K21701's Hempy Bucket Grow..Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush & Bubblelicious Auto


Active Member
Okay guys, sorry it took so long. Had to take care of the girls and get them all pretty for their pictures!!! lol Oh and I had to take a couple rips...5 days without and I was more than ready!!I am really impressed with their growth!!
Queenie my photo girl has at least doubled in size!!

Bubbles my auto looks good also:

And my freshly transplant PJ:

I am really happy with how well they did while I was away.

Well all, I hear Hubby calling and well....ya know.... lol :fire::twisted:


Dick Moser

Active Member
i am VERY curios as to root growth on a setup like this, when you harvest do you think you could take a few root pics??? i know i know a little early to be asking those questions but, there it is. just a thought that came to me. amazed at the ingenuity and i cant wait cant freaking wait to see what you get out of these gals. best of luck and stay medicated.


Well-Known Member
I would like to second the request for root pics at the end. They are looking really good. I like the simplicity of your chosen method and hope they stay happy to the end for you.


Active Member
I will be more than happy to post root pictures at chop time....please just refresh my memory at a later date....lol

Dick Moser

Active Member
hey, remeber that time i asked if you might be able to take some root pics???? just wanted to make sure you didnt forget ;) stay medicated and forget as much as you can!!!! cause if you forget that means you learned it in the first place!


Active Member
hey, remeber that time i asked if you might be able to take some root pics???? just wanted to make sure you didnt forget ;) stay medicated and forget as much as you can!!!! cause if you forget that means you learned it in the first place!
Well I see we have a comedian in the house!!!!! lol Thanks for the reminder....


Active Member
Well they are both now on 18/6 light schedule and have both had some New Years bondage!!!! Queenie's leaves got a little scorched from the light...guess she was telling me 16 inches was still a bit to close!!

Bubbles before and after her tie down:
