keeping cats out of the garden

I like dogs and I like cats.
Grew up with both. Was a competitive dog obedience handler.

Dogs are great but Cats are just cool. They can become dog like as they get older. Follow you around etc.

Cats don't dig holes, you don't have to clean up the cat shit from the yard. You can load up a cats bowl and go away for a few days... You don't need to wash a cat. They don't slobber over you. You don't need to walk them everyday.

Are they dead set natural born killers? fk yes. But there are wild dog problems for a reason to.

For those saying kill them just for the sake of killing them..well ur a part of the slime that's called the Human race. We wipe out whole species without a second look. Fkn scary the amount of species we have already wiped out in our short timeframe. Some humans even kill for fun without any risk to themselves. Cat always has a risk of getting hurt.
people don't realize that cats a one of the most devastating animals to our ecosystem, they wipe out many native species and spread disease. Disgusting creatures. People who have cats that arnt exclusively indoor cats need a reality check. There should be a reward for ridding this pest.

That's what europe did 6 centuries ago. Three quarters of the population soon died off to the plague.

The best way to keep em out of the garden; fence or plant catnip nearby.
I like dogs and I like cats.
Grew up with both. Was a competitive dog obedience handler.

Dogs are great but Cats are just cool. They can become dog like as they get older. Follow you around etc.

Cats don't dig holes, you don't have to clean up the cat shit from the yard. You can load up a cats bowl and go away for a few days... You don't need to wash a cat. They don't slobber over you. You don't need to walk them everyday.

Are they dead set natural born killers? fk yes. But there are wild dog problems for a reason to.

For those saying kill them just for the sake of killing them..well ur a part of the slime that's called the Human race. We wipe out whole species without a second look. Fkn scary the amount of species we have already wiped out in our short timeframe. Some humans even kill for fun without any risk to themselves. Cat always has a risk of getting hurt.
I hate my cat it use to shit around my weed plants then I caged them to the ground...cats still alive
I hate my cat it use to shit around my weed plants then I caged them to the ground...cats still alive
yea...but did you have to pick it up like ya do Dog shit?

My cats piss and shit in the garden to, but I don't go looking for

I have Wallaby, Roo, Bandicoot, Native hen, Rabbit, Bat, Plover and Possum shit all over my lawn..I aint picking it up....
yea...but did you have to pick it up like ya do Dog shit?

My cats piss and shit in the garden to, but I don't go looking for

I have Wallaby, Roo, Bandicoot, Native hen, Rabbit, Bat, Plover and Possum shit all over my lawn..I aint picking it up....
I just don' like how the cunt of a thing digs holes and buried it...easy solution tho with cage all the way to ground
yea...but did you have to pick it up like ya do Dog shit?

My cats piss and shit in the garden to, but I don't go looking for

I have Wallaby, Roo, Bandicoot, Native hen, Rabbit, Bat, Plover and Possum shit all over my lawn..I aint picking it up....
My dog cant get into the area
this reminds me of when i went on a cruise 2 tasie we went to port arther whwre there was what i think was wambat shit it was everywhere iv been tninking of what can be gotten for free and what is really good to compost im sure with shit tho it needs to compost for ages and tjere couod be mycrobes u dont want but if a person knew there shit pun intended about mycrobes and knee how to get all tje right mycrobes in it idk i just thought at the time when u couldent move without steppjng in it maye as well use it lol there is a small man made lake that has alot of birds might be a good sourse to get some bim
When I bought my house near Cape Town, it was a newbuilt area with pretty much sea sand when I went to look at it the first time.
Anyway, during this time we had a family of 8 cats. They turned that white sand into soil. I was the only house on the street with lawn.
u live in south africa do u have to wurry about lions n stuff africas cool africas probably the coolest place for a stoner u can get stoned and zit on the porch n its lice watching animal planet
Lol lions, only if you go to the lion park. Actually, there is a cool one nearby.
I'm in a small village that is pretty much the same way it has always been.
Very conservative and mostly affluent. At least the white part is. It is beautiful yet similar to a small village in Italy or France.
When I bought my house near Cape Town, it was a newbuilt area with pretty much sea sand when I went to look at it the first time.
Anyway, during this time we had a family of 8 cats. They turned that white sand into soil. I was the only house on the street with lawn.
Are you experiencing the lack of water problem in Cape town?
this reminds me of when i went on a cruise 2 tasie we went to port arther whwre there was what i think was wambat shit it was everywhere iv been tninking of what can be gotten for free and what is really good to compost im sure with shit tho it needs to compost for ages and tjere couod be mycrobes u dont want but if a person knew there shit pun intended about mycrobes and knee how to get all tje right mycrobes in it idk i just thought at the time when u couldent move without steppjng in it maye as well use it lol there is a small man made lake that has alot of birds might be a good sourse to get some bim
Port Arthur is an awesome place to visit. Ive been there a couple times but want to do the ghost tour...
You know what? I love kitties. I do... BUT
As a natural born Californian and as much as I love kitties I have no place for them within my garden. That said, here is a phucked-up story that ya'all just might enjoy.

I did something horrible. I met a woman on the internet and moved to Texas. The cool part is that all those downright God-awfully beautiful Texans are some fine ladies. The bad part is they have a back side. But that's not what I'm getting at. That's another story within itself. I've grown vegetables in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Washington State. But Texas found me in a very unique position...

This little old lady on the block behind us went into a retirement home. Okay. Three weeks later her son comes in and well, we have a very unique situation here. See, this little old lady, unbeknownst to the outside world had 27 cats locked-up inside of her house. Now, any good humanitarian would've called-in Animal Services and there would've been an implemented protocol. Wull we weren't so lucky. her son decided to open up all the windows and doors and set 27 malnourished felines astray within a small podunk Texas town.

Now, I'd made several calls to law enforcement but nothing really came of it. My "organic" backyard garden was being decimated by felines and there was no proxy for alleviating the problem. So I called in the County Sheriff and when he came down he had a different message, "IF they are a public nuisance, IF they are causing damage to your vehicles and your home, your garden etc... SHOOT them.

Okay. Now I don't necessarily condone the killing of any domestic animals but these cock suckerz were spraying our cars, pooping in my truck bed, my back laundry room reeked of amonia... so I took action.

I didn't like it but... I alleviated the situation over the course or two weeks with a semi-auto .25 Cal pre-charged pneumatic air rifle from my bathroom window using an infrared night vision scope. My girlfriends sons turned out being a better shot than I was.

It just is what it is.
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