separates then you will be inhaling just the PEG/pg that does "atomize" etc... The actual thc oil will just not vape. So don't be so hard on me because I have two advanced degrees and I am smart enough to follow simple deirections. None of the directions I read come with "it will work". Well not as far as iso is concerned. So what to buy item by item if you wish to really help. to much being read that says something won't work so thanks...
Lol......taste like piss from the inside of a snakeskin!....funny!...it does taste bad.My thinking is,I only want to get high....Soo why would I vape all the pg,vg,peg, or whatever....I only want the thc and cbd laden material,not any oils.This is why i starting making iso hash yrs ago.I don't want the green leafy material.I don't post much but I love reading thru the concentrates and extracts section.Everything I know about extract I've learned thru riu or the web...and Skunkpharm has a lot of good info

and I didn't call you an ape....lol!

Like I said before I am new to this too....and have never tried any other oil,hash,e-juice other than what I have made.There is not many other options in a small texas town...I'm not gonna drive to the big H and risk getting pulled over or busted.I have no "dealer",no one........the video I posted in your other thread is only using 4g of bud,very small amounts imo,for personal use and great for experimenting.Just tweak his method to however you like.
Sorry oilthatworks, I am done. I've got my advanced degree as well from one of the top private universities in the country - yippee. I have attempted to share as clearly as possible what I am doing, what works for me, and what I have found from my pursuit of the perfect e-juice. I've played around with different techniques had some successes and some less so. Neither I nor anyone else can sit here and dispel every piece of bullshit or opinion you find out there. Street value doesn't mean shit - you are in start-up phase. When we grow only for personal, weed loses any semblance of street value.

Now Mr. Genius, I wondered too about why it is that when I had juice that separated a lot, I could see clumps in my tank that don't go anywhere, so presumably I am only vaping PG. But it still works pretty damn well. And an actual upside is that when you are left with only the goop, you can reclaim it. I have one bottle that I used to empty my leftovers into and I am high off of it right now. My only theory is that what I am seeing is other aspects of the oil or something. Some marination (out of lack of a better term) has put goodies into the PG. Or something of that sort. I am no scientist so I cannot explain it. But if separation made it not work, I would have never continued the quest. Maybe it is less strong, I don't know. I don't count my hits and log them with a highness ratio!

Last help on what to buy (shit man you really make me wonder):
1.) The highest % ISO you can find. 99% preferably so find a good, private pharmacy (Walmart won't have it).
2.) PG, PEG400, EJ Mix - YOU AND ONLY CAN DECIDE. I was able to get a gallon of PG for cheap at Tractor Supply. The rest are Amazon.
3.) Pyrex casserole dish - mine is something like 8 x 12
4.) Coffee wamer
5.) Syringes - just go to a couple pharmacies and ask them for one (no needle of course). Or buy 100 for nothing on amazon
6.) Metal or glass SMALL measuring cup
7.) Coffee filters and something to hold them
8.) Balljars - 32 oz
9.) Something to do the intital strain. I use a homebrewing bag but you can use cheesecloth and screw it on with the balljar cap

I think your real problem is that you are not listening/trusting those of us sitting here trying to help real time. Shit like that video of someone making a VG tincture for vaping may seem logical and legit. So ask them about what they are doing. All I can say is that I have been a pothead since the early 80s. I have a high tolerance. THC Vape Juice is a different high as I have found to be true when vaping dry herb or wax.I have explained what I do and it works for me. I can take my juice out to a bar, feel as high as stoners like me get, and no one knows what I am doing. I can partake in front of my kids when we are chilling and they can't tell it is not my normal nicotine juice. If you look at what I have written cumulatively, IT WILL WORK!
Just look at the first take at this site I was directed to. Stuff I never read before and so much more work. But they say this is the way. As so many others have and with all of them saying different things. Here you go for ISO:

We boil off the alcohol until the liquid is reduced to a pool of oil and all but minor bubbles cease rising at the edges and then pour in at least ten volumes of ethanol and wash out the whole pot by swirling it and washing off any resin stuck to the sides.
Using a funnel, we pour that liquid into a jar or bottle, seal it, and place that in the freezer. After about 48 hours at -18C/0F, the liquid will lose its clarity and become slightly cloudy, from marginally dissolved inactive ingredients like waxes and lipids flocculating out. There will also be precipitant on the bottom of the container. While this step isn’t totally necessary, it makes a cleaner, more pristine oil.
Next, we carefully decant and filter that liquid one more time, leaving a bell clear extract, that is ready to reduce down a final time.
We pour it into a Pyrex beaker or a stainless bain marie container for return to the oil bath and since we. have much less material, we use a smaller one container to keep film losses low.
When the oil is completely bubble I free, we remove it from the oil bath, wipe it off, and weigh it. As we know the tare weights of our containers, we subtract it from our total weight and add the rest of the required ingredients for the topical into the same container, based on the amount of cannabis oil present.

