

Well-Known Member
I'd stay away from man made garbage,stick with the naturals.
What if it was man made THC? There is nothing inherently evil about synthetic chemicals nor inherently good about natural products. I'd rather eat 500ug of LSD than 500ug of maitotoxin. Many of the most toxic things on Earth are natural, like uranium, or arsenic, or fluorides. Many man made chemicals are life savers. Like advanced antibiotics. Which are get this improvements on nature. There really is such a thing as better living through chemistry.

Back to the topic, I haven't heard of it being put on blotters but it could be done, even if you had to take more than one. It should be soluble in alcohol and DMSO, both of which can be used to put something on a blotter.

I only tried jwh-018 once, it was good but I like pot more. Shepj pretty much covered everything, the only thing I would add is to take a really small dose (0.1-0.2mg) to test for allergy or a hypersensitivity, which is a good practice for any drug.
Have fun and be safe!
I'd stay away from man made garbage,stick with the naturals.
unfortunately that is illegal, and many of us have jobs that require urine test.

We are working on a petition to legalize mary j, so if anyone here is interested in becoming politically active for legalization please sign your name to the docket.


72,500 signatures strong! our goal is 100,000! (or a million man pot march which ever comes first)

I know this is going to look like spam from this first poster, but this is extremely relevant to this site so please do not delete.

Also, we have a petition started here locally (in PA) for the rescinding of Senate Bill #1006 that made these synthetic cannabis illegal in Pennsylvania if anyone can get on board with that one:


If you are interested in starting a petition in your own state other than PA you can do so as well, if nobody does anything law makers are going to assume the majority of citizens agree with their decisions.

jerm :)
unfortunately that is illegal, and many of us have jobs that require urine test.

We are working on a petition to legalize mary j, so if anyone here is interested in becoming politically active for legalization please sign your name to the docket.


72,500 signatures strong! our goal is 100,000! (or a million man pot march which ever comes first)

I know this is going to look like spam from this first poster, but this is extremely relevant to this site so please do not delete.

Also, we have a petition started here locally (in PA) for the rescinding of Senate Bill #1006 that made these synthetic cannabis illegal in Pennsylvania if anyone can get on board with that one:


If you are interested in starting a petition in your own state other than PA you can do so as well, if nobody does anything law makers are going to assume the majority of citizens agree with their decisions.

jerm :)
You won't see me deleting, but you might get more views if you create a thread in toke 'n talk. :)
thanx Daath, this particular petition (local to Pa) is only relevant to this topic, however I do have other news relevant to the legalization of Mary j that I will post in Toke 'n talk.

Due to my job requirements I have not toked in over 7 years, however I have not forgotten to cause.

jerm :)
dont do this shit its chemical ive smoked a good amount it recently and ive never been right since so much anxiety fucked up depth perception days after smoking it it is more potent than weed because it opens the cb1 receptors AND the cb2 receptors thc only opens up the cb1 receptors its easier to buy than weed..
dont take more then 2 hits or your gonna trip balls my advise is to stick with DA HERB!Besides you live in canada thats like the 2nd weed capital.


Active Member
i smoked too much JWH once i was tripping harder than when i did acid and it wasnt a good trip i thought i was going to die from a heart attack and my wall was going to crush me then when i get back to normal i read the packet and it says 2 TOKES ONLY! fml


Well-Known Member
they sell it on ebay.id get the funky munkey 10x spice.if you could smoke marijuana stick with it,if not then smoke spice.they have legal cocaine now to.they sell it as bath salts at smoke shops.