Kalinga Seeds (Northern Philippines)


Well-Known Member
very nice photos, thanks for sharing!

i have just moistened some kalinga X die hessen seeds i was gifted over a year ago.

i have found no details on die hessen but intend to breed for seeds.

All going well, i would be happy to send you some if they would be of any interest to you.

i also have kalinga x bubblegum in the fridge that are also gifts and Old.


Well-Known Member
Seems I have run into a dead end looking for a wild landrace sativa out of the northern Philippines. No seed banks carry the strain because it hasn't been stabilized yet for commercial seed companies. Any help locating seeds would be greatly appreciated. Or if there are other landrace sativa seeds available similar to Kalinga please let me know. I would think there should be a market for breeders looking for wild strains to domesticate.
strangest things happen sometimes for unknown reasons...

i follow this guy and he just released the very thing ur looking for....though id share