K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Junior Creatologist
thats one of my favorite movies ever man, lol. N the Pineapple express strain is REAL, its just called something else. Its in the new hightimes issue from last month. Its pineapple somethin or other, but its other name is Pineapple express, and it was named that before the movie came out. That $290 dollar shit aint flyin with me man, lol, id sooner fuckin get a strain of just some fuckin Pineapple haze n call it express before i shell out THAT kinda cash on just one strain bro.

N YES, i have more strains than my girl has shoes at the moment, lol, wat of it ?!?!

I cant fuckin help it man. Its the coolest thing in the world, bein able to order up strains that nobody has ever seen in your area, grow it out, n just straight up become that guy who can get all the bud that YOU cant, lol. Even if i dont grow the majority of the shit i have out for a year or two, just knowing i have them should anything ever go wrong and i need to start over again, i feel good knowing i wont be stuck with seeds from some ditchweed :D -- Maybe ill make an order next week totally dedicated to YOU guys -- so think of maybe 3 strains that you guys wanna see me pick up, n ill pick them up next week n even bump them up in the order that im gonna grow them in, so the seeds that you all suggested will get grown before i do shit like the Purps, The Black, ChemDog, Sensi Star, or The Church. Cuz those are all next in my line of shit im growin. So make some suggestions guys. I need some rare exotics to make mothers out of when i move out :D


Well-Known Member
damn how much bank you tryin to spend here lol. i got more than enough seeds for now but if i ever save up some $$ i want to grow something like Stargazer (Sensi Star x Warlock x AK-47) or Super Star which is a back cross of sensi star x sensi star. so yeah, those are my two suggestions haha


Well-Known Member
Lol you are a shop-a-holic bro, but its great! I hope you didn't take the post about the phos def personally, just tossing the possability in the air, I hope it isn't too.

You do have one heck of a line up. I'm not gonna suggest a specific strain, but have you looked at the stuff from Mendala seeds. They are supposed to be some really primo gentics. They have both indica and sativa strains, and from what I read(awhile ago in Hightimes) they have gotten alot of their genetics from landrace strains, which gives them very strong genes, and unique qualities. I think there have won several awards in the short time they have been a public business. If you get a chance to check out the article in Hightimes, it was a good read.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my babies are just starting to shoot up now and recover from the topping, so it looks like im gonna have a shitload of nodes, lol. Its ok though, if the canopy is too thick to where i cant get light down to the other lower budsites, then ill just tie some branches off to the side and let some shine on down to the bottom of the stems. least i think thatll be what happens, lol.
=) sorry nope, you get to pick one or the other. If you think that you allerady have enough nodes to cover your entire space then you arnt going to want to veg very much longer. If you think you will be able to space them out then let them get as tall as your light can be effective.

Which brings me to my next point. No matter how spaced out the nodes are artifical lighting is only effictive for a matter of feet form the bulb.

  • 100 watt lights: 1.5FT x 1.5FT growing area or .75FT form bulb
  • 150/175 watt lights: 2FT x 2FT growing area or 1FT from bulb
  • 250 watt lights: 3FT x 3FT growing area or 1.5FT from bulb
  • 400 watt lights: 5FT x 5FT growing area or 2.5FT from bulb
  • 600 watt lights: 6FT x 6FT growing area or 3FT from bulb
  • 1000 watt lights: 8FT x 8FT growing areaor 4 FT from bulb
This is why the SCROG and Stadium methods have become so popular, because all the colas intercept the light at the soonest point posible across the entire grow area.

Maybe ill make an order next week totally dedicated to YOU guys -- so think of maybe 3 strains that you guys wanna see me pick up, n ill pick them up next week n even bump them up in the order that im gonna grow them in, so the seeds that you all suggested will get grown before i do shit like the Purps, The Black, ChemDog, Sensi Star, or The Church. Cuz those are all next in my line of shit im growin. So make some suggestions guys. I need some rare exotics to make mothers out of when i move out :D
=) Im ready with my three.

Dutch Passion - Skywalker

Soma Seeds - Lavender

Dutch Passion - Blueberry


Junior Creatologist
Yeah, Im with you on that one there. I already have Skywalker though, so your 1/3 of my order request is done :D --although maybe ill get some blueberry action, so i can grow it out, but also so i can have original blueberry in my repetwar for breeding purposes. I wanna do my own custom version of BlueWidow, or Northern Blue -- OR cross up my red diesel with some BB n make it some BlueDiesel :D now THAT would be fuckin danky man. Theres so many possibilites there its rediculous. My thing though, is that ALL of my seeds right now are feminized. Im thinkin that my next couple orders are gonna be regular seeds, so i can get some males out of the deal, and be able to make a totally original strain (even though i know nothing about stabalizing the phenotypes n alla that shit, im sure itll still grow out nice).

