JWH-018 any non scam sites out there?


New Member
I ordered it twice from 2 different people and still haven't got it. It's been a month and $98.00 down the drain. Do you know of any reputable jwh-018 sellers that are based in the US? You must have ordered to answer this. I'm tired of getting ripped! P.S. I'm in the US so it's legal
Thanks for your help.
Edit: Or do you know how to make it?


New Member
Why are people so reluctant to give info on them? It's legal in the US so there's nothing to worry about.


New Member
well of course the people that have a good sorce dont want to give it up, but keep tryin, and i would look thru a couple other forums as you can prolly find one fairly quickly, they are out there
Why don't people just give it out? It's legal in most places.