Keeping a Photo Period Plant in Veg.

First time posting here, first time grower as well. Here's the situation, i have a Bruce Banner Photo Period Plant. She has been to hell and back again and then hell and back again. She started off as a clone, outside. Anyway, she was only 6 inches tall and it was mid summer. So we decided to bring her inside into a 3x3 tent. Anyway, the shock of all that nearly killed her. She bounced back and is now the size you see in the picture. About 3 weeks ago, i noticed that she had Spider Mites so that was fun too. All cleared up now. I also have 3 Blueberry AutoFlowers in the tent with her as well. They are on Week 1 of Bloom. Obviously i need to keep in Veg until the Auto's are done. What do i need to do. We topped her to stop growing and i think she is pot bound as well as she is in a 2 Gal Pot. Leaves look like that have nutrient burn, i flushed her last night and got the PPM on the runoff down from over 500 to 280PPM. Should i have taken the PPM down further? Any suggestions on how to keep her healthy while i wait until the Autoflower's are done sometime at the end of December. How much should i feed her to keep her alive. Using Pro-Mix HP.59599683276__8CF32F34-5430-4ADD-958A-A228CCB32EA3.JPG
I've performed LST on her, i'm just concerned with her colour. She used to be a nice dark green and is now this light lime colour. Of course all this happened after we topped her and got spider mites. I wouldn't mind keeping her in veg until the spring and then throw her outside and let her go.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
She looks rough, but plants often bounce back. You have a plan. Don’t muck it up by changing it. She needs stability. She’s like a child of divorce who’s been shuttled about too much! I bet she makes it, and thrives once back outside.
Since my 3 auto’s are in flower, I flipped my COB’s on and the plant might be showing signs of light burn, so I moved her to the clone tent under a 30 watt T5 LED let’s see what happens I guess.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
That photo period is a clone, can I still clone it again? Probably not.
sure you can, you can clone any photo. the only reason you can't clone an auto is the timer doesn't reset with the clone, the clone is still at the point of maturity of the plant you took it off of, so it'll never have time to mature.
you can take a clone off of an auto, and even get it to root, but it'll never get very big, and may or may not have time to get into flower, and almost guaranteed it won't have time to finish flowering


Hasn’t happened yet - on our 5th go round cloning the same plant from a clone of a clone. Pretty well tired of that strain now, so we will pop some different strain seeds the next time.