As for the ScrOGging though, i cant really do a ScrOG right now with the way that shit is being set up. I HAVE TO veg my indies for another 2 weeks, because if i dont then my WW will be WAY too immature to flower man. I wanna have some sick single colas comin from the tops of those bitches, lol. They just broke ground yesterday, n their already workin on their second set of true leaves. Fuckin Sativas are pretty cool so far, lol. As far as all the rest of the plants go, which are all indica, theyre getting nice n fat thick fuckin stems to them, and lookin like beasts that i SHOULD by all rights be flowering as of this coming wednesday, but waiting two weeks shouldnt be a problem. N i have no intentions whatsoever on keeping the light any further than 5-6 inches away from the plant tops, and as far as overall height of the plants go, i really dont think theyll be getting any taller than 3.5'-4' at most. Thatll leave me with about 9 inches of space to the top of the tent, lol, i know thats pushin it, but still, i think that ill have plenty of light disbursement to get light to the bottoms of the plants man. my tent is 2x4x5, and im growin 8 plants in there.

Now when i was talkin about tying down thebranches, i didnt mean LST style, i just mean tying them slightly so they bend to the side a little ass bit, so light can penetrate the center of the plant. I actually tied a couple of the biggest branches on each plant to the sides today just to make sure all the underdeveloped growth under the canopies get all the light i can give them before my tent turns orange n buds start explodin ;) I DO know what your saying about only being able to have one or the other, but i think that shit is gonna be so cramped in the tent, that ill be able to get light through those canopies pretty good. I have a plan of action in the works, but the hamster aint runnin on his wheel fast enough right now for me to break it down for ya , lol.

Anyways, ill get back to you guys when theres more to report. Ill let you know how the WWs are doin in about a week, n then the following week, throwin in the HPS action n im off!! OOOO, u know what i MIGHT do -- i might deconstruct some of my upper growbox, and fuckin take some of those orange CFLs n fixture them to the walls of the tent towards the bottoms of the plants, so that way i can be sure that light is getting everywhere possible on them bitches, and hopefully thatll lemme get some fully developed nugs all throughout the plant, instead of a bunch of massive top buds with a whole bunch of shitty popcorn nugs that are barely grown out, chillin at the bottom. Im blabberin now man, fuckin stoned at the moment, lol. Ill get back to postin as soon as i finish Forgetting Sarah Marshall again, n ill check n see if all this shit is makin sense.



Well-Known Member
Skywalker = Jealous =)

As for feminized seeds, that isn't a guarantee. I have had "feminized seeds" and they can be male.

As for the whole height vs dense, its like I said before; you just never know on the first run. Hell I know NOW that my 1000w would have sustained at least another foot of height, in retrospect, but not when I started so we just have to live learn and take lots of notes.


Well-Known Member
thats one of my favorite movies ever man, lol. N the Pineapple express strain is REAL, its just called something else. Its in the new hightimes issue from last month. Its pineapple somethin or other, but its other name is Pineapple express, and it was named that before the movie came out. That $290 dollar shit aint flyin with me man, lol, id sooner fuckin get a strain of just some fuckin Pineapple haze n call it express before i shell out THAT kinda cash on just one strain bro.

N YES, i have more strains than my girl has shoes at the moment, lol, wat of it ?!?!

I cant fuckin help it man. Its the coolest thing in the world, bein able to order up strains that nobody has ever seen in your area, grow it out, n just straight up become that guy who can get all the bud that YOU cant, lol. Even if i dont grow the majority of the shit i have out for a year or two, just knowing i have them should anything ever go wrong and i need to start over again, i feel good knowing i wont be stuck with seeds from some ditchweed :D -- Maybe ill make an order next week totally dedicated to YOU guys -- so think of maybe 3 strains that you guys wanna see me pick up, n ill pick them up next week n even bump them up in the order that im gonna grow them in, so the seeds that you all suggested will get grown before i do shit like the Purps, The Black, ChemDog, Sensi Star, or The Church. Cuz those are all next in my line of shit im growin. So make some suggestions guys. I need some rare exotics to make mothers out of when i move out :D

HAHAHAHA!!! RIGHT... THATS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL comin up wit never seen befor bud in your area all of a sudden people want it liek crazy juss because of the name or of the smell and UYOUR the one who has it.. damn that shits co as hell but wussup k1ng wuz good


Junior Creatologist
do you guys think i worry about this shit too much?? LOL .

