K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
K so here is what I would get for $330
Shopping Cart

Item Quantity Unit Price Total Price

remove 50 feet by 50 inch roll of Mylar - 1 mil
$17.95 $17.95

remove TEN - 1 Gallon Plastic Nursery Pots
$6.50 $6.50

remove TEN - 2 Gallon Plastic Nursery Pots
$10.00 $10.00

remove Digital Electronic 400 watt HPS Grow Light
Euro Reflector + $35.00
AgroMax 400 watt HPS Bulb + $35.00
No MH Conversion Bulb
No Spare HPS Bulb
Sunrise Hi-Low Reflector Hangers + $9.95
No Timer
110 volt power cord
Standard Warranty
$264.90 $264.90

remove #1 Fertilizer Combo - FoxFarm Liquid Soil Formula - 3 Pack
Size: Quart $39.95 $39.95

Subtotal: $339.30


Junior Creatologist
ok, so when u put REMOVE by each of the items, this means that i shouldnt get it - so what the hell should i get then??? n aint all those things from the complete setup that i put the link to?? help me dude, maybe my vision is just blurry cuz i just got done burnin one, lol. O n btw, i just got back from Harvest Moon, and picked up a GIANT bag of FF ocean forest, a bottle of Tiger Bloom (couldn't afford to grab Big Bloom with it, but will do when i get closer to like a month left til harvest), a pack of 3 gal growbags, a pack of jiffy plugs for my clones so theyll take root faster with my root hormone, ocean forest, n plugs combined. I hope that this shit is gonna pay the fuck off, lol.

Ill take pics either tomoz or monday whenever they look a little different. Theres alot more room so i should see a nice little growth spurt within the next day or so, providing i wasn't too harsh with them n put them into shock accidentally.


Well-Known Member
ok, so when u put REMOVE by each of the items, this means that i shouldnt get it - so what the hell should i get then???
LOL no I just copied the shopping cart and there are "remove" buttons.
n aint all those things from the complete setup that i put the link to?? help me dude, maybe my vision is just blurry cuz i just got done burnin one, lol.
That is the Digital Setup with Upgrades and a few thing that you should really just get in town.
P.S. The 600W is only like $15.00 more
O n btw, i just got back from Harvest Moon, and picked up a GIANT bag of FF ocean forest, a bottle of Tiger Bloom (couldn't afford to grab Big Bloom with it, but will do when i get closer to like a month left til harvest), a pack of 3 gal growbags, a pack of jiffy plugs for my clones so theyll take root faster with my root hormone, ocean forest, n plugs combined. I hope that this shit is gonna pay the fuck off, lol.
It will pay off for years to come =)


Junior Creatologist
Ok, so i took some pics of my big girl , but not my retarded plant corky, cuz its still not showin sex yet. I took pics of the plant as a whole, and of mainly the top 4 branches cuz theyre the nicest lookin, but its really like that all over the entire plant. All those hairs began to grow last night after i transplanted, and they shot up over night - no transplant shock, no nothin. Im gonna start givin them the Fox Farm Tiger Bloom in a little bit here.
This plant is 2 weeks and 3 days into flowering, but its only shown sex for about 8 days.
Anyways, heres some porn for yall:

Ok, within the next couple days ill take some more pics, but this time ill include the other plant too, and give you an update on how everything is going with the new nutrients. Hope u guys like the little nuglings ;)


Junior Creatologist
Man, i know, n thanks!!! i cant fuckin believe how much theyve changed. Its awesome to see buds forming right before my eyes man, i cant fuckin believe ive made it this far with these, lol. like i said, this is just my big girl cuz theres still not much change in my other one, it hasn't even started to show female traits yet, so im just leavin it under the lights. I only took it down for a couple seconds to give it its first feeding of Tiger Bloom (in the soil, and a little foliar feeding too), and i put it right back under the lights to cook. I took the big girl down, n couldn't stop starin man, its awesome. I gave her some Tiger Bloom aswell at 3/4 strength, and did a little foliar feeding with just one teaspoon mixed into a gallon, n then poured into my spray bottle. So everything is lookin like its gonna come together, i just hope that i have 2 females instead of just the one so i can hopefully get an ounce out of the deal this time around.

Cant wait till these are done though. Not to talk down on my own grow, but these wont be shit compared to my next one. I ordered a bunch of seeds last week, but im savin those for when i get my DwC - but last night i ordered 5 blue cheese n 5 twilights beans, n im gonna throw them into the tent im orderin next week, n see how they do with FF soil FFnutes n the works with more room to grow :D fuckin LOVE how that twilight looks - some REAL DEEP PURPLE bud man, i cant wait to get them.



Well-Known Member
DAMN that looks like so real shit right there haha. crazy if you could get some good purple phenos out of those. ive got 6 Purple Wreck plants vegging right now and am hoping for some nice purple buds on a few. i harvest my first plant yesterday and will also be nothing compared to what i have going my second time around haha. but still im guessing i got at least a 1/2 oz of decent bud and that was without taking very good care of it and using CFLs for half of the flowering haha. SO i cant wait to see how much i can get this time around now that i actually know what im doing :bigjoint:


Junior Creatologist
yeah, but you never know, you could end up getting a nice yield. I fuckin transplanted these god knows how many times and i think ill end up getting a decent yield off of at least one of my plants, lol.

N what the fuck - is it just me or is RIU runnin REALLY slow at the moment??


