just wanting some advice

lil poted

How old do my plants need to be to veg under a 600w HPS. Would i be better off putting an extra light 125w cfl in there. Going to be doing 9 plants thanks


Active Member
How old do your plants need to be to veg? Your plants will go into the "vegetative" stage from the seedling stage around the time the second or third set of true leaves form... You can technically have seedlings under your 600w HPS... the key is to raise the light up so as to not burn the young sensitive plants.


New Member
I would wait and just put the cfl on them. You're wasting energy with the 600. They're not going to grow any faster, because they don't have alot of leaves, and HPS is for flowering. Not vegging


Well-Known Member
How old do my plants need to be to veg under a 600w HPS. Would i be better off putting an extra light 125w cfl in there. Going to be doing 9 plants thanks
old doesnt mean shit fella , size does

once they reach a certain size a small light simply cant give them the loving they need and its at this point it would be worth while sticking another light in there , considering all strains and plants are different its not possible to say at day number 31 blah blah blah as its down to how big the plant is , feel free to post a picture for a more accurate assessment

lil poted

just dint think 125w was going to be enough for 9 plants in vegative stage. this is what i was thinking: 125w cfl blue for propagation until they get a 3/4 of nodes then was going to change to my 1.2x1.2x2m tent and put either the 125w clf blue or 600w mixed spectrum hps. my seeds got put into the propagator yesterday so got a couple of days to think what i can do.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd for this one, I can't wait to see the density of the bud vs the potency for those being run 100% under hps. (since there's no way 125w will cover that space / # of plants)

lil poted

So you think i should just go through the full grow on hps. Well i was gunna keep them under the the cfl in propagation till they get4/5 inch and need more light and hopefully they will be big enough for the hps not to scorch them lol. and when i put them into veg can i put them straight into an 18L pot or 8L 11L and then 18L. Cheers


Active Member
I'd do the whole grow with HPS... IMO you will get better results with your HPS over CFLs anyday... You can put seedlings/small plants under a 600HPS, just make sure you raise the light up so as to not burn the babies. Again, IMO you should always "pot up"... Start with small, then medium, then large size pots.


Well-Known Member
I'd do the whole grow with HPS... IMO you will get better results with your HPS over CFLs anyday... You can put seedlings/small plants under a 600HPS, just make sure you raise the light up so as to not burn the babies. Again, IMO you should always "pot up"... Start with small, then medium, then large size pots.
Agreed on all counts... 600w hps has to definitely go higher than normal, or you'll have some bbq'd plants.. only thing that'd be missing is a honey sauce to put on `em.


New Member
I don't... I would rather not risk it... You wouldn't have to check up on them all the time with the cfls... HPS could cook them in a minute


Well-Known Member
HPS if you already got it set...
What temps are you running, and RH ?
Try to keep RH around 50, under the HPS so they don't dry, and seem to cook...
If you want to go buy some CFL's for a couple of weeks that would be fine too...
Good luck!