Since when do you reinfuse your ISO with ethanol??
Next here is what they say about pens. Seems this site knows no more than I. Here is a short:

This is actually round two of our portable E-Cigarette tests, with profoundly different results. In round one, we tested an E-Series e-cigarette using glycerin tinctures and subsequently with cannabis acetate oil.
Our E-Series was of insufficient watts to vaporize oil directly, and required a carrier menstruum like glycerin or propylene glycol. We conducted our experiments using glycerin, which we directly extracted the cannabinoids with, as we were never able to directly mix glycerin and cannabis oil concentrates.
That limited the potency that we were able to achieve, and while the E-Series produced medicinal effect, it was not impressive, so we switched to cannabis acetate, suspended in enough ethanol to allow saturating the wick, which we then allowed to flash off.
And even more::
We were pretty happy with the medicinal effects produced by the cannabis acetate, but as not many folks can produce it or lay hands on any, we decided to put the project on hold, until someone came up with something with enough wattage to vaporize straight cannabis oil extracts, or we had more time to devote to developing our own.
Recently we had a couple of cheeep Chinese battery packs donated to us in a joint R&D program, along with a pile of different carts to try out, and have been having our way with them. Hee, hee, hee………
We didn’t do deep supplier research, but we were able to get inexpensive mix and match components on line at:
There was a wide selection, but the pens we selected were under $30 each and the 510 carts that we chose were only $1.60 apiece, plus he picked up some other carts cheeeep, which looked interesting.
There were a number of other 510 cart manufacturers available, but at this point are more focused on process than who makes the best cart.
The pens were labeled with different names, though they appeared identical. The one that I ended up with is labeled Tornado-C and Joytech. According to my meter, it is putting out 3.8 volts
Let me start by announcing that there is no question that they have developed a system that is hot enough to vaporize straight oil, and deliver a full hit, so now we can move on to the nuances!!!
Thank ya’ll folks who moved the ball this far and may the Great Spirit bless you!
We started our tests using a KR-510 stainless cartridge @ 1.9/2 ohm (brand ?) and decarboxylated Absolute Amber oil, as it was easiest to load by heating it up and injecting it into the carts with a glass syringe.
Alas, while the device delivered nice effective hits, not only did some of our carts leak out the bottom, but the oil was of low enough viscosity, that if you laid the pen down, the oil would eventually slump and run out all by itself.
And you wonder why I don't just bust out and do it. Well I have not even heard of Cannabis Acetate and here it seems like they expect everyone to know what that is. Also look at all the fuck ups is seems happened in the tests they did here. Seems no good way that anyone can condense into one decent simple article without all the questions. I may just never get what I am looking for.. Thanks for trying...
Oh and don't forget the abrev's. Cart and shit like that. In an educational read the writer should never use an abreveation for a reader who doesn't even know what the abrev stands for... Should always spell out the whole word and not make ten new ones that just make it less work to write. Anyway. Stupid is as stupid refuses to do..
Just look at all this "simple" stuff...
We started our tests using a KR-510 stainless cartridge @ 1.9/2 ohm (brand ?) and decarboxylated Absolute Amber oil, as it was easiest to load by heating it up and injecting it into the carts with a glass syringe.
Alas, while the device delivered nice effective hits, not only did some of our carts leak out the bottom, but the oil was of low enough viscosity, that if you laid the pen down, the oil would eventually slump and run out all by itself.
What seemed to work best in the 510 carts was oil that was still in its carboxylic acid form and stiff at room temperature.
We started with some thin film vacuum purged Absolute Amber, which had the feel of dry lacquer to the touch, and chipped when we tried to scrape it from the Petri dishes.
Thin film vacuum purged Absolute Amber with no heat
We warmed it over simmering hot water to soften it enough to scrape, and after wiping it off the razor blade with a .045″ diameter 17-4PH stainless steel weld wire, we inserted the wire in the carts and heated it until the oil dropped off, using a small Bernzomatic pencil torch and then gently heated the cart to get it to evenly fill.
When it cooled down it was of a hard shatter consistency and the pen could be laid on its side with impunity.
Raw BHO Oleoresin Vacuum purged at 115F
We subsequently tested some C-99 vacuum purged raw BHO oleoresin extract, which brings us to the subject of taste and of wax.
The pen vaporizers as tested deliver a full potent hit, but most of the taste nuances are lost, as compared to a hit from a Titanium nail, skillet, or wand. That doesn’t mean that it tastes nasty, just that I couldn’t tell the differences between strains with the pen, while I can with the other three systems.
What we did note comparing the raw oleoresin extract and the Absolute Amber using a Ti skillet or nail, is that we can taste the plant waxes, and note it in the aftertaste, as well as feel its coating effects on our teeth and mouths. It is best described as a slight birthday candle taste.
I have popped the waxes from dried winterizing filters in my mouth and chewed them, to see what they tasted like, but they pretty much have no taste, and feel like candle wax between the teeth.
As a tongue in cheek thought, I was reminded of the occasional forum poster asking if any other heavy BHO smokers are experiencing congested lungs.
Of course smoking anything is a bad thing for your lungs, not to mention the carcinogenic byproducts of pyrolysis. If you light cannabis essential oils, you will note that it puts off a black sooty smoke, but even vaporizing oil with wax in it, may be leaving wax deposits behind in their lungs, instead of black soot.
Perhaps an argument for vaporizing absolutes, instead of raw oleoresins or concretes!
We also tested a couple of larger carts, with plastic tanks for the oil, and they worked with decarboxylated Absolute Amber, but they also had to be kept vertical to keep from leaking, so we will be concentrating our efforts around the 510 type cartridge and oil in the carboxylic acid Absolute Amber form.