Well-Known Member
YES!!!:wall: So fucking slow. i cant even get to the last page of any thread. i have to click on the first page then click advanced to see any of the posts. what the fuck is going on!!!


Active Member
hey Spade imma have to steal ur grow room set up ideal closet top shelf uuhhh thats a big hell yea , nice pics by the way i love em like that dont have to click on the thumbnail shit good work bruh


Junior Creatologist
no problemo man. I like the setup too, lol but there just aint enough space in there for me. I started out like "Fuck yeah, i got my own lil grow room now, ima get my grow on n shit, its gonna be tight!" n as the weeks passed by, i just wanted MORE n MORE space, lol. Im either greedy, or i was destined to be a pot grower cuz i got floorplans for a big ass basement grow floatin through my head now, n its driving me insane. Im ordering a fuckin growtent for my room next week, and i already dont think its gonna be big enough for fucks sake.

This shit is addictive man, so if your gonna settle on cloest space, and your determined to keep the grow minimal, then its ideal for you. But if your like me, and your just gonna wanna go from a simple 3 plant grow to 10+ plants, then you might wanna think about waitin a couple until you got enough money saved up to buy all the equipment you need to do a serious git down n dirty dank grow;) best of luck to u though brother!!


Well-Known Member
I know man, I haven't even had a succesful grow yet, but it already is addicting. Seeing all the things that are possible, I was going to grow from just a normal grow in my closet, and now I have bomb ideas about grow room set-ups, and everything.


Junior Creatologist
yeah, i think there might be a smidgen of shock goin on right now with my girl. Shes still lookin good, n i just dosed her with her first hit of tiger bloom, but her buds stopped gettin bigger- they didnt change from they day before yesterday when i transplanted. Theres new vegetative growth, but the buds have either slowed down or stopped temporarily, so ill give them a day, n everything should be back on track.

Just found a pretty nice deal on a 600w hps mh system (114 bucks, but gotta order from fuckin ebay), so i might pick that up to go with my hydro hut im waitin on, n then throw her in there, n use my box to germ my bluecheese n twilight n Thai super skunk(free with order) n let them simmer for a lil while, while this girl is finishin up, n then throw all of the other ones in the tent, n germ some new ones (perpetual grow style). But well see. I gotta talk with the seller for a minute n find out some specifics about the package...

Ill take some more pics in a day or two when things get movin again.



Well-Known Member
Still lookin good man! If you are planning on going up to a larger grow, then I would deffinatly be looking at the 600's, and getting a conversion ballast isn't a bad idea, so you can run both hps, and mh. I'm with whoever it was that said to get AIRCOOLED! These lights get really hot! The room temp was my biggest problem on my last grow. When it was hot outside, with the lights going inside, it was about 90 even with the fans going. (I didn't have AC) The plants didn't grow much when it was hot, but then when it would drop to like 78-80, the plants would put on inches in a day. Aircooled lights rock, I need one! Its awesome that you are getting good genetic, that can make a big differance too. The only other thing I can say about the lights, is if your going to be investing some money in your next grow, don't skimp on the lights, you'll have them for years. So if you can afford better quality now, you won't feel the need to keep upgrading.
I tottally hear you about it being addictive, smoking pot may not be addictive, but growing sure is! My first grow started as some bag seed, under a bathroom sink, with 2, 24" florescent tubes. Then a closet, and finally a bed room last time. With any luck, my next will be about 1/4 of my new basement!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey king
just having a quick checkup on ur grow.All is going well for u i take it? lol.(already wanting to go big 10+...lol) Isnt it amazing how much satisfaction you can get from watching a few being sprouted.

ANYWAY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MY FRIEND. and i will be checking in from time to time if u dont mind.


Junior Creatologist
lol thanks guys. Check this shit out - VNIDICATION FINALLY!!!

Opened up my box today, n Corky(my plant thats growin all retarded n not sexin at all) is a SHE!!!! a couple small ass pistils showed themselves this morning, and a decent amount of veg growth has gone on since yesterday too. I think shes gonna finally start filling out n quit lookin all Terry Shiavo - fuckin made my day, seriously!!!

Ill take some more pics tomorrow for you guys. The buds on big girl are about the size of M&Ms right now, but they go all the way down about 1/2 of each big branch, so hopefully im gonna have a decent yield with what little i got. Youll see, lol.


Junior Creatologist
K, this is just a few days later, but i wanna keep posting pics frequently from now on, so you can see either how fast or how slow the buds are produced. This is just my big girl once again, because there isnt any real change with Corky from life goes on (my retarded plant thats growin all slow n wierd lookin), Except for the fact that shes a SHE. showed her first hairs the day before yesterday, and im waitin for them to be everywhere before i show her off.

Here are some flowering pics of big gurl. Just took a few this time, but you can see how they are starting to fill a couple inches down the branches in one of the pics. I hope they turn out to be decent sized nugs. Although i gotta say, the smell isnt that pungent at the moment. I wonder if that means that its gonna be some bullshit weed, or is that the case pretty much with any plant - that they dont really stink bad until the buds get a little bigger??

Anyways, heres some pics for that ass ;) :

I hope you guys enjoy watchin my babies turn into fully responsible young adults with me, and i really do appreciate all the feedback your all helpin out with. More pics to come within the next few days. Ill keep you all posted.




Junior Creatologist
bump - cuz i want some comments on how far along she is. for 3 weeks i personally thought my nuggets would be bigger than this, but for the circumstances, i dont really know what to expect. Any feedback would be appreciated.