keeping colonizing jars warm

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i seem to have a problem in my house keeping jars warm. i know they should be around 80 degrees but my house is at about 65. how can i keep them insulated and warm for a week or two


Well-Known Member
The eaziest thing to do is stick them on top of a electrical device like a cable box or computer hard drive

I think others will tell you different but 65 F it is possible to collonise jars it will just take longer


Well-Known Member
Above the fridge is what a lot of people do.

But I use heading pads that are for reptiles. Not directly on the jars though...


I used a small reptile heating mat to do this years ago. A seedling heat mat could help too, same idea.


Well-Known Member
Patience, there is nothing wrong with slower colonization if you are shaking your jars. Be aware that mycelium makes it's own heat, you can, and I have, placed the jars close together and laid a thermal blanket over them, you can get 10 degrees out of such an arrangement.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
awesome i will use a mixture of both seedling mat and close together with a blanket over them.

also my wbs smells a bit strange. i cannot tell if it is the smell of the wbs or contam since i am used to using corn. is this something normal or should i be concerned?
Have a Xbox 360? On top of the power brick is warm. If they are in a cabinet make sure the cabinet is not near the edge of the house. Cold air from outside can also make the cabinet colder like it did to mine.