so simple my monkey can do it. Really???! Absolute, amber, carts, tanks for oil, decarboxylated, pyrolysis, raw oleoresin extract, Ti skillet or nail.. Oh yeah I knew all that . But which one works with ISO?? LOLOLOL I guess keep reading right. But what next to read and try and figure out.
First of all, read the ISO tutorial here at RIU (https://www.rollitup.org/t/qwizos-qwiso.831286/). Going back a couple of your posts, what they are describing is winterizing where you take the oil, redo it into ethanol (everclear), "freeze", filter again, dry again, and then mix into your e-juice. But as it states, not necessary. In any case, on one hand you are getting pissy saying you know how to make QWISO, but then you are confused by the winterization process which is commonly wrote about. You were reading about processes to make shatter I believe with the vacuum pumps and all. That is not what you are trying to do.

We all had to deal with ambiguity and confusion from those who are really advanced. That degree of expertise is not important. If you have the weed, then do what we have said and see what you think. We all take a leap of faith that first time, and then we keep at it to perfect the craft.

For real, I am done. It is simple. Make the ISO oil, purge it, mix it with your juice, vape it. Now can I have a banana? You ARE taking something simple, overthinking it,. and making it way more difficult. If you aren't prepared to risk an oz or two, then just say fuck it and give up. Even on my first run, I ended up with good usable product. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
First of all, read the ISO tutorial here at RIU (https://www.rollitup.org/t/qwizos-qwiso.831286/). Going back a couple of your posts, what they are describing is winterizing where you take the oil, redo it into ethanol (everclear), "freeze", filter again, dry again, and then mix into your e-juice. But as it states, not necessary. In any case, on one hand you are getting pissy saying you know how to make QWISO, but then you are confused by the winterization process which is commonly wrote about. You were reading about processes to make shatter I believe with the vacuum pumps and all. That is not what you are trying to do.

We all had to deal with ambiguity and confusion from those who are really advanced. That degree of expertise is not important. If you have the weed, then do what we have said and see what you think. We all take a leap of faith that first time, and then we keep at it to perfect the craft.

For real, I am done. It is simple. Make the ISO oil, purge it, mix it with your juice, vape it. Now can I have a banana? You ARE taking something simple, overthinking it,. and making it way more difficult. If you aren't prepared to risk an oz or two, then just say fuck it and give up. Even on my first run, I ended up with good usable product. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

That is the advice I took when I started. Trial and error, that is how we learn.

I spent and used what I could afford and perfected the process from there to the best of my abilities. Let's just say, I went through so many ounces of top notch buds, well, I lost count! Just doing all of the testing. It actually started to get annoying by how high I was all the time! I must say though, because of all of the testing, and landing on some naturally decarbed QWISO, purely by accident, it has opened yet another door for me in the world of concentrates. It provides me a better buzz, so much better, I just want more! It is incredible! No heat, 100 days to decarb.

Anyway, I did a lot of testing with what I call e-cannabis oil, well over a year ago.

@ Oilthaworks1: I can't speak for BHO but I can speak for my alcohol concentrates. I gave you an e-cannabis mix results with an AeroTank mini using my methods and my oil and it is a winner. No leaking, no problems like you have described. I do like to replace the coils every other fill. Heck, for $2 a coil, that is not a big expense.

If you are wanting to vape the oil straight, again, I can only speak for alcohol concentrates, (I know BHO can offer different results). My absolute favorite rig is the SmokTech Magneto mechanical vape with an 18350 battery, a 601-510 adapter, and a KISS Cart, the standard KISS cart not the titanium. I have to admit, it is far more potent than using e-cannabis oil. The biggest downfall in my opinion is that the coil is not replaceable (yes, if you have the skills you can rebuild it). Other than that, you are out $20 when the coil breaks. I have to say, there is nothing like hitting the oil straight with a mechanical vape!

I have all the links posted in my blog. If anyone would like a link to my blog(s) send me a PM.