Im askin cuz, now that everything else is goin smooth, i have yet again, another concern. Now that youve seen my update, and how much room i have in my tent, do you think im gonna be good on space when they start to stretch during flower?? well, fuck the stretch, do u think ill have enough room from now til harvest?? cuz i put my WW into their bags yesterday, n theyre doin fine dont get me wrong, but theyre in the tent now, n shits kinda cramped at the moment. I need to re situate the plant scheme or somethin, like move the humidifier out to the other side of the tent next to my air intake, and then i can move all my bitches farther to the right, so more light hits them, and the air intake aint blowin directly onto anything green, lol.

Bah, im sure ill take care of it, like i do with everything else, lol, i just use this place as a way for me to fuckin vent without pullin my god damn hair out -- ill leave that shit to my son, hes doin a good enough job of makin me lose my hair as it is, so he dont need no help from my plants :D

N TC, no offense taken man, none at all. I know u was just tryin to help out n tell me what could be causin the claw, lol. But that shits all taken care of now for themost part. I think it also had somethin to do with air bein blown on them constantly though, cuz they were just fine yesterday until i rearranged the plants around, n i put the twilights right by my air intake, n now a couple branches are actually curled up at the edges again a little bit. But no worries there, it aint no big deal. Everything is smooth sailing now, at least for the time being until shit explodes in my tent, n i got blow the tents brains out for some more room to stretch, lol.


Junior Creatologist
Oh yeah, n the other day i totally forgot to put in there what im feeding them now, least i think i forgot, lol
Im doin 1 part grow big, 2 parts big bloom, 2 parts molasses, with just a sploosh of BMO super plant tonic. its still not at full strength, but by the last feeding before flowering ill get there. N when i start flowering itll be 1/2 strength - 2 parts grow big,1 part Tiger Bloom, 2 parts molasses, 1 part BMO SPT. Im trying to think of another good additive to pick up during flowering that i can use throughout the whole thing without getting over complicated - like use this at the beginning of flower, use this for the last two feedings before you final flush, blah blah blah...Im just trying to use the same stuff throughout the entire flowering process pretty much. im thinking of picking up something like Humboldt Counties Own Purple Maxx, or something along those lines. The stuff is supposed to help stack the budsites closer together during early flowering, and also promote mad resin production in the later stages too. If you guys have had any experiences using something else that youve had positive results with, id be open to suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
nutes sound good to me man... im doin somethin similar

ive been measuring mine by the capfull and been putting in 1 gal of water

every gallon (tap water) first gets 2 capfulls of apple vinegar

flowering: ill do 1-2 molasses everyother time. 4 tiger only, or i would do 1 grow big,3bigbloom.
and then theres the 4 bigbloom and 1 tiger.

veg: 3-4 grow big, or 1 grow big, 3 big bloom

everything is going good so far !
my watering schedule is about every other day (20-32 oz each plant)in the veg room and every 3 days flowering (64-80oz each)... if anything i have been underwatering my plants but i think are growing very well:)


Junior Creatologist
damn that looks good cfls grow that good

nah bro, my 1st grow was with CFLs, i bought a 600w MH/HPS setup n havent looked back since, lol. I still use the CFLs for seeding the plants, n ill be using them still when flowering gets tough, as far as no light hitting the lower parts of my plants, ill throw them into themix probably - but honestly, the results im getting from the MH bulb alone is 10x better than what i had with my CFLs. Even though they work great, if you wanna increase your yield, or even just the vegetative production by like 5x or 10x, get yourself an HID setup. only a couple hundo and its totally worth the money.

N weedman, id have to say your absolutely right when you say that your doin well watering the way that you do it man. Whatever your doin, keep doin it cuz your shit is lookin fuckin proper. Glad you hooked to my journal man, you n all the other guys on here are awesome, n so are your grows man. Cant wait to see TCs grow too, its gonna be nice :D . thanks for swingin by as usual bro, appreciate it. Only two more weeks till all my pics are orange n you cant differentiate colors for shit, lol!! i cant fuckin wait man :D :D :D:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
If you guys have had any experiences using something else that youve had positive results with, id be open to suggestions :)
Ive been on the full Fox Farms Regiment and I would be scared to give much more. I have added a bit of extra "Cha Ching" over the last few topping offs, but thats about it.

do you guys think i worry about this shit too much??
Not at all; its that inquisitive nature about you that has made you a successful grower.

