Kaya-47 & Kannabia Growtent Grow, PH, MAG, Nute Burn or Insect Problem, PLZ assist!


Well-Known Member
Grow Area - 4'x2'x6'
Number of Plants - 2 to 4 about 2 weeks old
Light - 400w MH(veg) / HPS(flower)
Light Cycle - 24/7 veg
Ventillation - 2 - 4" in-duct fans ran through a cool tube, tower fan inside
Soil - Organic non - prenuted
Nutes - TechnaFlra Plant Products - Recipe for Success ppm of my solution=1100 on the schedual of (Feed, Water, Water, Feed)
Temp - 85-90
Humidity - 50%
PH- the last few times was around 7, now is around 6.5 or 5.5 10 min after i water
Watering Method - Since sprout i have been using tap water, which my also be the source of the problem, i haven't been boiling my water to get rid of the chlorine or purifying it.

[UPDATE] When they first sprouted i did mist with a nute solution, but used the full recommended amount, i only missed really early on and stopped when the leaves did the same thing, but now its moving up the fan leaves, but new growth looks healthy

Pics below, the first few pics were taken a few days ago, and the rest today



Well-Known Member
as in too much or too little? you dont think it could be the nute solution i sprayed on the plant early on


Active Member
i agree with Mothers Finest, looks like the beginnings of P def, but a bit like calcium def also. your temps and humidity are a kinda high. plants also need a rest to grow properly, give them a bit of a night cycle. if the foliar feed clogged the stoma, the plants could be suffocating. rinse them with a spray of pH balanced water, flush, and give them a 1/4 strength feed


Well-Known Member
I fed them nutes on monday and also topped them too on monday, look at the infected growth now it is a P Def, deep red stem on the infected leaves, do you think i will be fine, if the new growth doesn't have red stem which they dont?


Active Member
if its a deficiency, it will take a while for the problem to correct. if it doesn't spread and the new leaves aren't effected, you should be fine. what damage is there wont go away, just watch for new stuff.


You want a cure? Just use plain water no nutes for the next 30 days. Your Ph is just slightly off, you are starting to have a build up of too much nutes in the soil, if you don't correct it now it will just get worse the spots are the first sign, next it will be deformed leaves and then stunted growth. But all you got to do is just use some plain water for the next 30 days then 1/3 strenghth nute solution and you'll be fine the plants dont really need as much as the nutes packages say. So flush with fresh water like today.


Active Member
you will need at least 9 gallons to flush your soil, maybe more. its best to steadily water the plant as water flows through the soil. after about 5 mins the waste water should be clear and the proper pH. then give the plant 1/4 strength nutes. dont wait long to give them nutes, after flushing the soil should be pretty much neutral.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Don't flush. Doing so will likely make the problem worse. Flushing is only for toxicities in the substrate or as the last watering before harvest.

If there is Ca deficiency, as SCCA mentioned, then a Bone Meal tea will supply the nutrients they need; plenty of both P & Ca.

A deficiency is too little of something the plant needs. A toxicity is too much of something.

Btw aside from the slight issue they're having, your plants look very nice.


Well-Known Member
flushing was def. needed, i ended up grabbing the wrong potting soil, looking at the bag now, it says it feeds plants up to 2 months, i didnt mean to get this thought it wasent, guess i am blind.. :(


Well-Known Member
had nothing to do with nutes, or ph or any, i had a fungus, looked at the brown spots under a microscope, the centers of the spots were raised, indicating a fungus