As far as special Karma ladies great for the bubble bags, I believe most any you pick are capable of producing copious amounts of bubble.
One of my favorite new ladies is Sour Power x Biker Kush (LTD). These pictures aren't as far into bloom as the Bubble Trouble above, but you can get an idea of what I'm saying just by looking at the lowers:
Full body shot:
The cool thing about this lady is Hortilab and Karma hooked up for the collaboration. KG's fine friends at Horti let him use their cup winning cut of Sour Power, which he hit with his WELL proven Biker male. Talk about a PUNCH PACKING mama - I KNOW this lady is fierce. Limited time freebie type of gig. Gotta love the Hell's Angels' OG (lineage from Biker Kush) - the notorious "HA-OG."