KaliKitsune's White Widow/Purple Kush/Hindu Skunk Grow


Active Member
So you change the hole res. Whether the nutes are used up or not. I'm just curious. Cuz I'm. Bout that time with mine I added all my stuff on the 29th. Also I think I read that you do would do quarter strength. In the beginin ? How does that work. N also if your doin veg n your mixin 5 gal for instance you'd put 75ml gro 50 micro n 25 bloom in. Just seems like a lot. I wanna get the details


Well-Known Member
Yes, I just use whatever's left in the reservoir (if anything) to water my outdoor plants.

What I mean by quarter strength is just that. For the seedling and cutting listing on the bottle, use 1/4 of that initially. Why? Because that small plant won't be using up that much, anyways, and it's easier to keep the pH stable, which is critical for small clones in particular. Then bump it up as the plant gets larger and can handle more. By the time you hit the vegetative stage in a week or two, you're ready to just follow the directions on the bottle. That's what I do with the GH stuff. Works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
Okay, time for the update I'm sure you've all been waiting for.

The girls have started nicely, with the White Widow lagging behind a bit. I will now move from doing floragro/floramicro to floramicro/florabloom mix, with added silica and cal-mag. Picture time! first pic is hindu skunk, second white widow, third purple kush, and fourth is an overhead shot with the HPS off.




Well-Known Member
Also, an estimated bud count on the plant. 336 so far. On average, I'll have to get about 2.5 grams per budsite to hit the 'gram per watt' so many growers strive to achieve, given my 832 watts of light.

First pic Hindu Skunk, second pic White Widow, third pic Purple Kush, and fourth pic is my chart that displays which day of the week I'm on, how many weeks have passed, and then the plant progress. I started on Wednesday, so Wednesday is the day of water change.



Active Member
Dam straight i cant wait to see what you pull. That purp has crazy big roots!

Whats goin on with the white widows leaves some of them look light n burnt or somthing


Well-Known Member
I get a powerful hand-held lens and hold it against my camera's main lens assembly and let the auto-focus do the rest.


Active Member
i hate this a perfectly good grow and then all of a sudden no more updates, makes u think someone got BUSTED...