Just wondering why ph jumps


I apologize if this isnt the right place to post this..
2 days ago I ph my water to 6.5 and last night before I watered I checked ph and it was at 4.8.. what's up with that?
not sure chlorine is high in ph maybe your ph has lowered because the chlorine has evaporated out of the water, just a guess. bit of a drastic drop though.
When I ran dwc, I would premix 10 gallons of nutrient mix each week for top ups.....On day 1 the PH with nutrients and cal-mag would be at 6.0.-6.5. I use normal tap after 24 hours of sitting. By day 3, my PH would drop to around 5.5. By day 7 around 5.0 so I normally would have to adjust UP by later in the week.
Yeah, it usually takes me a few days to get my tap water pH stabilized. Thankfully "good enough" has been good enough, for the most part.