
Hello everyone,
I recently have been interested in something a buddy from work told me about. For those that dont know what it is, its a synthetic cannabinoid found in herbal incense that is more potent that marijuana. If smoked, it gives the person a high very similar to marijuana. It cannot be tested in drug tests and has a nice smell to it usually. Interested, I decided to put matter in my own hands and try it. So I went to a site (PM me if you would like the link to the site) and ordered 1 gram. I got it 2 days later and noticed it looked like a smoking blend almost. I smoked about 2-3 pinches in a pipe. When it comes to this kind of stuff, I get very skeptic. As a matter of fact, I was very skeptic on this too. But after holding each hit for around 15 seconds i walked around for about 5 minutes and then it hit me. I was totally fucked out of my mind. I was so surprised only a few pinches got me so high.

So after experiencing this wonderful adventure, I am interested in seeing on what other people think about this stuff. By the way, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where to post it.

But let everyone know what you think about this stufff(:


Well-Known Member
Ya, I got a free sample from Happyshaman and it was good but no stronger than the bud I normally smoke but for those who smoke mids or shwag it will kick your ass. there are several versions from what I know, 018 is the best and there is something about 017 that I can't remember. While it doesn't show up on a piss test, it will be made illegal shortly so I would love to grab a key and have it just for the sake of having it....then if you got shitty weed you could spray it and make it super strong anyway...some have had respiratory issues from it though, it doesn't react exactly the same as pot, though similar...extended use can lead to agitation which you wont get from weed...so I will stick to regular bud...


Active Member
2-5mg is a good dose of pure -018. Be careful if you are smoking with any novices. They can easily get thrashed on this stuff. Really nice if put on top of the real thing. Or so I've been told.


Active Member
Yea...you can order either the JWH-018 sprayed on a smoking spice (Black mamba, spice gold, orange krush) or you can just order the powder (like an light orange/tan hard packed powder). The powder seems to be much less expensive as just a very little pitch can get you very high. So a gram of powder ($40) would be like a 1/2 ounce of good dank.

It does not show up in piss tests. And the high seems to last much longer than weed and has more of a body high with it. But its a synthesized chemical. So the dosage is very sensitive. Its not like weed where you can smoke a lot and never OD. With JWH-018 if you take too much it can cause anxiety attacks and acute paranoia in some people (which I guess you could term as an over-dose). Thats probably why most of it is sold in very small packets sprayed on smoking spice. But it is indeed still legal right at the moment in the US (not in Europe or Australia though).

I think the powder would be worth having... if you get some weak weed you can add a tiny pitch as you smoke. You just have to get to know the dosage.


Well-Known Member
how would i add it to weed? if its a powder how do i spray it on? thanks i think i'll buy a gram and give it a try.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Anyone intending on buying any JWH-xxx's please tell me you have a .001g scale?
Its a blend spiked with the JWH-018. You can just sprinkle on weed or smoke it by itself. It gets you pretty high with only a little bit.
Yea...you can order either the JWH-018 sprayed on a smoking spice (Black mamba, spice gold, orange krush) or you can just order the powder (like an light orange/tan hard packed powder). The powder seems to be much less expensive as just a very little pitch can get you very high. So a gram of powder ($40) would be like a 1/2 ounce of good dank.

It does not show up in piss tests. And the high seems to last much longer than weed and has more of a body high with it. But its a synthesized chemical. So the dosage is very sensitive. Its not like weed where you can smoke a lot and never OD. With JWH-018 if you take too much it can cause anxiety attacks and acute paranoia in some people (which I guess you could term as an over-dose). Thats probably why most of it is sold in very small packets sprayed on smoking spice. But it is indeed still legal right at the moment in the US (not in Europe or Australia though).

I think the powder would be worth having... if you get some weak weed you can add a tiny pitch as you smoke. You just have to get to know the dosage.
I dont know though, Because I know JWH-018 pure is strong as hell, but 40$ a gram? If you have 40$ laying around to spend it on that then i guess go ahead, but I'd rather get an Herbal Incense/Spice with it in the blend, and I dont mean like Spike Gold. Because the stuff I bought before, is an Herbal Incense with JWH-018 in it and you only had to smoke like a pinch or 2 for a really strong buzz to high feeling. And it wasn't harsh at all like a lot of people say.


Well-Known Member
but that 1 gram is going to equate into like 300 bowlpacks, too much can give you anxiety and a really uneasy feeling if you're not used to it

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I recently have been interested in something a buddy from work told me about. For those that dont know what it is, its a synthetic cannabinoid found in herbal incense that is more potent that marijuana. If smoked, it gives the person a high very similar to marijuana. It cannot be tested in drug tests and has a nice smell to it usually. Interested, I decided to put matter in my own hands and try it. So I went to a site (PM me if you would like the link to the site) and ordered 1 gram. I got it 2 days later and noticed it looked like a smoking blend almost. I smoked about 2-3 pinches in a pipe. When it comes to this kind of stuff, I get very skeptic. As a matter of fact, I was very skeptic on this too. But after holding each hit for around 15 seconds i walked around for about 5 minutes and then it hit me. I was totally fucked out of my mind. I was so surprised only a few pinches got me so high.

So after experiencing this wonderful adventure, I am interested in seeing on what other people think about this stuff. By the way, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where to post it.

But let everyone know what you think about this stufff(:
my dude this same shit just happed to me
that shit blew me the fuck away i way unfuctionally high out of my mind i have a smoke report at this link
it was some trippy shit man


complete with pics
this shit is not for the everyday use
just once in a blue moon....trust
haha damnn just read the whole thing, you were tripping pretty fucking harddd it sounds like. That shit fucks you pretty harddd. I've only smoked a lot a couple times.

One time I thought my T.V. had possessed me at like 2 in the morning walking around my apartment moving weird and another time I was talking to a burrito that I made in the microwave and I thought it was talking back to me lmao. Crazy shit man. I love this stuff for everyday use though, just a pinch in a pipe gives an amazing buzz which is perfect for when I have work in the morning. I'm not fucked out of my mind just feeling good when I get there. I'm dry on bud right now so I just ordered 28 grams of it for 100$ from the online store I buy from.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
thats not bad
i gat this at a local head shop
20 a g
the guy gave me 3 for 50

trust me that shit is not for every day use

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Damn, 20$ a g? At least the guy hooked you up with 3g for 50$
I guess I have to try that kind, Black Mamba it was right?
your local head shop should carry it

thats shit was crazy :o
i'd say it was worth the price
if you like that type of high you will have no problem paying $30 a g



Smoke it. To me, it hit me the hardest (I've tried at least 10 different "blends" most were the same, the platinum and diamond varieties are almost always better) and had borderline trip-like effects. I definitely lost touch with this reality in exchange for several others while under the influence of this particular blend of spice. I did some research and found that it had a very concentrated amount of jwh on it.

For all those people who don't know what to do with the jwh, grab a bottle of everclear, grab some plant matter (ie: whatever you want to smoke, I use around 5g's of plant matter) then mix the jwh (A PINCH AT MOST) up in a tupperware container until it's dissolved. Stir in your plant matter and allow alcohol to evaporate, remove plant matter, scrape tupperware and put remaining powder back in whatever container you were using to store your jwh and enjoy. :weed: