Kassidy: round 2


Well-Known Member
ok, i just started my second grow a couple of days ago. I wanted to switch it to a dwc setup really badly, but im just so fucking busy with work right now i dont think i have the time for it. I have everything too, i went out and bought a ton of stuff today:-|. Anyways back to the dirt, i used bag seed again, every 1 i germinated in water grew! i have 4 in separate pots and 5 or 6(more keep popping up!!) in one big pot. I am going to only end up keeping 4 plants. Im hoping that at least one but no more then two are female. But here are some pics for ya, nothing much yet. theres 1 pic missing.....

ok, and for all you plant lovers out there!! i have this cool looking plant i got from my girlfriends mom, It usually sits in the window but right now im not really getting any sun, more like this shitty grey weather. so i put it in my grow room. Im really curious as to what it is, i took a few pics if anybody knows. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
ok, well i dunno wtf is going on. the ph is about 6.5 right now. i flushed last night with water that was around 5.5ph to try and lower it, but according to my ph meter it didnt do any good. the growth as been slow i would think.

one good thing has happened though, my mush is starting to go like crazy. i hadnt been paying close attention for the past few days and i looked this afternoon and two small caps were there to greet me!



Well-Known Member
well i just did a quick transplant with one plant into a bigger container, and was i wrong about that slow growth. to my surprise the whole bottom half of the dirt was white with roots. i used an old cottage cheese tupperware thingy, now i put it in a 1 gallon pot until i can determine the sex on whether or not to keep it...


Well-Known Member
so i am only keeping two of the plants. these are the two doing best right now. I am only looking for 1 plant to be female, but i guess i could be wrong and get two males. oh well, my shrooms starting growing crazy. i forgot to take a pic of my first flush. i just picked and ate them so fast!! heres the second flush starting, i did the first flush on friday night.



Well-Known Member
ok well there getting bigger!!! the other night i swear to god i was watching them grow!!! i was also tripping cid, but fuck it was cool. Just did a flush this morning with my shrooms, ill put pics up later.

sorry about them being blurry. i got a shitty camera.


Well-Known Member
ok well there getting bigger!!! the other night i swear to god i was watching them grow!!! i was also tripping cid, but fuck it was cool. Just did a flush this morning with my shrooms, ill put pics up later.

sorry about them being blurry. i got a shitty camera.
lmao,,good goin Kassidy,,I know what ya mean though,,in soil,,if they are dry,,you can water them,,and actually watch them twitch back to life,,it was kool,,and I was just drunk,,lol,,nice shroomies:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Thanks hole. Fresh shrooms taste nasty as fuck too. Anyways i found that putting some of them hydroton clay balls on top of the soil keeps if from drying out. So right now i really dont have to water much more then twice a week. I dont know when i should start feeding them nutes. i have read that you should wait until the first two little leaves fall off. any ideas?