just weird, dont know what to call it. PICS


Well-Known Member
this is outdoor. i dont know if this could be under/over watering, or just maybe temps in FL. plant was topped, half is looking good, then the very top part of the other half i dont understand. the last pic is what most bud sites look like. any ideas on what it could be?



Well-Known Member
do not wonder too much, maybe soil problem, some nute is more than others.. and maybe sun burn too much heat but i dont think so..

maybe it is in plant gen's, but what you could do ? nothing much keep it flower and grow, smoke then that mothafucka ;) nice lookings!

but i think it cost by some nutes, nute balance is not correct!


Well-Known Member
I say bigtime nute burn brother how much fert and how often if you been fertilizing a bunch flush that sucker if it isn't dead yet