Im askin cuz, now that everything else is goin smooth, i have yet again, another concern. Now that youve seen my update, and how much room i have in my tent, do you think im gonna be good on space when they start to stretch during flower??
Looks like you are doing great on space. I would say... give us some pics.

2 weeks more vegging maybe 3


Junior Creatologist
lol, its not the height really that im worried about now. Fact is, i got 8 plants, all heavy yielders (Cept the Widows) in a 2x4x5 tent. Theyre cramped in there when it comes to the pots at the floor, but when they shoot into flowering, im just wondering if im gonna be able to differentiate between the fuckers, lol. Im gona need to move my widow seedlings into the middle of the tent, so that way they get the most light out of all of my plants during these last 2 weeks of veg man, or theyre gonna end up bein TOO TOO small, n ill have to throw them bitches up in the box for an extra week or somethin to get a little stronger.

O, n by the way, i heard that Mr. Nice's Black Widow is the Original White Widow Strain, n Seedsman was the next breeder to produce a stable Widow plant. Is this true?? Cuz if it is im happy as fuck that i picked some up from them, lol. I DO wanna pick up some Black Widow though, i saw the strain over at BcBudDepot, but just kinda shook it off cuz i already have The Black, n i just thought it was another variation of that shit cuz i never heard of black widow before man.

N 420, I appreciate the shit outta that comment man, n ill post up a few new pics in a couple days here, i wanna give the widows a chance to beef up a little bit so i can include them in the photoshoot lol. All of the other plants are beasts, almost a foot tall (almost), n im sure that by the time im ready to flower the WWs n everything else, all them indies are gonna be fuckin 15" tall - n i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing - i would be satisfied to just throw them bitches into flower right now - ive never vegged longer than 4 weeks before, so this should get interesting.


Junior Creatologist
Looks like you are doing great on space. I would say... give us some pics.

2 weeks more vegging maybe 3
Now, even if i were just growin out the indicas you would say 2-3 weeks more vegging?? thatd be 6-7 weeks total veg, now is that typical? cuz i got everyone tellin me that 4 weeks is pretty much standard veg time. Obviously i want my grow as big as i can get it, so the longer the veg the better, but if i were to have thrown them into flower now, theyd only turn out to be what, like 2 feet tall huh. lol i guess its a good thing that i picked up them widows then cuz i woulda probably already have been flowering by now :D

- But then, does that mean that the WW are gonna be little runted fuckers because im only lettin THEM veg for 2-3 weeks?? the strain review said thats all indoor growers should be doin when it comes to them, because they stretch like a motherfucker under that hps...


Well-Known Member
man i vegged all of mine for 6-7 weeks and now theyre all fucked up some are under two feet and others are over 4 lol. seems like its pretty hard to determine how tall your plants are going to get regardless of how long you veg them for... and i think 4 weeks of veg is normal if thats counting 2 weeks for germination, vegging doesnt actually start right away and then i believe its best to wait for the plants to become mature and show preflowers first before switching to 12/12, but obviously lots of people dont and still have good results so who knows...


Junior Creatologist
lol thats what everyone means by it being hit or miss when your growing from seed, lol. i cant wait til i get into my new pad n everything is from clone all nice n uniform man. At this point i dont care really, as long as nothing is so short that its not gonna get any light, n turn into a meager bullshit plant yielding 1/4 oz, lol. Ive already decided that the plant with the lowest yield is gonna go into my nug jar while everything else is in for the long cure -- dont get me wrong, my nug jar is an air tight glass jar that i can fit like an oz in, so technically itll be curing while im smokin it, but yeah,lol.

I just hope that nug jar ends up bein full as fuck to the brim, n not just lining the bottom with a couple nuggets, even IF theyre danky as fuck :D
- I think im gonna invest in some of those 420 jars. i know it seems like a waste of money, but they have a jar for every OG strain pretty much, so no matter what your growing it can go into any one of the 6 jars they sell. i just like the look to them, plus the big ones can fit like 2 oz in them.

-man, i dont know what it is, but since ive started doin this shit, ive spent more money on stuff or my grow n just shit to do with weed in general, than i have in the last 13 years of smokin, lol. Its like heroin for potheads man lol.


Well-Known Member
man, good shit king.. i didnt read all the thread but your ladies were in poor shape before. but u bounced um around. nice job turnin them two into bonzai plants kinda.... whats with the soil and hydro setup?? are u makin your mom the hydro. or transplanting the soil into the hydro?? Pe@ce