k2 drug test


Well-Known Member
so im going to a dr for suboxone so i can quit oxycontin
im also, however, dependent on spice. i cant seem to quit it. i usually smoke about 5 grams a day and without it i wont sleep and wont eat but anyway, my question is can they find it in a drug test? i read online they can find some chemicals but i heard theres many and i was just wondering if they can find it becuase he was very serious about revokin my suboxone if it came back posotive and i really wana quit im trying i was just wondering


They do not usually have drug test that test for K2, but on the other hand they may have one depending on the status of it where you are. I personally have never heard of one before.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, standard drug tests wouldn't test for K2. But I'm not positive about that.


Well-Known Member
They can test for it, but it's not that common. Talk to the bupe dr about your use of it and desire to quit and problems doing so. Generally bupe drs are addiction specialists and will be quite helpful for quitting things other than opioids.


Well-Known Member
i did i told him ive been smokin 5 grams a day for a year and he said dont. like he kinda scared me lol and im not i havent bought a bag in 3 days of course ive been findin pieces in the rug and smokin em or res to hold me over but thanks for the replys. and he told me he can test for it but his assistant was tellin me its illegal which makes me think theyre testin for jwh018 and those more common chemicals that have been outlawed. what i get is legal i buy it at shell and it says lab certified to not contian am694,jwh398 ect. but thank u again for the replys i appreciate it


Well-Known Member
His assistant is wrong, he can test for it. If we know what it gets metabolized into we can test for it, and there is no law barring physicians from testing for anything they want. You don't have to agree to it but most sub docs tell you that consenting to being tested is a requirement for them treating you.