Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President

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Vice President Kamala Harris has put Donald Trump in a box, and the former president so far has been unable to escape, according to an analysis.

Trump has been pulling out one trick after another from his playbook that had previously knocked his opponents off balance and kept the spotlight on himself, but the Washington Post's Dan Balz said Harris has cruised past those snares and forced her GOP rival to play catchup.

"As Harris has glided through the past month, Trump has taken to social media or to friendly media interviews in hopes of setting the terms of the conversation, but that has backfired," wrote Balz, the newspaper's chief correspondent for national politics. "He has tried invective, exaggeration and lies, something that in the past he used to shift the focus, sometimes to distract from his own problems, at other times to draw attention away from a rival. It hasn’t done what he hoped."

ALSO READ: Donald Trump exploits AP photo error for new $99 'Save America' book

The past week belonged to Harris and her party, just as the GOP convention week belonged to Trump and the Republicans, but the former president's attempts at counterprogramming have flopped.

"Trump has learned, perhaps painfully, that at this moment, fewer are listening to him," Balz wrote. "In short, nothing seems to be working the way it once did."

Harris leaves Chicago with the wind at her back, but campaigns are unpredictable and a Sept. 10 debate looms on the schedule.

"Everyone now awaits the next round of national and battleground state polls to see whether Harris receives the traditional bounce that accompanies a successful convention and whether the enthusiasm that was on display this week inside the United Center and at massive rallies in the days before will settle a bit," Balz wrote.

"As many of the luminaries who spoke here this week reminded Democrats, this is a very tight race," Balz added, "close enough certainly that even a disoriented Trump could win — if he regains his legs as a candidate, which is one of the biggest questions at this moment."

I can imagine the Lincoln Project ad now.

They tricked you Donald. They knew you were stupid and would never see it coming.

(Because your a spoiled brat.-whisper)

Biden showed humility, something you are unable to understand. Biden let you attack him with everything you and your troll army

(foreign and domestic -in whisper)

Now you are going to lose


to someone who represents something you are unable to understand.



You had it all.

and lost it again and again.-whisper
It’s gonna be a very tight race, but Harris is better positioned than Biden IMHO, and has already overcome what many thought was an unbeatable lead by Trump. Whatever you do, register and VOTE! An additional 4 years of tRump would be devastating to Democracy, the man is bat shit crazy, as his his VP candidate!!
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Is it just me, or does Tim Walz look like Dick Cheney, but somebody moved his switch from evil to good?

Yeah, a little, but here's one that's scary, in both appearance and politics: trump-mussolini.jpg
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Look at the price of food, gas, housing.... if you guys and gals are fine with that, then pull that lever for the cackling oblivious idiot that helped get us to this point.

If you are OK with funneling illegal migrants into our country and giving them the red carpet treatment while veterans and people like myself get tossed to the side like yesterday's garbage...

Look around you and see what these policies are doing to the American family. I want this country to prosper. I want this country to be respected. You won't get that with the socialist Harris. You'll get 4 more years of shit economics and stragulating regulations.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Go to the grocery store.
Look at the price of food, gas, housing.... if you guys and gals are fine with that, then pull that lever for the cackling oblivious idiot that helped get us to this point.

If you are OK with funneling illegal migrants into our country and giving them the red carpet treatment while veterans and people like myself get tossed to the side like yesterday's garbage...

Look around you and see what these policies are doing to the American family. I want this country to prosper. I want this country to be respected. You won't get that with the socialist Harris. You'll get 4 more years of shit economics and stragulating regulations.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Go to the grocery store.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but every economist in the world predicted the inflation (worldwide) post Covid. The US is better off than most, since our economy rebounded much better than the rest of the world. tRump's policies favor profit for himself and his billionaire cronies , he cares nothing for the middle class. tRump is a xenophobe, he needs a scapegoat to blame, and he has made that immigrants. There was a bi-partisan bill to curb illegal immigration, but tRump convinced the GOP to vote it down , because it would hurt his campaign, so that's how much he really cares for rhe US. It certainly showed when he did nothing to stop a mob of insurrectionists that assauted our democracy. Then called them patriots! He continues to repeat the lies about a "stolen election", even though in over 50 lawsuits challenging the validity of the election, not one suit was found found to have any merit, and were all dismissed. He is a convicted felon with more charges pending, a sex offender, and a misogynist, as well as a pathological liar, additionally he acts like a name calling 5th grader. Not someone I want representing the US in foreign affairs. As a veteran I would think you'd be offended by him calling wounded and fallen warriors "Losers", along with his disparaging comments about medal of honor recipients and POW's. I'm not drinking that Kool-Aid.
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Things are expensive worldwide. That isn't an American thing.

Congress had a bill that would have improved the border. Donny tanked it.

I get the frustration, but I believe your anger is misdirected.

