Kali and HazeSkunk in my backyard


Well-Known Member
I already made a thread, but it didn't go well, and I couldn't edit it. So I'm going to try again in here.

I planted 2 kalichakra seeds and 1 original thai haze x skunk #1 on june 22nd.
They were planted in a mix of $1/8lb bag "organic soil" mixed with lots of peat moss because I ran out of soil.

I left for 3 weeks and came back the 17th. One Kalichakra and one T H x S were alive. First picture is of the seeds, 2 and 3 were taken on the 17th.



Active Member
Two questions:

1. Why such a small pot with two plants in it? I would go with larger pots and seperate the two plants. The roots are going to be competing for space.

2. Why is the soil so low in that pot? It looks like you only filled it about half way?


Well-Known Member
July 20th- Moved them into a larger pot. Kalichakra had lots of transplant shock and almost died, hazeskunk had no transplant shock at all.
July 21st- Started Low Stress Training.


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Well-Known Member
July 24th- Plant still doesn't seem to have grown much since I got back. Around this time, maybe a few days later, I started giving them lots of Super Plant Tonic. I'm guessing several times the maximum reccommended amount in very undiluted form. I still haven't given them any fertilizer since I planted them.


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Well-Known Member
The 27th. I poured some miracle gro onto the pot's surface, didn't measure it, but I felt like they needed some fertilizer. It rained several times that day, or maybe the day after, I'm not sure, but it all got absorbed into the soil. I think I gave it SPT again also.


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Well-Known Member
August 1st- Today. Over the last 2 days, the plants started growing branches and increased greatly in size. I don't really know why, but I have no problem with it.

My questions: The bottom leaves are necrosis-ing and wilting. Some fingers on new top leaves are deformed. How do I fix this?



Well-Known Member
Are you pre-mixing your nutes?or just sprinkling the dry nutes on the dirts surface?
I haven't used any nutes except for that one time I poured Micraclegro around the pot. Acording to Ohsogreen, SPT isn't a fertlizer, so I don't think that counts.


Well-Known Member
I retrained them yesterday (and probably stressed the shit out of them, but whatever), and now there's branches coming from other nodes on the hazeskunk. Kalichakra is doing alright, not as big but again that's due to fucked up transplant.

Can anyone help me with the necrosis on the lower leaves? What could be the cause?


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Well-Known Member
just the bottom leaves? its probably just natural dont worry to much
and get them into serperate pots, the roots are just goin to tangle making a transplant a hassle, and ur gonna need to transplant them into bigger pots sometime, or the ground


Well-Known Member
just the bottom leaves? its probably just natural dont worry to much
and get them into serperate pots, the roots are just goin to tangle making a transplant a hassle, and ur gonna need to transplant them into bigger pots sometime, or the ground
I highly doubt I'd be able to separate them now. I'll transplant them together if I choose to move them.


Well-Known Member
Update: After a few days of no growth, I noticed today that the kalichakra had stretched quite a bit. No preflowers yet, but from the plant structure I'm guessing the thai haze x skunk 1 is female, and the kalichakra is male. Phyllotaxy hasn't become alternate yet, but the HazeSkunk is now making leaves that look more sativa-ish rather than fan leaves. I untrained the HazeSkunk to some degree ( Removed one paperclip), I'm hoping they keep growing. They're very small for their age outdoors, however this might be due to them not getting much direct sunlight (They're somewhat hidden). If I find another place for them that's not my yard, I'll try and get them some better light. But only after I determine females.

Anyway, pictures. Notice the small plant growing off the hazeskunk.



Well-Known Member
Again, I think they're too old to separate now, I'd probably end up killing or shocking them.