keep 250w MH for start?


Got 250w mh like 20 inch or so above plants @ 75% Fahrenheit 25 Celsius 50% humidity nice 6 inch inline fan blahh blahh i started like 4 weeks or 5 ago they were going sweet and i had them 6 inch above plants and they started going brown tip yellow leaf then die off weird smell. 1 outt er 4 of that bunch i kept and the one that survived is like a mini roid stay stunted in upwards growth but i've back the light way higher for start and heat and temps staying ideal is this the best way 2 do it? my biggest question i got a 400 wat hps and bulb sitting their with my hammer stoned reflector but not air vented... just inline fan connected 2 carbon filter out the man hole ducting.

1.Would you use the MH or HPS for the start differences in watts are noticeable hps bulb is a son-t agro allot of green and yellow spectrum so yeah... things seem 2 be starting nice with the 250w mh. hps will come out for flower regardless but you do reckon i will see a rapid increase in growth time if i used the HPS for VEG.

i also got about 6 going atm grabbed afew a mate started and they were done under cfls
pics 2 follow if you like


Well-Known Member
Stick with the 250W for veg and the 400 hps for flowering so you have one ready to go in when the other is finished.


Well-Known Member
WoW your really are cooking your plant's they are not happy! Move your light to the top of you chamber and let the plant grow to it and fill the space..don't go by the rushed internet grow's...they suck! fuck the lamp's start at the beginning! place lamp 250w for vege in a cabinet where it will work! 3-4 feet away froom plant's and grow only vege don't give a crap about vege! You only smoke the bud it's all about the bud! you want the most you can get? Look at this set up cost 255.00 found ac on craig's list free..think about the future with the plant's make your time count my brother.....see my light? never been moved see my yield multiplying? see what you want here? grow smart not hard enjoy the grow want pound's or onces? really! listen to people who say "watts are weight keep light as close as possible" and pay the price..the proof is in the yield with no bullshit...I allways say show me your grow but they allway's have an excuse for the problem's they caused!!!I can prove my point I will show you if you are interested..good luch my brother! Wishing you only the best no matter how you go! jackView attachment 22108221000 watt cool thru at top.jpg1 month old veging out checking space!.jpgvege on right flower left ac+Co2.jpgLSD clones should have die'd hardy!!.jpgView attachment 2210822


your stuff is impressive no doubt but now you see what i'm working with this is my 2nd chance at it first yeah was going shit hot but didn't pick up on yellow leaves = light burn guess gotta learn by mistakes only kept one from the burn... lol see how we go been along time veg taking 4 ever. they are all in rock wool and perlite/vermiculite soil adding in nutes qrt strength... yeah you have a cooled hood don't need 2 adjust light i prob won't move mine 2 much keep it at around 70-75 Fahrenheit any advice you give go for it.


Well-Known Member
Well that's good that mean's there fighter's better genetic' just need to dial in your space..slow down breath and go one step at a time...learn from other's mistake's it hurt's less my brother! Is your light in a cool thru? if not does it have glass, can you comfortably place your hand on the glass directly below the bulb after 3-4 hours? Every time you bend flex hose it drop's by 50% capacity! which is why I said to put "Hard" elbo's where needed, will improve flow over 50% for your set-up! start here then figure out exactly how much exhaust you are actualy removing....3rd check bottom inlet for negative pressure....if all ok your temp's will stay in the 70's even with 1000 watts!..look at your set up and truthfuly answer these and you will find your problem....I can put my tongue on the glass under my lamp anytime! + my reflector is XXL and your reflector is the secound biggest source of heat!!light reflecting on surface=heat generated...if you still have a problem (you shouldn't) Try to understand one thing all indoor grow's of this size are the same! tent room cabinet ect...heat and circulation of fresh air maintaining temp's and adaquite can do this just take a deep breath and reinvestigate your lay have it all same as my grow ac reflective space 400watt or bigger (Class A bud's)...ballance...You can make any light a cool thru for 37.00 6" on have many choices...hope this help's my friend only wishing you the best! jack


Well that's good that mean's there fighter's better genetic' just need to dial in your space..slow down breath and go one step at a time...learn from other's mistake's it hurt's less my brother! Is your light in a cool thru? if not does it have glass, can you comfortably place your hand on the glass directly below the bulb after 3-4 hours? Every time you bend flex hose it drop's by 50% capacity! which is why I said to put "Hard" elbo's where needed, will improve flow over 50% for your set-up! start here then figure out exactly how much exhaust you are actualy removing....3rd check bottom inlet for negative pressure....if all ok your temp's will stay in the 70's even with 1000 watts!..look at your set up and truthfuly answer these and you will find your problem....I can put my tongue on the glass under my lamp anytime! + my reflector is XXL and your reflector is the secound biggest source of heat!!light reflecting on surface=heat generated...if you still have a problem (you shouldn't) Try to understand one thing all indoor grow's of this size are the same! tent room cabinet ect...heat and circulation of fresh air maintaining temp's and adaquite can do this just take a deep breath and reinvestigate your lay have it all same as my grow ac reflective space 400watt or bigger (Class A bud's)...ballance...You can make any light a cool thru for 37.00 6" on have many choices...hope this help's my friend only wishing you the best! jack

Cool cheers for the info jack... i have exhaust hooked up 6 inch carbon filter straight down thru roof of tent the inline fan hanging inside 6 inch also... ducting out the man hole..

only have a little xbox fan for intake and i tapped it to the bottom sucking air in... and it is only sucking air in from the walk in robe room and exhausting air out of the roof.

250w metal halide in a big bat wing like reflector hammer bashed aluminum can take upto 1500w it says on the ceramic fixture I've used my 400w hps in it (no cool tube..) which has forced me to move the light up around 20 inch mark the temps stay around 70-78 Fahrenheit..

even put the compact cfl on the best growing one.. i see what you mean jack by optimising your grow space for perfect day like temps and never having to adjust a thing just water (if soil lol) but like i said this is my first grow attempt i haven't done 2 bad for a starter plus renting gotta keep it all on the Down Low if was own house would have the windows n all blocked up ha


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm beliver of putting the sun where it belong's!! at the max height I can and let the plant's grow to it!You are doing awesome! you just need to dial it in!! I can break my room down in minutes.. I own my home but even if I rented would still do the same people come to my house all the time to try to help my wife who has hasamoto's (which is why I'm home 24/7) and even some friend's have no clue.........) allway's best to be stelth! Your intake seem's to be the problem....get a 16" box fan and use it to charge your tent! ttyl my friend! jack Think about the 39.00 cool tube on line and you can attach your hood above like mine!!!! jack1000 watt cool thru at top.jpgowl's shawdow update 023.jpggrow's up to this 2 months later!!.jpg


I've fixed my problem simple did this attached extra ducting tube down besides the MH bulb and right beside the fixture it sucks Nealy all heat away! lol got it 5-6 inch above plants are like Christmas tree's light up hard keeping steady temps no where better 2 have exhaust air sucking right besides the Metal Halide bulb works a charm.