Just wanted to post my BHO and method

and ya water boils at 212, but when you take it off the stove and pour it in a dish it loses heat rapidly and is perfect for purging
and ya water boils at 212, but when you take it off the stove and pour it in a dish it loses heat rapidly and is perfect for purging
I agree with this but i leave a large amount of water in the pot so it stays a constant temp longer and it takes longer to heat up so that it will not get too hot too quick by accident plus its just better for my setup but i keep my wayter on the stove the whole time under very low flame and the water doesnt boil just is warm. To me my process seems to work perfect and so far i am very happy so i will continue doing what i do. I have also tried gring bus and not grinding and the only difference i noticed was smaller yield but maybe there was something i couldnt tell i was doing just by observing the process. Oh and i can also keep it on the stove because i do such small runs its not enough butane to worry about fire either.
i mean if they are safe to make coffee thru wouldnt it be safe to use for a filter when extracting? Or is the butane pulling something out of it i cant see?
120 is the temp that butane completely evaps. what else is there to extract? you want the oils from the plant thats the whole point of extracting, last time i checked lipids were not a bad thing, do even know what a lipid is?View attachment 2042062View attachment 2042063 this shit is full of lipids and im sure its better then yours

Dude what's with the hate? "this shit is full of lipids and i'm sure its better than yours" Since when was it a fucking competition? Can you open your mind for like a split second and try to see what I am saying??

Essentially, when you increase the amount of oils and fats you are extracting, you are decreasing the potency of each dab and increasing the amount of vaporized waxes you are inhaling. Of course it's not as bad as smoking strait flower...but all I was saying was you get more bang for you buck when you don't grind it up. Now please...flame away.
cbd's cbv's thc all that is essential oils of the plant when you grind it there more readily available and eaiser to extract when all the trichs are knocked loose and it gives you a better yield. there is a fine line in how well its ground up like coffee not too fine but not too course. if you completeley powderize your trim the budder will be slightly darker yes. but if you get it perfect which can be done using coffee grinder if your carefull the budder will still come out bright yellow gold no impurites. and i get the same color if i were to barley brake up the trim with my hands just about half the yield. all im sayin is grinding up the herb just right does not give you less potency or inferior product but actually increases yield. your giving people misinformation lets see your pure product
I'm not GIVING anyone anything dude. I'm just stating my opinion and trying to see where your coming from. It's not like some dumbass is going to go blasting butane after reading my one post.

"cbd's cbv's thc all that is essential oils of the plant when you grind it there more readily available"

I thought CBD's and CBV's were present in the trichome glands. Not in the essential oils and waxes inside the marijauana? I could be wrong...

And I've shown my product quite a few times. I simply don't have extra buds to be blasting butane at the moment. Would you like me to post an old pic that you've probably already seen?

Here now Here now, I will sample all of your BHO products and will conclude which one is more pure than the other. PM me for details of where to send :lol:
120 is the temp that butane completely evaps. what else is there to extract? you want the oils from the plant thats the whole point of extracting, last time i checked lipids were not a bad thing, do even know what a lipid is?View attachment 2042062View attachment 2042063 this shit is full of lipids and im sure its better then yours

IM definetly a rookie in this field, whats the differance in the more oily texture stuff and the stuff right here in str8sativa pics.
One is purged with heat and then let cool, while the other is whipped up after purging in order to add air and make the product easier to work with.
i actually whip slightly in the second purge, let cool in fridge while still a dark oil then whip vigorously during third purge
ok if butane boils off at 120 and boiling is at what 212....you will degrade your thc imo........turbocivic u blow glass dont ya ;) ....i tried for a while hard art to master!!

STOP.... butane boils at 31 degrees F http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fuels-boiling-point-d_936.html

Heat is not needed for the evaporation of tane the whole process can be done below freezing. Heat transforms / changes your thc (I'm not sayin' that's bad) just find the right zone for your needs.

turbo I like your small shoot system for spur of the moment needs, & the erl looks good