Keeping clones for a long time (8-10 weeks)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about getting a small (1g, 8 site) aeroponic cloner to take some cuttings from my current grow. I was wondering if anyone with experience cloning with these knows if I would be able to keep the cuttings in this cloner for an entire flowering cycle, or what tips/tricks people have for keeping clones for a long time when they want to hold on to clones without keeping a mother plant. I do not have a second tent, so they would need to stay small enough to stay in a pretty small space (height wise) during this time.

Would I be able to just continue to trim the top growth or would the roots get out of control?
Can I trim the roots as well if they do?

In the past I have just stored cuttings in plain water for a few weeks but it was much easier because when they rooted I just put them in solo cups until I was ready to put into larger pots in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Why not just reclone your cuttings if they get too big? That's how I keep cuttings around in a limited space setup, without keeping a mother.


Well-Known Member
dwc grows too damn fast, maybe if you have a small cfl light it will slow them down and keep them barely alive but healthy.


Well-Known Member
Good idea on clones from the cuttings, if things get too crazy on the original cuttings I can try to just trim the top back and re-cut the roots off to begin the rooting process over.

Was planning on using a little 90w UFO LED for a light, but could exchange that with a couple small CFLs if getting to much top growth.
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I've stored them in a fridge for up to 4-6 weeks,
just keep them in a damp plastic bag,
air every 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
Thanks all. I think what I will do is pull my cuttings about 1 week into flowering(after transition), store in the fridge for 2 weeks and then put into the cloner. That should buy me enough time, and if not I can "re-root" the clones by turning them back into cuttings. If nothing else, it is at least an interesting experiment.


Well-Known Member
Man I have seen cuts in a ziploc with water in a fridge that have gone for 9+ month and still rooted.