

Well-Known Member
JWH-018 is fun as hell when used correctly. It should be smoked in a glass dick, if you don't have one then use a light bulb. I would not recommend snorting it, but you can take it orally when mixed with a drink like vodka. The pure shit sells for $70 a gram, or $500 for ten grams, and is active at the sub-milligram level, whereas a proper dose is around 5 mg. I would recommend using a scale that is accurate to the milligram, if you don't have one, it can be cheaply obtained on eBay. Be sure never to buy anything that has a color to it, as pure jwh-018 is white as snow. It can be found on eBay here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120472436805&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

If you want to know more you can email me at shamanpanda@gmail.com
If he says he is a shaman he must be trustworthy ;)

Damn neo-hippies!


Well-Known Member
Me and my gal have tried it! JWH-018 is the best thing since breaded slice! a pinch the size of a pinhead is too much but take about half that and just spread it over tobacco in a pipe. MAN! what a buzz! too much, and it feels like a trippy spacey high, though. Take a teeny amount for your first time. I don't smoke cigs, but had jwh over some tobacco in one of my pipes and couldn't stand up for a while after taking just two hits! I got it at $30/gram shipped same day. We, today in fact just ordered a 5/gram sale at $130! Can't pass that up. ok while I am not personally selling, here is the site for the jwh stuff.


Well-Known Member
1mg can kill you?
no 1 mg cannot kill you. I have taken 4 mg's at a time and except for feeling like I am melting through my couch nothing else happened, an incredible case of the munchies, (that eating does NOT get rid of), a vary intense 'cotton mouth' but that's it.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I have taken ~80 milligrams (various jwh's), 1mg can not kill you. On the other hand, please do not try above 10mg's of any JWH unless you have some serious experience!