Kannabia Gnomo Auto - Day 90 - 65% Clear, 25% Cloudy, 10% Amber Trichomes

the whole thing about the PH is more complicated than what a grower would usually think, because there are just too many factors that could affect your ph in their own way, and most of the time you have a mix of different factors affecting your ph, and making it very hard to say what is actually going on that causes those changes, unless you're equipped with some Lab-grade devices and have the time and motivation to run multiple tests on your system


Well-Known Member
mine has only ever gone up when i did not prep the rocks correctly ( u know wash off and soak in phed water for a period of time)

besides that down every time ...........when the plant is young it changes very little but as it gets to mid flower u are phing each time ............this was my first hydro and a monster so my base line might be off

i am giving u advice from what i learned .............my plant is 97 days from seed and gets cut in the next 10 to 12 hours when ever i wake up after i run myself down to pass out

i don't think judging anything solely on ph changes would be a wise idea. for example, there are compounds in some additives that work as Buffers. that mean they keep your ph stable at all the time, so you couldn't notice any ph changes. on the other hand, there are some very basic nutrients ( such as calcium ), when they're available at a certain level, they will keep moving your ph up...

btw, this is some very good info i found off the AN website, it's a list of all the raw ingredients they use in each of their products, very helpful:



Well-Known Member
i took in account for some of those factor i got this kit fallowing the rdwc plan got me the monster

it came with this stuff
Floralicious Plus is a super concentrated blend of bioactive plant, marine, microbial, and mineral extracts. It is a one part organic nutrient additive to be used throughout the plants growing cycle, containing the organic building blocks of life and is used in addition to your regular fertilizer program. With high concentrations of vitamins, complex sugars, amino acids, phytostimulants, polyflavonoids, and aromatic oils in an organic fulvic base, Floralicious Plus enhances mineral nutrient uptake and transport in your plants. The active carbon technology facilitates the conversion and biosynthesis of complex secondary aromatic compounds. Floralicious Plus enhances metabolic growth, promotes flower development, stimulates fruit swelling, and enhances essential oil production. Floralicious Plus also encourages beneficial microbial activity in the root zone.

active carbon i know this from distiling one of the best ph stablizers i am using 8 ml of this stuff...........this is what i am crediting the 2 days of stablized ph when i change the water
so i took another bud for testing today, and it had less amber on it than the other one, actually i saw practically no amber on it: 60% clear, 40% cloudy

i trim it, grind it with some dried tobacco, spread it on a sheet of paper and put on the radiator for 1 hour and then roll it up.

the high is mostly a very strong body buzz, and a medium strong head high, but its stronger than any shit i've been buying for the last 2 years.
so whats going on here?!
have you noticed that i'm in day 95 now?
the strain is supposed to be finished in 65 days, it's also supposed to reach maximum 70-80cm high and yield about 40-50 grams.
MINE IS in day 95, 1m high, and looks like to yield 130+ grams.

buds look perfectly dense and ripe, the problem is i got max 40% cloudy, and the rest are clear and a lot of the are still forming. so i've read here that there are a lot of auto strains that just don't turn amber. if so, should i wait still to get 100% cloudy, or is 95 days long enough and i shouldn't wait any more?
could it be that because it's bigger and heavier than what its breeder Kannabia says it should be, it take's much longer as well?


finished 2 gnomos in last month. could nt find any amber trichs at 8 weeks 3 days flowering. one plant was 30", the other was topped @36". looking fwd to ur smoke report
finished 2 gnomos in last month. could nt find any amber trichs at 8 weeks 3 days flowering. one plant was 30", the other was topped @36". looking fwd to ur smoke report
thanks for the reply man,
may i ask how many days from seed did you harvest? what was your light type and cycle? and how did the trichomes look at harvest?
also how much yield you got per plant?


well i struggled w bugs from beg to end so not a great benchmark. what i was really dissappointed was that i killed lots of the flavor w the pepper spray. better options now though. kinda panicked. started oct 1 finished early jan. under 600w hps(each). not eff use of light. varied lt cycle, 24 to 18. 5 gall buckets of super soil. trichs 20% cloudy. the topped plant yielded best-3.98 z. whatcha workin on next?
well i struggled w bugs from beg to end so not a great benchmark. what i was really dissappointed was that i killed lots of the flavor w the pepper spray. better options now though. kinda panicked. started oct 1 finished early jan. under 600w hps(each). not eff use of light. varied lt cycle, 24 to 18. 5 gall buckets of super soil. trichs 20% cloudy. the topped plant yielded best-3.98 z. whatcha workin on next?
thanks very much for the info! also when you said 20%, does that mean 80% clear?

i'm currently around day 100 from seed, the top colas look very dense and nice, with 60% cloudy, 40% clear now, but there are a lot of growth underneath that doesn't look as ripe as the main colas, mostly all clear trichomes.

As you can see in the pictures, i've got another 4 plants in VEG in the same reservoir and under same lights (1x 250 HPS + 1x 150w Advanced LED) three of them are Critical Kush from Barney's and the other one is Neville's Haze from greenhouse seeds. i had to stick with the 18-6 light cycle because of the gnomo and that's why i'm in a hurry to finish her: i've outgrown my grow space with the vegging plants.

two days ago, i drained the res and filled with tap water + CANNA FLUSH, i let it circulate for 48 hours, then empty the res and fill with only tap water this time, and circulate for 24 hours. emptied again and filled with tap water + GHE Ripen ( i hope it doesn't anything bad to the VEGETATIVE plants ), i've also replaced the LED to shine from below, trying to make the underneath growth ripen faster.
i'll let it circulate for another 48 hours, in which i don't turn the lights off at all, then empty again, fill with only tap water and let it circulate for 48 hours in complete dark. after that i'll harvest :D

then i'll have to scrog the other 4 plants i got and try to stunt their growth for the coming to weeks with some root pruning and defoliating, let's see how it goes :)


i ve heard good things about crit kush. yup 80% clear. she changed aroma to a gentle rose smell which is another reason i harvested and cause i needed room in the tent. nugs were firm but not solid. at about 5 weeks of flowering they had a lemon/limeade/cinnabon aroma. gonna shoot for a finish like that next time. got a 4x4 tent full of big band auto clones workin now. they re bout 18" tall. still an experiment till they start to flower
yup 80% clear. she changed aroma to a gentle rose smell which is another reason i harvested and cause i needed room in the tent. nugs were firm but not solid. at about 5 weeks of flowering they had a lemon/limeade/cinnabon aroma.
and how would you describe the high?

i took a sample and quick dried; the high is very strong and heady, not narcotic and relaxing at all, but more than anything i feel a strong body buzz, like the feeling of being electrified, i also notice a strong acceleration of my heart beat and the feeling of being energetic but a it's a lil bit uneasy overall. the high doesn't last very long as well and has a short life.
i'll post more smoke reports when i harvest her completely. :)
plant report:

day 105 from seed and she doesn't want to stop growing buds! hardly any amber trichomes are visible, but a good portion of them have turned milky throughout the plant. the calyxes have swollen very good and the buds are dense and packed. the pistils are mostly orange and receding, but i see a lot of new white pistils, coming out from newly formed calyxes!
she's already been flushed as described above, and is currently under lights from above and below for about 30 hours non-stop, and is being fed by a very diluted solution of GHE Ripen + AN Bud Candy and tap water (the whole grow was with RO Water but i use tap for flushing). with this solution and the non-stop lights i'm literally telling her to move her fatty ass and do whatever she has to do in her life RIGHT NOW! :D the aggressive lighting also helps the plant absorbing and digesting all of the base nutrients and chemicals that already exist in her system and the root zone, giving a more successful flush!
after hitting around 40 hours continuos lighting i would change the res with only tap water, change the res pump timer from nonstop feeding to 15min on - 15min off, and put her in complete darkness for about 36 hours, to let her complete her metabolism and convert as much as possible of her primary metabolites she has produced from nutrients in the lighting period, to secondary metabolites being cannabinoids which she produces in the dark period. AND THEN HARVEST! :D


Active Member
It has been quite the adventure for you! I have a couple Auto's too, but when I see some of them going this long I wonder to myself if I should just grow photos lol.
that's exactly what i'm going to do from now on! :D

i mean seriously, i couldn't find any advantage for auto strains in my grow, they usually yield less, take longer, doesn't give you control over anything, you can't do much of anything with them, whats the point then, i wonder!


Active Member
I think it is a lot of the "luck of the draw" kind of thing. They just havn't been around long enough to be stable enough to gauge flowering and harvesting times. I am sure they will keep getting better and more predictable with time, but right now they are still "fairly" new in comparison with photo strains. I am happy with mine, it just kills me to watch you go this loooong.


more of a sativa high, not couchlock. lasts about 2 hours. taste was improving w curing. almost gone now. at night i sprinkle some bubble hash for a more mello buzz.