Karma, Karma, Karma, Konfusion


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU'ers!

As you may know from some of my other posts, I am highly skeptical of religions, pseudoscience, and other unsubstantiated claims.

I have been seeing a few posts saying things like ...
karma is a bitch!
don't worry - karma will catch up with them
karma is real and what comes around goes around

Which got me thinking....
am i to understand that everyone gets what they deserve according to this karma system? and if it isn't obvious what that person did to deserve bad (or good) karma then the event creating said karma most likely occurred in a past life?

So anytime something bad happens to someone - they deserved it?

i'm sorry but this system leaves me with a sickening feeling in my stomach and was hoping someone who believes this could explain how this is any kind of justice.... any karma believers that want to convince me that - if it does exist (which I don't believe) it is a good thing?


Well-Known Member
email, your great man. always questioning and learning.... i love it.

can't wait to see what people have to say on this. I imagine that you'll either get lots of people that fight for karma


nobody can back up Karma, meaning that nobody can tell you why... kinda like how every religion can't tell you why they believe what they do, it's just what they know.

I think in the case of Karma, it's just like religion, although it is not really a formal religion, one can follow Karma like a religion, but it's more tied to the golden rule "due unto others as you would have them due unto you."


Well-Known Member
dont think of karma as a negative thing. if you see it as a positive influence in your life it will be positive.


Well-Known Member
dont think of karma as a negative thing. if you see it as a positive influence in your life it will be positive.
but Karma is not a one way street. it's intended use is both ways, positive and negative......


Well-Known Member
On one hand, I hold onto the entire concept of Kharma, almost desperately, because I want to believe that those who do bad things will get their "just desserts" just as I desperately hope that good people will be rewarded. However, the reality of things is that Kharma doesn't mean a fucking thing. Bad people still get away with murder, good people still get spanked, all for no obvious reason(s). Chaos is the order of the day, and it's all really rather random.

That being said, I firmly hold to the truth of Joseph Campbell's ideas about the role of religion.


Well-Known Member
i believe that it is as straight forward as feeling good=being good. but i am in no way a religious believer in karma. just sharing my views.


Well-Known Member
i believe that it is as straight forward as feeling good=being good. but i am in no way a religious believer in karma. just sharing my views.
i get that..... makes sense. I wasn't trying to put you down or anything. hope theres no hard feelings.


Well-Known Member
i dont think its the victim that is actually wishing the karma.

its the conscience(sp)? of the person doing the wrong doing?

I bet money Karma, Irony, & Guilty Conscience stay in the same house.


Well-Known Member

loudblunts.... I think you might be on to something there. that maybe it's each individual person that creates their own Karma. like If i go and rob somebody, it's my own concious that will end up getting me robbed sometime in the future.


Well-Known Member
i have no problem with assholes getting their comeuppance. i guess my issue is with people who are murdered, raped, robbed, etc... if you follow karma - then somehow - someway those people deserved what they got - and i can't buy into that.

This is my main beef with the karma thing.


Well-Known Member
email, your great man. always questioning and learning.... i love it.

can't wait to see what people have to say on this. I imagine that you'll either get lots of people that fight for karma


nobody can back up Karma, meaning that nobody can tell you why... kinda like how every religion can't tell you why they believe what they do, it's just what they know.

I think in the case of Karma, it's just like religion, although it is not really a formal religion, one can follow Karma like a religion, but it's more tied to the golden rule "due unto others as you would have them due unto you."

Thank you Orecal - i do have lots and lots of questions....


Well-Known Member
absolute man...... i love to learn also, i often wonder about lots of the things you post up here, the only issue that your questions are always the same as mine, we just don't have answers, well, not good enough ones at least.


Well-Known Member
absolute man...... i love to learn also, i often wonder about lots of the things you post up here, the only issue that your questions are always the same as mine, we just don't have answers, well, not good enough ones at least.
not sure if there are answers - or at least answers i can understand. maybe just asking the questions is important though... or at least i hope so.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i know what you mean, sometimes you can't get a right answer, or a sufficient one, but asking the questions and getting the topic talked about with always bring about a better understanding regardless.


Well-Known Member
Life is not fair

Karma happens because usually your actions cause re-actions that are not always good.

however these reactions or "Karma" do not always happen, or when they happen they could be bad or good even if what you did wasnt bad or wasnt good.

like if you make a surprise party for your boss and invite his wife and kids and all his friends thinking you will get good karma.

then when you surprise him it turns out he is fucking his secretary and he gets pissed and fires you.

said Good deed generated bad karma.....

karma in general should give back to you what you put out, however it nowhere near works 100% of the time

like if you treat peeps nice they usually are nice too you

if you treat people bad they are usually not nice to you

karma, when it doesnt work, it destroys god

I got rid of god before I could get played by Karma.

my dad had his dad die when he was 10 years old. poor guy used to go to church on every free day he had untill that day when his dad died. Karma fucked him and so there god betrayed him

Hey God
why are you doing this to me?
am i not living up to what i'm supposed to be?
why am i seething with this animosity?
hey God
i think you owe me a great big apology.
hey God

there's nothing left for me to hide.
i lost my ignorance, security and pride.
i'm all alone in a world you must despise.
hey God
i believed your promises, your promises and lies.

you made me throw it all away.
my morals left to decay.
how many you betray.
you've taken everything.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like just living life to me. and karma is a name we give coincidence when it seems to work in our favor - that is just simple confirmation bias and is something to be avoided i think.

karma, by this definition, is like a capricious and moody greek or roman god -- rather than some spiritual justice as it is so often invoked.

do good and you may get screwed?
screw someone and you may have good luck?
is that karma?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU'ers!

As you may know from some of my other posts, I am highly skeptical of religions, pseudoscience, and other unsubstantiated claims.

I have been seeing a few posts saying things like ...
karma is a bitch!
don't worry - karma will catch up with them
karma is real and what comes around goes around

Which got me thinking....
am i to understand that everyone gets what they deserve according to this karma system? and if it isn't obvious what that person did to deserve bad (or good) karma then the event creating said karma most likely occurred in a past life?

So anytime something bad happens to someone - they deserved it?

i'm sorry but this system leaves me with a sickening feeling in my stomach and was hoping someone who believes this could explain how this is any kind of justice.... any karma believers that want to convince me that - if it does exist (which I don't believe) it is a good thing?

I think of this through the law of attraction, if you believe "karama" then it will work for you. Your mind will always think "ohh man, shit karama is going to get me back"

whatever comes into your life, you have attracted it. I dont believe in Karma.