Keep finding "pods"


Well-Known Member
My large female plant with three large colas keeps having these small pods on the sides that almost look like male sacks but they aren't.

I only find one remote one every few days nothing within the actual budding sites..

Is this common?


Well-Known Member
Some plants later in flowering put out what look like a 1/4 sized peanut, its not a male flower its just kind of a growth. It will develop resin glands like the normal calyxs tho and wont pollenate your plant (cos its not a male site). A pic would help tho just to make sure!


Well-Known Member
Some plants later in flowering put out what look like a 1/4 sized peanut, its not a male flower its just kind of a growth. It will develop resin glands like the normal calyxs tho and wont pollenate your plant (cos its not a male site). A pic would help tho just to make sure!

that is exactly what i've been finding. I pinched them all off today but I'll post a pic when i find another.