One thing Donny has said he'll do right away if re-elected is to impose a 10-20% tariff on Chinese goods. You think prices are high now, just wait and see what tariffs like that will do.
You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but every economist in the world predicted the inflation (worldwide) post Covid. The US is better off than most, since our economy rebounded much better than the rest of the world. tRump's policies favor profit for himself and his billionaire croonies, he cares nothing for the middle class. Trump also needs a scapegoat to blame, and he has made that immigrants. There was a bi-partisan bill to curb illegal immigration, but tRump convinced the GOP to vote it down , because it would hurt his campaign, so that's how much he really cares for rhe US. As a veteran I would think you'd be offended by him calling wounded and fallen warriors "Losers", and his dispariging comments about medal of honor recipients and POW's. I'm not drinking that Kool-Aid.
Right on, plus he dodged doing any actual active service, yet can disgrace actual veterans, what sort a yellow belly, good for nothing, hang on, lets make him president again, (after he destroyed democracy the first time), the bread will be cheaper with Trump, Whaaat?
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Look at the price of food,
Not much that could happen different there unfortuanntly. The pandemic and Trump left us in a very unsafe position when he pulled the plug on our national pandemic response and then allowing our economy to melt as he sold his snake oil.

Between the companies deciding to milk every penny they could from us, and the nonstop fixing that needed to take place in our logistics as a nation, prices had to increase.

And as we start to push back on the garbage that we have been getting pushed at us for decades now, maybe some of these inflated prices might help us make better choices by moving to more local sourcing. But who knows that is just me dreaming there.

Gas is actually pretty decent here ($3.25ish). This is something I do worry about though, after Trump sold us out for his dictator pals by agreeing to reduce production driving up prices.


And selling our production to Mr BoneSaw himself, I am budgeting for higher prices closer to the election.

You do get that the alternative of high house prices is low house prices, which we had back during the previous Republican economic catastrophe in 08. The houses in my neighborhood went from around $170k to $25k.

People lost all their savings and it took a very long time to recover from that loss.

I for one am extremely happy we didn't get screwed.

Now we need the DOJ's lawsuit against the renter scams that are driving up prices while keeping vacancies and hopefully everything will start to stabilize.

if you guys and gals are fine with that, then pull that lever for the cackling oblivious idiot that helped get us to this point.
If you mean Harris, then yes that is very much my plan.

Do you remember how bad 2020 was? Trump left our nation in shambles. Prior to his term in office I really didn't think that the Presidency could do that much to screw us up outside of maybe a couple percentage points economically.

I learned. His year long use of the highest office in the land to try to get re-elected was devastating.

If you are OK with funneling illegal migrants into our country and giving them the red carpet treatment while veterans and people like myself get tossed to the side like yesterday's garbage...
I am sorry you got treated like garbage. I am not sure how the lending works anymore, but it is for sure not like the pre-vietnams days of going to war meant you basically were given a new home when you returned.

But scapegoating people coming here to pick up a shovel and help us do the work that we need to get done is not really relatable. All the propaganda around this topic falls apart too. Because Trump yanked the Republicans chain and stopped the bill trying to actually make progress on fixing the border problems from the Republican perspective.

Look around you and see what these policies are doing to the American family.
Do you have examples, because this is pretty vague.

The policies that I have issue with is the hate mongers trying like hell to train people to argue with their friends and families. That is were the actual destruction is occurring IMO.

I want this country to prosper.

I want this country to be respected.


You won't get that with the socialist Harris.

With you saying 'socialist', which is just one of those meaningless words anymore. And with you thinking Harris won't bring respect and prosperity to our nation. The Democratic Party is not a cult, there is not one person who needs to get shit done.

Harris will have a great team of leaders helping us to do the best decisions with the best information on hand from all of our government. That is what Trump and his cult don't really get, one/few person making decisions usually end with shit results. That is why the Republican record with our economy is so horrid. They don't do the work it takes to not just do the easy gut feeling thing like the Democrats have proven over and over again to do.

You'll get 4 more years of shit economics and stragulating regulations.
lol yeah I remember 2020 man. That shit is on Trump, lumping that in with Biden's extremely successful economy is just disingenuous. And we are bringing up more oil than ever before and leading the world.

But who knows which regulations you mean. It turns into another ink blot test that means pretty much anything.

But you don't have to take my word for it.

Go to the grocery store.
Actually I do need to pick up a few things.
As soon as Trump lost his allies raised the price of fertilizer and bought out most of the industry that makes it. They also changed their shorts to longs on all oil and gas markets. Got his Saudi pals to decrease output. Guess what all of that equals out to? BIDEN/HARRIS did it!!

If you are not accustomed to how the world works these days just follow the $$$. Listen to the farmers and drillers in this country and see exactly why prices are very much controlled by the very very rich. Same as the housing industry. Market knowledgeable people know this. When you have billions of $$$$ changing one of your futures from a short to a long makes a huge difference. All controlled by the very very rich and none of any of this can be stopped by any president ever. It all depends on which pill is more tolerable to swallow. I'll take Harris over Trump any day. Comes down to what angers you more IMO. Finger pointing worries me a lot. Nothing ever good comes from it in large numbers. Look what happened to Frankenstein and all he wanted was food, drink and a nice smoke. Then you pissed him off :blsmoke: