JWH-018 help!

pot scott

Well-Known Member
I'm currently getting drug tested now, and i'm looking to find a well trusted and cheap website for jwh-018. and is it safe, or can u od? help would be much appreciated!:-o


Well-Known Member
Its sold as bonzai tree nutrients or something like that, you just have to look around.

People around here like to keep their RC vendor websites to themselves in fear of the substance being made illegal.

If you do find it, be VERY carefull.. If you dont have a milligram scale, DO NOT GUESSTIMATE! I "overdosed" my first and only time because I estimated an appropriate dose that ended up being 5x more than recommended. Terrifying halucinations, sweating bullets, vomitting ensued. I remember thinking that if I still had my motor skills, I would kill myself to end it as I was sure I was going to die anyway. I woke up 4 hours after dosing and had a new, intense appreciation for life. As far as Im concerned, it was my only near-death experience.

So be carefull, buy a mg scale, or buy some Spice.

Good luck :joint:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
So far as we know, yes it is safe. As to OD'ing.. there are some unwanted side effects with large dosages (too many people simply don't know how to clear their mind and let anxiety go if you ask me). If you do not have a milligram scale (.001g) stay away.