K2, anyone?


Well-Known Member
when I run out of jwh I can get stoned off the condensed jwh on the inside of my vape pipe for a week or 2.
Every CP vendor I've found is always Out Of Stock.

I ordered the Head Stash a few days ago.
Looking forward to trying it out.
I noticed my pipe is being filled with sticky resin. It's been awhile since I smoked real weed. But this stuff is better than the schwag/dirt weed people were trying to pass off for $20.

My high is incredible, at least for me. My mind runs everywhere, I`m motivated to do it and it done. But when I get to my location I already thought of something to do and went on like that for a good 45 minutes. I then was pretty much happily stoned and relaxed.

Any else get paranoia, like ridiculous over the top paranoia? Maybe I`m just a little crazy.

It doesn't last as long, but damn it's illegal for know. Why not use it and abuse it daily, till the dea banns it. Show the FDA we know how its done.


Somewhere I read that JWH-073 sometimes shows up on drug tests. Or it was maybe 078 one of them did but 018 doesnt.

Anyway Ive had some very weird experiences on K2. I bought a couple bags over the Christmas holiday and smoked alot and held it in. Many times when I did this I felt like I left reality and everything was all trippy. This didnt make sense because my other friends didnt have this and they don't believe me. So yea Idk i have some vids obviously rated G of my experiences. And if its not against the rules and people wana see it ill upload em here.

Slower fps than normal about half and all weird feeling.
Having weird dreams like you are in a 2D world like the movie tron.
Feel like you are tripping when you move around everythings all shifty and feels like metal or something.

These are my experiences I dono if anyone can relate. If so please speak up I may be crazy :/


Well-Known Member
I suppose k2 AND other varieties could marvel more of the psychosomatic capabilities since its more powerful and give heed to more of a trippy/ unsteady provocation then a mere head change/high...


New Member
It looks like all the promo codes have been used up so I just wanted to say thanks to those who ordered free samples... I'll have the rest of them sent out by tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I ordered my headstash 5 days ago(I think) waiting to review.
But I expect the experience to be similar to smoking k2 or one of the jwh's

And Cakk, i never experienced any tripping feeling, just different varieties of stonedness.


New Member
Tebor sorry about the delay I sent the samples out over the weekend but between the weekend and Monday being a holiday and all you may not receive your sample until late this week ;( I usually ship same or next day on my end.


Well-Known Member
I love k2. Its legal and gets you pretty baked. Then again some people hate it and some love it.

Alright I got 2 bags of Spike 99 original. They were $40 a piece. Anyone need a small review here you go. Let me toke up first. :bigjoint: :-P

Allright lets start this baby. First off, the spike is $40 while k2 is $25. Price alone I would side with k2.

You get the same amount in both brands. Althoguh the spike 99 is all shake, good for rolling. The k2 is filled with stems/bark/branches fuck I damn near had a stump in mine.
Winner-Spike 99

Flavor/Taste/Smell-neither smell or taste like herb, the only thing that sets them apart is this heavy/cheap perfume they must spray on the spike 99 shake. This is the cheap stripper perfume on the legal buds.
Winner - K2

Probably the most important aspect, the High. Now some people don't receieve any effect from these jwh blends. I don't smoke herb. So I started with no to low tolerance to begin with so take that into effect.

Both highs last around 1-1.5 whree your mind is racing. You will think of something that sounds awesome, start doing it and 10 minutes later think of another awesome idea and totally forget what you were doing. I love this aspect of it, some of the cheap shwag/dirt we got around here for $20 was worse than this.
After the initial rush both last around 2-3 hours of being stoned, and then I toke up again. :bigjoint:
Both brands last about the same, I get somewhat sleepy on k2 after a day of smoking. That's pretty normal. :sleep:
I'd give it slightly to spike 99 for a slightly longer less taxing high.

Overall I`d rather get 2 bags of k-2 than a bag of spike 99.


Well-Known Member
Honestly i tried fire n ice n its awesome..but when i smoked it, it scared the shit out of me..my head was just strange and like someone else said..it was pretty trippy.It was like shit theres no turnin back now..(btw i am not experienced with trips)I just wanted it too end...Then i felt shaky and almost wanted to puke.Didnt even want to eat..i took a sip of something to drink.and my throat practically rejected it. maybe i smoked to much..i just ended up sleeping it off..though i just used a pinch with a coke pipe.Anyway i still hav a full bag,,Havent smoked it since...i guess its effects people differently.IDK..sorry people for rambling.


Well-Known Member
Honestly i tried fire n ice n its awesome..but when i smoked it, it scared the shit out of me..my head was just strange and like someone else said..it was pretty trippy.It was like shit theres no turnin back now..(btw i am not experienced with trips)I just wanted it too end...Then i felt shaky and almost wanted to puke.Didnt even want to eat..i took a sip of something to drink.and my throat practically rejected it. maybe i smoked to much..i just ended up sleeping it off..though i just used a pinch with a coke pipe.Anyway i still hav a full bag,,Havent smoked it since...i guess its effects people differently.IDK..sorry people for rambling.
Sounds more like you smoke some salvia. This just stuff just gets me high and stoned.,