Keeping her alive


Well-Known Member
After harvest, is there anything special to do, in order to keep the plant alive ? Like any certain nutrients, or anything ? I've never had a problem before, just putting them back to the normal veg cycle. This is one, I really don't want to lose though. So I just want to make sure I do everything I can.


Sector 5 Moderator
Are you saying you routinely harvest the bud and re-veg the plant??? I don't see how that's possible.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Dude...are you serious. Your profile says "Able to Roll a Joint". You cannot re-use a plant after harvest. Are you saying that you pick the "ready" buds off and what you have left is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree? And then you are going to do something with that. If so, you may want to read my SIG on my profile. Peace


Well-Known Member

It depends what he means by "harvest" If all he did was strip the buds from his plant and trim it down and left it in its medium, then by all means he can reveg all over again. I did it not long ago with a hempy bucket, and at least it was a little bigger the 2nd time around.


New Member
I think I will agree with Cobnobuler, I have seen people get multiple harvests from the same plant, it just takes quite a long time to get back into the veg stage. As a matter of fact, and this is for you snkt.

In the book Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes, on page 95 he talks about REJUVENATION he wrote " Rejuvenate harvested females by leaving several undeveloped lower branches with foliage on plants. Give her an 18/6 day/night photoperiod. The female will stop flowering and rejuvenate and revert back to vegetative growth stage. Give the harvested, leafy, buddy stubs an increased dose of high-nitrogen fertilizer to promote green, leafy growth. This will help the harvested plant grow more foliage as it reverts back to vegetative growth after four to six weeks. New, green, leafy growth will sprout from the branches and flower tops. Leaves will continue to grow more and more "fingers" as re-vegetation progresses. Let the rejuvenated plants grow until they are the desired size before inducing flowering with a 12 hour photoperiod. If the second crops are allowed to grow too tall, they produce sparse buds. Remember, these plants are already root bound and when given dim light, sparse buds result. Here is a possible scenario to rejuvenate plants. For example, a person who grew a beautiful crop of females and knew each plant by name, had to harvest. Instead of starting from seed again, the grower decided to leave a few leaves and buds on the harvested stubby branches. He induced vegetative growth with 18-hour days and 6 hour nights the day after harvesting. A month later, he took many clones from these original favorite females. The clones were rooted, transplanted, and moved into a flowering room. The original harvest was taken on January 1st. The second harvest was April 1st. The second harvest weighed less, and the buds were smaller. Taking clones from rejuvenated plants also diffuses hormones and severely stresses plants."

I hope this helps you brother, don't let people who degrade you get you down. More often then not, if all they have to say is derogitory they just don't posses the intelligence to say anything helpful. I.E. snkt.

Keep us posted on your results!


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you routinely harvest the bud and re-veg the plant??? I don't see how that's possible.
Yep, it's totally possible. As long as you don't strip it completely. I actually have one in the yard that's starting to flower again now, from my winter harvest.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Dude...are you serious. Your profile says "Able to Roll a Joint". You cannot re-use a plant after harvest. Are you saying that you pick the "ready" buds off and what you have left is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree? And then you are going to do something with that. If so, you may want to read my SIG on my profile. Peace
lol wtf ?? hes right maybe you should read his!


Sector 5 Moderator
Yep, it's totally possible. As long as you don't strip it completely. I actually have one in the yard that's starting to flower again now, from my winter harvest.
Great info man!! So maybe I would *rather* grow from a clone, considering the downside of a lower harvest but there is an upside to that. You would have at least a month to
dry and cure the bud, so you would know what it was like. Then you could decide if it would be worth revegging her just for the clones. That's a real advantage.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey there 91G. I'm sorry if you took what I was trying to say the wrong way. I just noticed that you replied to me, but I cannot find it on this thread except as a quote from another member. You apparently replied:

"You may want to read your own sig, and be quiet. Even better yet, before you open your dick sucker, know WTF your talking about."

We should not name call here and, again, if that's how you read my reply, I am really sorry. I probably do need to live by my SIG. Glad to see, however that you have received some good ideas here. Peace


Well-Known Member
are u fucking retard bro!!??!! cannabis is only 1 time crop !
WTF...Fool... Cannabis only a one time crop. You sure don't know Shit
Re Vegging the same plant after harvesting , has been practiced for a long time.
I have done it many times.
Read up on it and learn something.


Well-Known Member
You gotta love when the noobs think they know it all...Leave the bottom 4 branches with some popcorn buds and as many leaves as possible. Give it 24/0 and start on 1/2 strength veg nutes and in 2 weeks you should have some crazy looking growth. It is not a 100% guarantee that it will make it but it usually does. Good luck!


New Member
you can always reveg, leave as many leaves on as possible...a few buds as well, small larfy ones...and if you reveg all the time mate, then there's nothing special you need to do. Keep doin what works buddy


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you routinely harvest the bud and re-veg the plant??? I don't see how that's possible.
Dude...are you serious. Your profile says "Able to Roll a Joint". You cannot re-use a plant after harvest. Are you saying that you pick the "ready" buds off and what you have left is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree? And then you are going to do something with that. If so, you may want to read my SIG on my profile. Peace
are u fucking retard bro!!??!! cannabis is only 1 time crop !
Wow...I'm glad you guys said it can't be done cuz I've been doin it for awhile now :dunce:...I'd better, I do keep the very bottom branches on and reveg all the time it's a good mother cuz no training and you have multiple branches to make new clones...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
nice buddy. im glad i saw this thread. i was wondering how to accomplish this.
jorge cerventes man. what doesnt he know about the ganj lol