JW - NLxC99


Well-Known Member
The last 3 photos are the C99 - the very last one is the one that should come out in the next few hours.I can see it, but i dont think you can in the photo.


Well-Known Member
Killed the C99's
They no longer reside in my closet.

Everything else is going to shit and i hope it comes along soon.


Well-Known Member
Soon I will be putting up photos.
But i must warn they are an eye sore.
I am having a hell of a time trying to grow hydro.

Hoping things turn around soon.

I am getting for C99 Seeds soon to start that over.

The last ones dried out and died, i was away for a day and thats all it took.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, man. If you're gonna be in and out during the holidays, you might want to start and sex your next seeds in soil, then take clones when you know who your females are and run those hydro...


Well-Known Member
Wow man, sorry to hear about the little ladies. /21 gun salute

I do like fungzyme's idea. You could use jiffy starter cubes until it's completely rooted out then move to the hydro system. Was the problem with water not getting to the roots? Too aggressive with the nutes early on?


Well-Known Member
The C99's died because the water level didnt reach the rockwool cube and they just got dehydrated past recovery.

Otherwise, im starting to get a handle on the NL99's

They are three weeks in, about
THey look like they are a week old. Spent the last two weeks recovering.
But to me they look like they are coming along, just becuase mostof this growth has come in the last three days.
So officially these are rolling now!!!!

Let me know thoughts and opionons.
And that soil idea has crossed my mind already but i got a friend who does soil so i might just ghank clones off him.

Pictures are not working for me right now, But i do have them from 02dec2010.
I will try to get it workng later, i gotta get going.


Well-Known Member
most of them are smelly...Some have been getting stronger as others have faded. Really skunky so far. Today as i walked in my home i can notice a stench. hope i can control it ;)


Well-Known Member
Looks like all of the new growth is looking quite nice now. Nice recovery man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks T0rn.

Ive been reading alot and I have focused on what this says.

[FONT=Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica]"in low light (overcast days or indoor growing environments) plants take up more potassium and phosphorous from the nutrient solution so the acidity increases (pH drops). In strong intense light (clear sunny days) plants take up more nitrogen from the nutrient solution so the acidity decreases (pH rises).[/FONT]"

I adjust my Ph daily. Not sure if thats normal. Its always rising, leading me to belive these plants love nitrogen. Like my good friend dizzlefrost noted on the c99's love for nitrogen. I think they took that from the 99's.
Now I am thinking the best thing to do right now is to go to a full strength of solution to give them what i think they need.

Also i am lead to believe from reading a few articles that my water temperature is too low, affecting growth.
With all these kinks out before flowering I am sure the harvest will be good, just my vegetative time will be extended to make up for my lack of knowledge before i started.

I am going to GI my grow room today once these pain meds kick in, I ran outta my cannabis so I have to go to synthetic drugs for the time being. :(


Well-Known Member
So I cleaned and rearranged a few things. Added water, and made the solution full strength.
Got a heater too for the water temp, its for my turtles and it automatically turns off when it gets to 78 F, and thats on when my lamp is on.

So i think i got the wholes in my setup patched and ready to rock. I hope....


Well-Known Member
From what I've been reading around, 65 degrees is optimal as at that degree your plants aren't suffering from it being too cold and that temp holds more oxygen in it. Once you get into the upper 70s you can start growing algae and all sorts of baddies that contribute to root rot. Also, the higher the temps, the lower the oxygen.

Are you using H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) in your tanks? A tablespoon a day, or every other day will add shit tons of oxygen to the water and kill off any sort of baddie bacterias. After a day or so the H2O2 evaporates out of the tank.


Just some photos from today.

First pictures. Does this look like nute burn?

All the other photos are just me trying to take interesting photos.

Them bottom 5 pots are the ones with the C99 in it, just waiting to come out and grab some of that light!

Currently the solution is nothing but water and supert hrive. Had to adjust the PH down a bit. but really after i noticed yellowing, i quickly flushed and went to regular water. Now a few days later, they are burnt a bit. I am sure i fixed it but always looking for reassurance or a second opinion.

Enjoy! Cant wait to show off some buds!
Man, they are some healthy looking sprouts! Looking good and Im only about halfway through your journal. (New here). The only things I can see you might want to change to maximize your grow is: get the lights over top and as close as you can get them without burning them, and start them in a small 2 inch pot first, set them in an inch of water, then when they get larger just set the small pot in a larger one so as not to disturb the root hairs. at least enough so the roots are in the water, us an airstone to oxygenate them too.
Nice grow man.


Well-Known Member
Now I am proud once again to have the handle BBYY.

AKA Blueberryyumyum.
My grow has officially started! HAHA

I learned that if you treat the root systems right, everything else will just work.

Here is some photos. Compare to a few days ago and I bet we can all agree cold res temperature's was the big factor in these having a slow recovery.

I will say a week at this rate I can force flower to sex, and then another week to develop clones, and I will start to flower.



Well-Known Member
Man, they are some healthy looking sprouts! Looking good and Im only about halfway through your journal. (New here). The only things I can see you might want to change to maximize your grow is: get the lights over top and as close as you can get them without burning them, and start them in a small 2 inch pot first, set them in an inch of water, then when they get larger just set the small pot in a larger one so as not to disturb the root hairs. at least enough so the roots are in the water, us an airstone to oxygenate them too.
Nice grow man.
Thanks for stopping in!
Funny thing you brought that up, usually my light is centered above it, and its as low as i can get it.
Just I had a fan that i added to the hood - i moved it over and never got around to moving the system to it. As you can see now - its all straight.
Thanks for your input, everything you have said crossed my mind before. Just sitting and waiting.
For my next start of plants , i will be doing what you recommended. But i wont be using pots, rather just plugs, then put em in dome to start their life. Then transfer to a veg room then ultimately the flower room and a little drip system sitting under a few CFL's . The veg room still needs to be setup - thinking of a way to split my closet if its possible to light lock the flower room.

Til next time RIU , stay high and keep it growing ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude, that beast in the back is like twice the size of the others~

I like the idea of using starter plugs, they plug and play into the hydro system well.