K & G's new LEGAL CAVE!!!

Okay, the ones I just showed you were 4 of the 9 clones that I bought. I'll keep one of them as a "mom", and flower out the other three in about 2 weeks. Here are the others. I have 2 Alien Pebbles, 2 Strawberry Gary, and a Simple Man. I have clones of them all going, the first of the AP and the first of the SBG get to be "moms". I'll flower out the other two, plus the Simple Man, along with the three GG #4's

AP1_Side.jpg AP1_Top.jpg
Alien Pebbles #1

AP2_Side.jpg AP2_Top.jpg
Alien Pebbles #2

SBG1_Side.jpg SBG1_Top.jpg
Strawberry Gary #1

SBG2_Side.jpg SBG2_Top.jpg
Strawberry Gary #2

SMP_Side.jpg SMP_Top.jpg
Simple Man

But wait...there's more!!!
Now, for the ones I grew from seeds. I have some clones of these, and would like to keep the strongest of them - the Alien Rock Candy and Grandaddy Purps - as "mom's". I ran out of attachments, so there's gonna be one more post!

ARC_Side.jpg ARC_Top.jpg
Alien Rock Candy

BLK_Side.jpg BLK_Top.jpg
Blackberry Moonrock

GDP_Side.jpg GDP_Top.jpg
Grandaddy Purps

GFT_Side.jpg GFT_Top.jpg
God's Gift (jury's still out!)

OGK_Side.jpg OGK_Top.jpg
OG Kush

Last one coming...promise!
Finally, the Permanent Marker (another "mom's" candidate) and the ever cool group shot...

PM_Side.jpg PM_Top.jpg
Permanent Marker


I need to finish out the "outside the tent" veg areas, and get the tent cleaned up and ready for having the first "big six". Once they're in, I'll give one last topping and let them go two weeks before I flip. When I flip, I'll make sure the first scrog net is ready to go!
I knuckled under on the veg area, and got two more Spider Farmer tents -

  • A 3 x 3 x 6', with a 300W light, for 6" pots
  • A 4 x 4 x 6.5', with no light, for the "mom's" - I'm going to either re-use my SolarStorm 880 (this also gives me an auxiliary flower tent!), or put in 4 - 5 fluorescent lights!
  • I also got, from BuildaSoil, a 100 gallon fabric pot to mix soil in, and a 3 x 3 x 1.5 fabric grow container, in which I am going to make a soil blend from that company, that I can re-use indefinitely, with amendments...I can hardly wait!
Huzzah!! The 3 x 3 tent came in from Spider Farmer! This one has the light in it, and will be used for moms. I'll have the LED on, but turned down LOW. I should have 8 - 9 plants in it, from which I will snip clones!

Monday, the 4 x 4 is coming - that one will have 6 - 12 plants, which will be rooted clones, to the ones that are ready to flip to flower! I'm going to reuse my SolarStorm 880 from California Lightworks.

Here are the Gorilla Glue #4 ladies. I'll keep the best one as a mom, and flower the other three, starting in about 3 weeks!

GG4_1_Side.jpg GG4_1_Top.jpg
GG4_1 Side GG4_1 Top

GG4_2_Side.jpg GG4_2_Top.jpg
GG4_2 Side GG4_2 Top

GG4_3_Side.jpg GG4_3_Top.jpg
GG4_3 Side GG4_3 Top

GG4_4_Side.jpg GG4_4_Top.jpg
GG4_4 Side GG4_4 Top

And....the group!

More to come...
These are the other 5 clones. I'll keep one of each of the Alien Pebbles and the Strawberry Garry, and flower out the Simple Man. But, I do have clones of it. If I like it, I will keep one of the clones and do F2's from it.

AP1_Side.jpg AP1_Top.jpg
AP1 Side AP1 Top

AP2_Side.jpg AP2_Top.jpg
AP2 Side AP2 Top

SBG1_Side.jpg SBG1_Top.jpg
SBG1 Side SBG1 Top

SBG2_Side.jpg SBG2_Top.jpg
SBG2 Side SBG2 Top

SMP_Side.jpg SMP_Top.jpg
Simple Man - Side Simple Man - Top

More coming up...
Okay, here's the ones that are moms now, from seed...or, at least, the first 5 :) You may note, these are now in 3 gallon pots

ARC_Mom_Side.jpg ARC_Mom_Top_FIMMd.jpg
ARC Side ARC Top

BLK_Mom_Side.jpg BLK_Mom_Top.jpg
BLK Side BLK Top

GDP_Mom_Side.jpg GDP_Mom_Top.jpg'
GDP Side GDP Top

GFT_Mom_Side.jpg GFT_Mom_Top.jpg
GFT Side GFT Top

OGK_Mom_Side.jpg OGK_Mom_Top.jpg
OGK Side OGK Top

Last batch, coming up!!!
Okay, here's:
  • Last of the Mom's
  • Two clones - ARC and GDP
  • Cloner
  • Tent shot
The last of the moms is Permanent Marker:
PM_Mom_Side.jpg PM_Mom_Top.jpg
PM Side PM Top
ARC_Clone1_Side.jpg ARC_Clone1_Top.jpg
ARC Clone - Side ARC Clone - Top

GDP_Clone1_Side.jpg GDP_Clone1_Top_Topd.jpg
GDP Clone - Side GDP Clone - Top

Cloner_Side.jpg Cloner_Top.jpg
Cloner - Side Cloner - Top
