K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
That sounds cool k1. I think you should just build a small veg cab for your clones/vegging/etc


Well-Known Member
yeah thats cool that dude is tryin to work shit out with you. the dude that screwed me was basically like no you cant have your money back and theres nothing you can do about it...


Junior Creatologist
Thats what my current box will be for bro. Right now i got my plants that are just over 3 weeks into flowering in there. Once i set up my tent, ill throw those plants into the tent, and then wait a week or so, and germ my kill seeds, and start vegging them in my original box, with CFLs. I was thinkin about getting another 600w ballast, and hookin up my 600 MH bulb into my ghetto box instead of usin the CFLs for vegging, after the first 2 or 3 weeks. Its a toss up though, my plants did pretty well under the CFL lights last time, so maybe ill just keep it the same, and then whenever my current girls are done, ill throw my kill plants into the tent under the MH for another week or two to bulk them bitches up a lil bit, n then start flowering under the HPS. I dunno, theres alotta different shit i can do.

As far as growing out a mother, and cloning her goes, i am definitely gonna do that, but not until i move. Moving a 4 ft tall mother plant out of my apartment and into a house miles away is kinda sketchy in my book. I figgur i have time between now n february to do one more soil grow, and two more hydro grows. I have a one plant waterfarm drip bucket, so im gonna grow one plant in there, and clone her, n grow another one. But as for the rest of them, i think one more soil grow is all im gonna have time for.

Under MH and HPS lights, how long total from seed to harvest does it take would you say? two months? three?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, they are lookin good! Sounds like everything is finally working itself out, and like you've got some big plans for between now and feb. Under the hid lights, they will grow much better, and faster, but total time all depends on how long you veg them for. If you went right to 12/12 from clone, then your looking at the full bloom time for that plant + prolly 1-2 weeks for the plants to actually convert to blooming. If your strains have a 60 day bloom, then your at just over 2 months. Any time you veg for in addition to that will just add that amount of time to your plants. Thats if everything goes just as planned, and nothing slows down growth.(stress) 2 weeks veg + change over + bloom = about 3 months.


Well-Known Member
depends on how long you veg and how long the specific strain takes to flower... usually it will take around 3 months, some you can do in 2 others might take 4 haha


Junior Creatologist
yeh the strains i chose actually all say on the pack that the max bloom time is somethin like 6-10 weeks, so im good. No stress here, just sittin back, relaxin n waitin for the rest of my shit to arrive. Woke up this mornin and got my seeds, a couple hours later got my carbon filter and fans, tomorrow i get another fan, the next day my tent will be here, and by saturday ill have my lights n ill set up my drip bucket n everything else, n start germin after i hit the dro shop for ducting, growbags, flanges, and a complete line of FF nutes for dro n soil. I think the only thing i have to get thats different is the growbig -they have two types one for dro n one for soil.

So ill get the 2 growbigs, the big bloom, n i already got the tiger bloom. plus ill pick up the Open Sesame, ChaChing, andBeastie Bloomz solubles too, just to beef up my arsenal a little bit. After that im alllllllllllllllllllllllll good.

O btw, lol - fuckin when i opened up my package n got to my seeds, the big bhudda breeders pack for my blue cheese was all pushed in. One of the seeds was a little cracked, so i shook off all the debris and am germing it now to see if it was fucked or not. Hopefully its not, and ill have a head start on one of theplants. We shall see.....a seed isn't fucked if a little transparent part of the outer shell is broken off right? not the shell of the seed itself, but a little clear flake, it almost looked like dead skin. I should be cool right???



Well-Known Member
If CFL's work fine, stick with em. Save money on your electric bill. Bummer mane comes into another post that I've enjoyed.


Junior Creatologist
CMON FELLAS, LETS ALL FUCKIN GET ALONG HERE!!! Aint no need to stress out, were all brothers in one sense or another, so chill the fuck out, burn one, n be civil, lol.

N yeh, i got that bitch in a soaked paper towel, chillin in a mini rubbermaid box with the lid off, n its sittin on top of my cable box. Nice n warm ;)
So with what ive heard about Bluecheese bein real good about the taproot comin through within 24 hours, hopefully well know whats good tomorrow afternoon. N then ill plant that fucker n make magic happen.

N yeah i talked to dickhead from ebay. He tried to shkeeve me down to settlin for either a 400w setup again, or payin an extra 100 bucks for the ballast again. I told him all i had was 30 bucks extra, and it was his fuckin fault im broke now, cuz i thought i was gettin a good deal so i spent the rest of my cash on other equipment. Well the dude was from BC, n his boss actually ended up bein a pretty nice guy. Told me he was losin ten bucks by hookin me up, but he said hed do it for the repeat bizness. So my lights shipped out today, n should be here 5-7 biznizz days.

Bah, i aint leavin no real good feedback though, it was kind of a bitch talkin to the bosses middleman. Just like every other middleman on the face of the earth. Always tryin to make a buck offa that ass, n sayin whatever the fuck it takes to make it too :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I think that was nice of him K1. Because most buisness' won't give up 10 bucks for free. It was a hassle to do that, but it still worked out.


Well-Known Member
Good shit man you gotta give them what for or they will bend your ass over with no lube.

Cant wait to see it all set up.


Junior Creatologist
i topped corky like 3 times i think. N shes actually lookin a LOT more sophisticated lately, cuz shes gettin pissed that i aint takin pics of her, so i think she got a makeover when i wasnt lookin. Shes fillin out nicely n ill take some pics today for sure. I got about 4-5 more weeks of flowering, maybe 6 if i wanna leave the nugs for a different effect on the head. Well see.

N yeah i know man, you gotta be firm with fuckin salesmen, or theyll walk all over you. I hate to say it, but i worked for MCI telemarketing for the longest time as a salesman on the phones, n when it comes to doin business with somebody over the phone, you gotta be strong to the point of threatenin to take your biz away from them, and leavin bad feedback for them for everyone to see, or theyll try to squeeze every single last fuckin buck outta your ass, lol. I was happy to fork over the extra lil money for the ballast. I saved myself a SHITLOAD of money man. a normal 600watt system would run around 275 - 300 bucks, n thats LOWBALLIN it. i paid way under 200 for it man.

If anyone else wants to get a good deal from them, the name of the ebay store is PowerKingShop. Just go onto ebay n search up 400watt HPS MH n like 50 items from their store will show up. They have alot of good deals, but loook for the typos in the deals, theyll have no choice but to honor them to some extent, and youll end up with a deal on a system n save your ass at least 100 bucks.