

Oracle of Hallucinogens
* Synthetic cannabinoid agonist

This will be closed unfortunately due to advertising (or selling shit on here).

Plus, I can get a gram for $97 JWH-018
and JWH-073 for $76 a gram

Last but not least, you're a stranger on here.. I'd hate to throw my money in the trash.


Hey everyone,
Has anyone tried out jwh018 net? They seem to be givin away free samples of jwh018, just wonderin if anyone knew what it was like and what their prices where like?



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Hey everyone,
Has anyone tried out jwh018 net? They seem to be givin away free samples of jwh018, just wonderin if anyone knew what it was like and what their prices where like?

nope. Try getting a free sample, come back and tell us if it's decent.

There are two reallllly good suppliers on the market, but always room for more new competition.
JWH-018 is fun as hell when used correctly. It should be smoked in a glass dick, if you don't have one then use a light bulb. I would not recommend snorting it, but you can take it orally when mixed with a drink like vodka. The pure shit sells for $70 a gram, or $500 for ten grams, and is active at the sub-milligram level, whereas a proper dose is around 5 mg. I would recommend using a scale that is accurate to the milligram, if you don't have one, it can be cheaply obtained on eBay. Be sure never to buy anything that has a color to it, as pure jwh-018 is white as snow. It can be found on eBay here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120472436805&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

If you want to know more you can email me at shamanpanda@gmail.com


Well-Known Member
I bought some on ebay and then ebay canceled the sale after I already payed with paypal. They seized the money from the vendor's paypal. but he had already shipped it. They didn't give me my money back or the seller. Paypal jacked us.
this was 2 weeks ago.
I received the product. Quite nice I must say. It woks in very small doses like the previous poster stated.
2 mg's and i felt like I just blazed a blunt.


Well-Known Member
Not likely, think of it as smoking pure THC but its actually a little stronger than that. If you smoke too much it will be like you just ate 25 brownies and your tripping the biggest balls of your life, cant talk, dont know who you are, it gets pretty crazy


New Member
Not likely, think of it as smoking pure THC but its actually a little stronger than that. If you smoke too much it will be like you just ate 25 brownies and your tripping the biggest balls of your life, cant talk, dont know who you are, it gets pretty crazy
But your positive you CAN NOT die? How much should I smoke?


Well-Known Member
I mean Jesus Christ, dude, I can't give you a 100% certainty but if you do the correct dose (about 5 mg) you wont die, I can give you that.


New Member
I mean Jesus Christ, dude, I can't give you a 100% certainty but if you do the correct dose (about 5 mg) you wont die, I can give you that.
My scale doesnt register that low. Do you know a good way to measure that out any other different?


Well-Known Member
Its pretty easy to tell, I mean you can get some pretty cheap mg scales on ebay, or if you dont have the money just put the smallest amount you can put and find your good dose going from there


Well-Known Member
If you can't accurately calculate a dosage, don't do it.

'If you smoke too much it will be like you just ate 25 brownies and your tripping the biggest balls of your life, cant talk, dont know who you are, it gets pretty crazy'

This is true, I speak from personal experience.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
But your positive you CAN NOT die? How much should I smoke?
Oh I'm sure you can die from it.. 1-5mg's

Not likely, think of it as smoking pure THC but its actually a little stronger than that. If you smoke too much it will be like you just ate 25 brownies and your tripping the biggest balls of your life, cant talk, dont know who you are, it gets pretty crazy
What dosage was that at? I smoked over 10mg's and just got rly high :-D

My scale doesnt register that low. Do you know a good way to measure that out any other different?
If your scale doesn't read that accurately, the JWH-XXX substances are not for you. Get a milligram scale!


New Member
Oh I'm sure you can die from it.. 1-5mg's

What dosage was that at? I smoked over 10mg's and just got rly high :-D

If your scale doesn't read that accurately, the JWH-XXX substances are not for you. Get a milligram scale!
1mg can kill you?