Its a Mathematical expression and there are many different ways to express the same math in this case. The math looks something like this :
Humanity has been around for approximately 10,000 years of anything worth note, now, lets put that in proportion to 4.5 billion.
4,500,000,00 and then we have 24 hours. We set up a proportion. 10k over 4.5b, and x over 24. multiply 10k by 24, you get 240,000 divided by 4.5 billion, and the final answer is: .000053 hours.
Now to convert that to minutes,
Multiply .000053 by sixty, divided by 1. .00318 minutes is our answer. repeat that for seconds.
All in all, about .1908 seconds.
Literally, not even 1 whole complete second.
So , you are wrong. Not by much, you were actually closer to the .1908 than I was. However, its really anal. Its even more anal to go out of your way to so boldly pronounce my error.
Which is really just another testament to how fucked the fuckery of humans are.
Much of these timelines have been created and expanded upon by the man that developed String Theory. I would imagine that there is a reason we are on RIU and people such as Mr. Kaku are in a University......last time I checked stoners were not leading scholars around the globe with enlightenment

Stay Humble
Most good teachers go to the point of showing the math when the student is wrong. You could have at least gave your statement some math to stand up on