Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting a small (1g, 8 site) aeroponic cloner to take some cuttings from my current grow. I was wondering if anyone with experience cloning with these knows if I would be able to keep the cuttings in this cloner for an entire flowering cycle, or what tips/tricks people have for keeping clones for a long time when they want to hold on to clones without keeping a mother plant. I do not have a second tent, so they would need to stay small enough to stay in a pretty small space (height wise) during this time.
Would I be able to just continue to trim the top growth or would the roots get out of control?
Can I trim the roots as well if they do?
In the past I have just stored cuttings in plain water for a few weeks but it was much easier because when they rooted I just put them in solo cups until I was ready to put into larger pots in the grow room.
Would I be able to just continue to trim the top growth or would the roots get out of control?
Can I trim the roots as well if they do?
In the past I have just stored cuttings in plain water for a few weeks but it was much easier because when they rooted I just put them in solo cups until I was ready to put into larger pots in the grow room.